Friday, January 16, 2009

RAT PFINK A BOO BOO - Henry Price/Ron Haydock - "Homage To Ray Dennis Steckler!" (1966)

HOMAGE: Old French from the 13th century meaning a formal public acknowledgment of allegiance on the part of a vassal towards a feudal lord!! Right On!!

So, without further delay, tonight we present a small homage to madman film maker, Ray Dennis Steckler, who just passed away last week and was the epitome of 60's cheap film making. I'm going to tell you right out front that this film, "Rat Pfink A Boo Boo" is not an easy film to watch, in fact, it's right up there with Arch Hall's "Nasty Rabbit" in the "I've seen it once, and that was enough" category, but again, just like "Nasty Rabbit," the music is completely and utterly fantastic! If Dennis couldn't take it seriously, then I sure as Hell can't, but give the man some credit for marketing!! A film as crappy as this is plenty available today, and yet, there's a bunch of 'real' classic monster movies, that you can't even find a copy of, to save your soul!! He'd go by Ray or Sven, or Wolfgang, Cash, Max or Cindy Lou, but whatever you call him, make sure you also call Ray Dennis Steckler a genius!! Thanx for the good times Buddy!!!

It's pretty easy to get sucked in at the start of the film, and it's lookin' all kinda film noirish, but it doesn't last for long, and the gang characters look like they are in their 20's but act like they are 13! It sure looks good, though, so give a big hand to Cinematographer, that's right, Ray Dennis Steckler!!!

This is Lonnie Lord played by Ron Haywood! "Lonnie is a Rock & Roll singer!!" Ron wrote and performed most of the actual songs in this movie, like this one: "You're Running Wild"!

As far as the rest of the great score goes, the theme music was written by Henry Price, aka André Brummer, who also did the music for Ray's "The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies!!?" and what is possibly the best movie ever made, "Eegah!!" The credits on the movie itself say the theme and the motorcycle scene are by Charles B. Tranum! More credits at the end of the film go to Ben Ralleigh and Bob Halley! All these people used so many different names, who really knows who did what!!

The ultra stunning Carolyn Brandt as Cee Bee Beaumont put in what should have been only one, of her many Academy Award winning performances in Ray's films, and she was in "Eegah!!" too! That makes her an automatic winner in our world!!

If nothing else, just a cool page out of history!! When's the last time you got any 'blue chip stamps?' How many people out there even know what 'blue chip stamps' were??

The band is finally warmed up, so here's what you've been waiting for, once again composed and performed by Ron Haydock as Lonnie Lord, you is a "Rat Pfink!" !!!

Guys like Ray Dennis Steckler and Jerry Warren were 'Green' way before their time, recycling everything they could get their grubby hands on!!

Come back tomorrow night for Part 02 of this story, of the less than dynamic duo, if you dare!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

El Imperio de Drácula aka EMPIRE OF DRACULA / Mexico - 1967 / Music by Gustavo César Carrión

Tonight The Dungeon present super color-saturated still and chalk board scratching soundclip from 'nother Mex Vampire Mix Flick... Hey, and Bram Stoker get writing credit!! Pretty damn good for dead guy!

Big time monster music man Gustavo César Carrión have 319 composing credit and include these fine flick: EL MONSTRUO EN LA SOMBRA, LA ADULTERA, EL VAMPIRO, MISTERIOS DE ULTRATUMBA, EL HOMBRE Y EL MONSTRUO, EL GRITO DE LA MUERTE, FRANKESTEIN: EL VAMPIRO Y COMPANIA, EL BARON DEL TERROR and too many more!!!

Ready, set, go to!.. DRAC'S PLACE 1967!

Bat ring let you know who big boss around here is!!

Ever'bloody like to scream in tonight' flick!!

Mexican monster flick always have interesting transformation scene!.. Here is tonight' version.

Drac live in pretty fancy pad but it also have creepy underground rooms! Second photo is cool!!

Bone head 'n' tooth enamel!

