Friday, January 9, 2009

THE NANNY - Sir Richard Rodney Bennett - "Joey Joey Joey" (1965)

So here you go, as requested by our good friend, Mr. Greg Goodsell, the fabulous Bette Davis starring in "The Nanny"!

But this movie is also about a little 10 year old boy named Joey, who was blamed for the death of his sister and has been institutionalized for the last two years!

It seems Joey is quite the cut-up and also has quite a twisted sense of humour after all he's been through!!

Wendy Craig as Joey's helpless hopeless Mother must have really been taken with this film because in 1981, she created and starred in a TV series that went on for 30 episodes, called what else, "Nanny!"

William Dix does a killer job as Joey, and went on to be in "Dr. Doolittle," and that's pretty much what he did after that!

I can't imagine this film with anyone else in the role of "The Nanny" except Bette Davis, because it just wouldn't, or couldn't, be the same!!

As far as orchestrated music is concerned, Sir Richard Rodney Bennett's soundtrack is about as good as any, but what really saves the day, are two short musical segments in the kid's scenes. Here Joey's listening to a really swell record as he plays with his hangman's noose!

Born in Malaysia on a X-Mas Eve; introducing Jill Bennett as Penelope or as she is better known, Aunt Pen! Aunt Pen has a heart condition, but drinks and smokes just to show her indifference to the whole situation!

Quite an interesting assortment of female characters, oddly, the strongest of the bunch was the 5' tall, 15 year old Pamela Franklin as Bobbie Medman, Joey's neighbor and confidant!! Pamela went on to have quite a career and is still very much alive today!!

I'm thinking Joey's sandals have something to do with his personality defects!

Yum, Yum, steak and kidney pie, one of Master Joey's favorites!!! Did I forget to tell you Joey thinks Nanny is trying to poison him!! That was one of the reasons they sent him off in the first place, he wouldn't eat!!

Bobbie kinda likes Joey as long as he keeps stealing cigarettes from his Dad and giving them to her!!

Then Joey explains to Bobbie that Nanny tried to drown him!!!

Let's see, Dad has to leave town on business, Mom mysteriously gets food poisoning, Pen comes to stay because Joey is afraid to be alone with Nanny, and when she wakes up in the middle of the night and Nanny is about to enter Joey's room with a pillow, she becomes very suspicious, her heart doesn't take real well to the whole situation, and her Nanny isn't any help at all!!

If absolutely all, and none of this makes sense to you, well, good! Luckily, you can rent this movie on Netflix, and I'd do it if I was you!!

Bette Davis serves up another of her many masterful performances in what can only be considered a classic!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

THE KILLER SHREWS / Hollywood Pictures - 1959 / Music by Harry Bluestone & Emil Cadkin

Welcome to Tabonga' Thursday posting here at Dungeon... Tonight' offering is nutty lil' flick by Hollywood Picture they film in Texas, not Hollywood!!.. Texas good at suspension of disbelief!

Get ready for this, music composer Harry Bluestone work on only three other movie besides THE KILLER SHREWS!.. One was in 2007!!!

Music dude Emil Cadkin have 13 composing credit which include TERROR FROM THE YEAR 5000!

Best part of tonight' sound clip is when Rook get attack by Shrews and scream like little gurl! So here ya go!.. KILLER POOCHIES IN SHREW CLOTHING!

Out in ocean, James Best and pal Rook notice it might sprinkle so high-tail it to nearest island!.. Rook play by Judge Henry Dupree who act in just one more flick.

Wow, Rook head look almost perfectly round!

Rook have to wait back at dock while James go relax wif' local bigshot scientist and lovely daughter Ingrid Goude... And, you know, one drink lead to another!!.. Ever'thing's cool, daddy-o! Just pour another one right in there, palsie!

Then with no warning!!.. Super weirdo science nerd Dr. Radford Baines barge in and break up party with super important announcement that can't wait for even 2 second more or he gonna have one big heart attack!!

Tabonga notice in this flick and THE UNDEAD... They start filming before paint dry on the walls!!

Ever'bloody so drunk they forget that Rook is only spicy meatball on island and it Shrew' snacktime!! He try to climb high in flimsy tree and it break!.. Too late for diet he was thinking about as he become part of cycle of life!.. Shrew Chow! An' well, 'judging' from soundclip, he sound pretty delicious!!

Here two disgusting sights, Mario' leg while Shrew gobble on it, and Ken Curtis who play total ass-wipe Jerry!!

James have hair-brain idea that just might work! Put a bunch o' upside down barrell with eye slot together an' ever'bloody waddle out to water and then swim out to boat to safety!! Sound simple enough!

More spookier than it seem when on drawing board and drunk as hell!

What, you not think they not barely make it and Ken not get all chew up by Shrews, do you?!.. And, Tabonga love that last photo!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

SUPERMAN AND THE MOLE-MEN - Darrell Calker - "Superman Anthem" (1951)

Great movie from way back in 1951, that was the pilot for the Superman TV series, directed by the master of speed, Lee "Rollem" Sholem, and starring George Reeves as Superman, and Phyllis Coates as Lois Lane! "Superman And The Mole-Men" is a fun watch the whole way through, and you just havn't lived if you have never experienced it!!

Superman is, was, and will always be, the greatest super hero ever, period!! And without a doubt, this shot proves it!!!!

Every town has their claim to fame, like Baker, Calif. and their world's tallest thermometer, but only Silsby has the world's deepest hole!

I could just stop here, because the shot of this Buick just mesmerizes me; Hell, it's got more chrome on it than the whole production line of 2008 Hondas, and talk about gettin' out of my grille, this thing looks like a shark about ready to attack, and check out that license plate, it has to be some Satanic reference!! Poetry in motion as Clark and Lois pull into town to check things out!!

The consummate Clark Kent!!

So out of the world's deepest hole, here they come, The Mole-Men!!!

The Mole-Men are just kinda harmlessly creeping around, but when somebody does see them, they generally get this reaction! The Kreng!!!

Phyllis Coates' interview with Tom Weaver in his book "Return Of The B Science Fiction and Horror Heroes" is priceless and a must-read if you can get your claws on a copy. She was a very spirited women with a good sense of humour! Here she reacts to the little Mole-Men peeping toms!

Lois is quite a strong female role model, and doesn't take much crap from anyone. Phyllis recounts in that Tom Weaver interview that she took a good shot to the chin that knocked her cold in one of the episodes, when she wasn't on her mark! To show you how cool she was, she only blamed herself!!

OH, so you like to beat up on women, now you're starting to piss Superman off!

So, after the local mob tries to kill the innocent little Mole-Guys, they go back down in the hole to their home and come back with a little re-enforcement! Oh, Yeah, they only looked cute!! You got to love that tag team effort! These guys know how to work together!

Shakespearean actor Jeff Corey, who I'm sure was a helluva nice guy, shows what a great actor he was in the extremely unlikable role of stupid redneck Luke Benson, who would have got his sorry ass wasted if Superman hadn't of showed just up in the nick of time!!

One of my heroes Lenny Bruce once said, "I don't know what it is about midgets, they just don't like it when you try and pick them up!!" Watch out Superman!!!

It's all fine in the end, Superman saves the day; I don't think anyone really got killed, and there's still time to have a drink on the set and wax poetic!!!!!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??