Saturday, February 14, 2009

THE MOLE PEOPLE - Joseph Gershenson - "Like Nothing Your Eyes Have Seen Before" (1956)

Nothing quite says I love you sweetheart like "The Mole People." And you can thank director Virgil Vogel for that!!

"The Mole People" starts off with an introduction by USC English Professor Frank Baxter, who had quite a little career going, generally playing himself! To me, it sounds like Dr. Phil completely swiped Frank's style and speech technique!! The less than spectacular soundtrack was pieced together by music supervisor Joseph Gershenson using music composed by Heinz Roemheld, Hans J. Salter, and Herman Stein!

We'll be the greatest partners, buddies, and pals, Hugh Beaumont as Dr. Jud Bellamin and John Agar as Dr. Roger Bentley carry the whole thing!!

It wasn't easy either, pretty dang difficult set to get to!!

Those dark caverns made for a great opportunity for some awesome lighting, and cinematographer Ellis Carter took full advantage of it!

So they had to go way up and then come back way down and ended up here!!

They're so tired, John is sleeping with his head on a rock, or at least he was til that big mole hand came out and got him!

Going down!! First floor, ladies lingerie!!!

If nothing else, this movie proves without a shadow of a doubt that the ancient Sumerians were a bunch of uptight pricks!!

The Sumerians want to kill John and Hugh, but because they have the power of light, they are able to convince them they were sent by The Gods!!

So they are free to roam around, but you can bet those sneaky Sumerians are spying on them and planning on stealing their weapon of mass destruction, the almighty flashlight!! Watch out guys!!!

John Agar reciting prose with background music played by Cynthia Patrick, as Adad, on her Sumerian Gibson Custom XG mandolin, is probably the romantic highlight of the film!

Then it's time for still yet another one of those wild and krazy ritualistic traditional Sumerian let's all get together, eat some mushrooms, and run around in circles until some one falls down, dance routines! Yeehah!!

Come on in, the sand's fine!!!

Jack Kevan, who gets credit for the mole masks was up to his elbows in design and makeup over the years, having had something to do on all 3 of the "Creature" titles, "Monster On The Campus", "It Came From Outer Space", "Monster Of Piedras Blancas", "This Island Earth" and even a couple of Abbott and Costello films! Now that there's some "Monster" history!!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

LA GUERRA DEI ROBOT - Marcus Griffen (Marcello Giombini) - "Stratostars" (1978)

It's a Freaky Funky Friday The 13th, and since it just doesn't get much better than that, let's get it on with tonight's feature outta Italy, "La Guerra Dei Robot" or "War Of The Robots"!!!!

Although he had been writing music for the movies since 1961, the incredible Marcello Giombini, working, and getting credited here as Marcus Griffen, hadn't really worked in any horror of sci-fi genres until the mid 70's. You're going to really like Marcello's electrosonic score! It's not quite like anything else we've heard around beautiful this area, lately!

Is it real difficult to tell this movie was made in the 70's?? Check out this cat's space robe!

There is no shortage of less than macho lookin' dudes in silver suits and blonde wigs. I think they would have looked spacier if they had those multi-coloured wigs like the girls at "The Crazy Horse" in Vegas!!

Then the newly crowned champion of the "Universal Innerstellar Wrasslin' Federation" steps in to show off his stuff!!

It's just like some kind of "Krazy Dream," all of a sudden everybody's disco dancing, I mean Kung-Fu fighting to the beat! Hah!!

These guys remind me a lot of an English band from 1965 called "The Hullaballoos!" They all had long bleach blonde hair or wigs, and their songs all sounded like Buddy Holly covers!! Rave on!!

Um, very interesting "Star Wars" was released one year earlier than "War Of The Robots!" Imagine that!!

The maximum veritable epitome of Spaceness, 1978 Italian style!!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

INCUBUS / Contempo III Productions - 1965 / Music by Dominic Frontiere

Okay, get ready for super oddity from 1965, star William Shatner and produce by Leslie Stevens, Mr. OUTER LIMITS!.. Film in Big Sur with dialogue in Esperanto!!


About time we feature Mr. Dominic Frontiere!!!

Here is why, other thing he do music for, all TV - 31 episode OUTER LIMITS, 15 episode THE INVADERS, 37 episode THE RAT PATROL, THE FUGITIVE, THAT GIRL, THE FLYING NUN! Oh, and one flick he do... HANG 'EM HIGH!!!

Hit it, Ralphie!.. OUTER INCUBUS!

Start with dude be all drunk. He very horny for beautiful gurlie he lookin' at. Dude act like total pervert, a very disgusting galoot!

Okay, now, she not helping!!

Atchally, gurlie was fooling big, dumb, drunk-on-ass fool who even trip and hit head hard on big rock, but he keep on following pipe dream anyway!!!

Trust me, dude get less than what he deserve here! Oh well, one more soul for good old Satan!!

On way home to gingerbread house, witch gurlie see Marc and sister, just sitting there. Nice shot!

So, Kia fall in love wif' Marc, but head honcho try to remind her why she here and who she work for!!

Witch gurlz say lots Esperanto word and Incubus crawl out of grave! He needed for duty!!

In meantime, Marc fall asleep and have pretty bad dream!!

Incubus kinda creepy...

Marc save Kia from goat at end, so, he give her extra tight hug!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

THE UNEARTHLY - Henry Vars - "Time For Music" (1957)

Tonight's feature is pretty standard fare for all the film freaks out there, and for good reason, and that one reason is, it's "Unearthly"!!!!!!! The word "Unearthly" has a couple of different meanings that are at odds with each other, it means eerie or strange and it also means perfect! "Unearthly" is also defined as unreasonable, hence I think that pretty much defines this whole movie! Kind of like Gawdawful!!

Hey everybody, meet Danny Green, as played by the unforgettable Arthur Batanides! Last time we saw Arthur, he was going for some jewelry, but got a ring he didn't want in "The Leech Woman."

What a tough job, hassling the February, 1957 Playmate Of The Month, the "Unearthly" Miss Sally Todd! I honestly believe Arthur was capable of playing one of the most annoying characters ever! He really knew how to be perfectly obnoxious!!

Barbara Payton's story was sad indeed, but the saddest story of the era, is the story of Dungeon Fave, the beyond "Unearthly" Allison Hayes! Allison got one of the rawest deals of all time, seeing some quack doctor who prescribed her to take pills made from horses like 50 years old with a lead percentage akin to living in a nuclear power plant. She felt like Hell, but she trusted her doctor, so he doubled her prescription, and her health just continued to distenegrate. Allison was finally able to diagnose her own problem by reading and reseaching, but it was too late. She had lead poisoing, which led to leukemia and her final demise at 46 years of age. What a drag!!! We all miss Allison a lot!!

John Carradine is causing problems again, this time as Dr. Charles Conway, brilliant mad scientist and mediocre organist!!


Okay, Tor's got a gun, and Arthur's got his mouth and the guy in the middle is Myron Healey as Mark Houston. I don't think Myron ever did any other monster movies, he was too busy making like 9 million TV and film westerns!! Pretty tough dude for a guy named Myron!

This is Tor Johnson's job, and he was unmatched in his ability to carry women around and look good at it!!

Oh, no, what happened to Sally?

Doctor, do you know what happened to Sally?? Oh, No, not me!!

One year later after "The Black Sleep" and they're still keeping creature peoples down, but this "Unearthly" crew might live on forever! Oh, crap, more prisons!!
More menacing monster makeup by the master, Scary Harry Thomas makes this movie stick in your mind more than anything, and we've written about him before, the composer for the music in "The Unearthly" was the magnificent Henry Vars!!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??