To save gurlie' soul, dude chase down other dude, have big fight, put gurlie' coffin on the earth, put cross on gurlie and that all it take to save from eternal damnation!!.... Go figure!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

THE BEACH GIRLS AND THE MONSTER - Chuck Sagle - "The End" (1961)

It's time to get back to the roots! This is a very short, but iconoclastic piece from the end of "The Beach Girls And The Monster" that we've had hanging around for a long time, that is just too good to get left behind, so without further delay, from one of the all-time Monster Movie classics, here's "The End"!!!!! I love this little soundbite, as we all come that much closer to the inevitable!!

I was saving this for when we got to the end of this blog, but I guess we're not ready to drive off the edge of the cliff yet, and there doesn't seem to be any end in sight!!

There's nothing else I have to say about this Fresno born, Jon Hall masterpiece of trashy monster culture except "That's all, folks!!" Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

JESSE JAMES MEETS FRANKENSTEIN'S DAUGHTER / Circle Productions - 1966 / Music by Raoul Kraushaar

What in Hell!.. It already Tabonga Tuesday again!!

Welp, get ready for this very odd flick where Hollywood try and tie monster in with cowboy! This originally billed wif' BILLY THE KID vs DRACULA!!

Music maestro Raoul Kraushaar make over 100 composing credit!! Even though he do mainly western, he also work on some monster flick which include: CARUCU, BEAST OF THE AMAZON, THE UNKNOWN TERROR, BACK FROM THE DEAD, THE 30 FOOT BRIDE OF CANDY ROCK, ISLAND OF LOST WOMEN, THE BAMBOO SAUCER...

Here is tonight' offering... COWBOY MONSTER!!

The Frankensteins move to old west and set up shop, great lightning storm out there on rolling plains!! Actually, a pretty clever idea!

Party time in lab!! Hey, color flick, so make electric helmet that really catch viewer eye, why not??!..

Big strong dude Cal Bolder play Hank, Jesse James' partner. Here he is fighting in street for cash.

Jim Davis talking there to Rayford Barnes who play Lonny. Rayford could play biggest weasel in history, serious!

Then, John Lupton play Jesse and Estelita Rodriguez play Jaunita. Hank get shot because Lonny double cross them during robbery. Juanita can only think of one doctor, at Frankenstein' castle!

Narda Onyx play Dr. Maria Frankenstein, she wearing matching helmet to program victim and then be under her control!

Hank get new name Igor, Maria very nostalgic. She have him beat holy crap out of ever'bloody in sight!!

So, Maria decide to take advantage of drugged Jesse while nobloody lookin'...

Then, Igor walk in and get jealous!!

But, Juanita not going for that, so she shoot Igor!.. Or Hank!.. Or Hagor!.. Whatever!!

Hey! Look like we make 100,000 hit tomorrow!!!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

YUSEI OJI (Prince Of Space) - Katsuhisa Hattori - "Looks Like A Flying Saucer" (1959)

Forget those phony "Teenagers From Outer Space" weenies and all their stinkin' problems, tonight we have the real thing, "The Prince Of Space", and watch out, because although he's a nice guy, he's pissed!

Unbelievable as it may seem, those two movies were released within two months of each other, both in 1959! It's up to you to decide who was more sophisticated, but then again, it might be a moot point!! The Teenagers had a flying corkscrew, these guys have got what looks like a flying fried reptilian chicken!

Joji Oka as the Phantom of Krankor made his first film back way in 1929! Maybe that explains why he has his moustache on upside down!

I need to know, is this really the best they could do? They really couldn't find anybody to do a better makeup job on the noses than that, and somebody really thought that was good enough! I don't get it!

Are they going to need digital converters, or do they only get AM talk radio? Maybe that's why they're so hostile!!!

You see, it's a social problem! These poor cats have been at the bottom of the list for so long, they just can't take it anymore. Can you imagine being in line waiting for your number to come up when you're Z4, and they're on B7000? Yeah, right, you're going to develop an attitude problem after awhile, and it looks like they spend way too much time on their knees!!!

Now how in the Hell am I supposed to explain this???

My favorite line is spoken by The Prince himself, "Now look, give up, or I'll have to kill you!" Tell me Clint Eastwood never saw this movie!

Compser Katsuhisa Hattori had a varied career that included Japanese versions of TV cartoons "Swiss Family Robinson"("Kazoku Robinson Hyôryûki Fushigina Shima No Furône") and "Tom Sawyer"("Tomu Sôyâ No Bôken").

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??