Thursday, January 22, 2009

THE MUMMY'S SHROUD / Hammer - 1967 / Music by Don Banks

Tabonga takin' ever'bloody to Egypt for tonight 'mummy' music posting. This is wild little flick from Hammer with great cast as usual and include André Morell, John Phillips, Elizabeth Sellars, Richard Warner and Michael Ripper.

Even though music guy Don Banks have very short career, he compose for some cool movie like NIGHT CREATURES, PANIC, NIGHTMARE, HYSTERIA, DIE, MONSTER, DIE!, THE FROZEN DEAD, THE REPTILE, TORTURE GARDEN and more!!

So, here is... THEME and TOUCH of HORROR!

Okay, so you in Egypt, minding own business in ancient tomb looking for stuff to take back to England to make fortune with... Then dude pop out from behind a brick and yell at you!!.. What kind of mondo we live in?!!

Actually, dude and fortune teller mom is bad guys! They know how to control mummy, so better watch out!!!

Tabonga warn him to watch out, but, he no listen to Tabonga, so, get what he deserve!!

Mummy iz one mean SOB, no kidding! When is last time you see mummy with axe?!.. DAMN!!

Okay, we try everything else, just hold up shroud and see what happen!!..



GONE!!!.. Huh?.. It woiked?!!

Tabonga signing off 'til next Tuesday... Have a happy nightmare, or two!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

LA VAMPIRE NUE (The Nude Vampire) - Yvon Serault - "The New Era Of The Mutants" (1970)

I ain't even been right lately, and I didn't even know this French film was made in 1970 until I sat down to do this, but it's too late now. The date on this Freaky-Deaky WTF movie doesn't really make that much difference, I didn't know what the Hell was going on half the time I was watching it anyway, but I will tell you one thing, it's got a weird free jazz world music soundtrack that's hard to beat!! The wild score for this flick was written by some crazy cat name Yvon Serault, in his solo film outing as far as I can tell, and that's about all the info you can beat out of me without any further torture, because I need to crawl back into the cave!!

"There were never any vampires, but there are mutants!"

So here's what this movie is about! There is these three cats enjoying this gal's dance just a little too much!

You've got this painter artiste guy!!

This is his model!! She seems to have some real serious issues!!

Then there's this gal!!

And then there's these girls!!

Wrap it all up with a speech from this mutant goober priest, and don't forget to remember "You are helpless against evolution!!" And that's just about it!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

STRANGER FROM VENUS / Princess Pictures UK - 1954 / Music by Eric Spear

Tonight, Tabonga scrape bottom of barrel for soundclip! Make Eegah! mad too!!! Flick feature Patricia Neal and husband Helmut Dantine. Try and capitalize on wifie be in THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL...

Start wif' UFO over England and make ever'bloody look up at amazing sight as it zoom by and make loud 'humming' noise like never heard on Earth before!!!

Nothing for Kreng here!! People have look like they watching dog take crap on lawn!! Ho hum, must just be stupid comet!!

Music guy Eric Spear make what music you can find! He also do THE VULTURE and DER FALL X701 you can find here at Dungeon!

Buzzz, buzzz, buzz!!.. STRANGE DUDE FROM VENUS!

Patricia listening to radio when UFO come overhead and make her crash into tree!

Okay now, here is super cheap way to create suspense. Don't show face of dude for 10 minute before showing, and make look like something important going on!!

So, they figure out he from Venus an' decide to get dude' fingerprint for posterity. Ha-ha, joke on fingerprint guy!!

"Hey! What you try and pull here?!"

Near end, Mother Ship come, and what else?.. Right, ever'bloody look up!


Weenie end, Helmut get comfy, then hold Patricia' scarf... Camera pan over to pretty lake... So pretty... Pan back to Helmut and just scarf there!.. Stu-pit!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

X: THE MAN WITH THE X-RAY EYES - Les Baxter - "Pluck It Out" (1963)

The ending of "X" is a very somber and sordid affair, and not real uplifting! I've been sick, so now's the perfect time to get it out of my system! This is basically the sequence of events in between these two lobby cards, and the music goes on to The End! The preacher is played to perfection by veteran actor John Dierkes!

"If thine eye offends thee, SOUNDCLIP NO LONGER AVAILABLE

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??