Monday, December 29, 2008

CURSE OF THE VOODOO - "The Bobby Breen Quintet" - "Night Club Music" (1965)

I'm not a big fan of second party mayhem, preferring a more hands on approach, so it's no wonder that voodoo movies are not my favorite of the horror genre, but voodoo movies are pretty consistent in the cool music department!! "The Dead One" is a perfect example and so is "Curse Of The Voodoo"! Now, I will admit, you're almost 99.9% sure of getting some bongo or other percussive persuasions in any voodoo, jungle, or island flick, so I like to let Tabonga handle those, since native girls are usually also involved, but tonight's a different story.

"Projected Man" Bryant Haliday, on the right plays big game hunter Mike Stacey, a terribly misunderstood man!!! Real quick, the idiot with the rifle wounds a lion, and Mike has to go into Simba territory to finish it off, and because he was trying to take care of business correctly, he is cursed.

What's cluckin' at the Chicken House??

"Curse Of The Voodoo" not only has some cool jazz, but check this out, they actually gave the cat some credit as "night club music by The Bobby Breen Quintet," but now, as fate would have it, you can't find out anything about Bobby at all!!!

The Major explains things to his blah, blah, blah, as Mike makes his entrance!!

There is a vocalist born in 1927 with the same name of Bobby Breen, who was so popular as a child singer and actor, that he was one of the faces on the cover of The Beatles' "Sergeant Pepper" album, and whose last film credit was in 1942, but this is a jazz group with no singer!! Is it possible Bobby is the fair skinned fellah playing the piano??

This dance number featuring Beryl Cunningham goes on for about three minutes uninterrupted with some of the finer pure music you're likely to hear in a monster movie or any other 60's film for that matter, kind of a cross between "Watermelon Man" and a slowed down "Soul Makossa!" Sweet!!! Will the real Bobby Breen please stand up? Thanx!!!

The "Tusk"-like less interesting music in the film is provided by Brian Fahey, who you can find out all kinds of information about!!!

So Mike tries desperately to get back with his wife, and asks her to meet him at this bar back in London, so they can talk things out!! She never shows up, so as he innocently waits, this gal played by Valli Newby tries to pick up on him!

Valli doesn't want to be alone, so Mike goes back to her place with her!

But he passes out, because he really just wants his family back!!

Next thing Mike knows is, everywhere he goes, he sees this guy, the wound he incurred while going after that lion is getting infected, and his whole life is going in the crapper unless he goes back to Africa to undo the curse real fast!!!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

RETURN OF THE FLY / 20th Century Fox - 1959 / Music by Paul Sawtell & Bert Shefter (SOUNDCLIP NO LONGER AVAILABLE)

Good eefning everbloody, Tabonga Tuesday splash down yet again for you listen, view and brain-warp pleasure...

Wow, check out greatest Brit double-feature poster ever!!

Well, Bert Shefter and Paul Sawtell back here at Dungeon creating atmosphere for tonight' lil' shocker. They also work on CURSE OF THE FLY, THE NASTY RABBIT, KRONOS, THE BLACK SCORPION, TEENAGE ZOMBIES, THE FIEND THAT WALKED THE WEST, etc. Then, very Dungeon favorite Ed Bernds directing to top it all off!!

Flick start with Philippe' mom die, they at cemetary, it raining. Philippe all grown up and want to see father' old laboratory, so, Vinnie take him there. Bonus!.. Michael Marks play dude that find Philippe' dad crush in press from THE FLY. He tellin' them to keep away from that infernal equipment, only bad thing can come from it!

Here are tonight' bad guy, Ronald and Max, pretty much total sleaze balls!! Ronald work for Philippe and he gonna steal plans for teleporter and Max gots all the rich-bitch connection to sell for giant illegal profit!.. Like Bush and Cheney!!

Ronald have no problem putting guinea pig in teleporter with cop, then step on poor lil' defenseless guinea pig man.

Vinnie want to know where is Philippe so Ronald shoot him in stomach!!

They find Philippe when they do teleporter download!.. Oops, 'nother fly head!!

Big guy Ed Wolff play monster again, like Robot in THE PHANTOM CREEPS, Mutant in INVADERS FROM MARS, and Colossus in COLOSSUS OF NEW YORK!

They tell everbloody to look for fly with dude head... Cop find it!!

Dick get what... Err... Max get what he deserve!!

Ronald get what he deserve too!!

So, everything turn out just right!!

Saturday, December 27, 2008


Here's a tasty little piece from a lesser known Hammer TV show from 1958 with an awesome title card, "Tales Of Frankenstein" that never really reached full development despite the fact that it featured Anton Diffring and that "other" monster guy, Don Megowan!!!

The narrator's mug shot was culled from Universal's "Inner Sanctum."

And this scene without a doubt, will be all too very familiar to any Universal fan!!

I've always liked the looks of the Don Megowan Frankenstein monster!!

Classic Anton Diffring is quite acceptable as the Baron Frankenstein!

Lovely Helen Westcott is Frankie's love interest Christine!

Sci-Fi writing couple and dynamic duo, Henry Kuttner and C.L. Moore wrote this tale which adds some real class, but any credit for the pretty dang cool music is like impossible to find!

Probably the bottom line is, this Curt Siodmak directed pilot was just a little too brainy for 1958 TV, but it sure is something you can appreciate 50 years later!!

Don't look in the mirror, boy!! Do not look in the mirror!!!

Friday, December 26, 2008

KAIDAN HEBI-ONNA (Snake Woman's Curse) - Shunsuke Kikuchi - "Ghost Story Of The Snake Woman" (1968)

We've written about composer Shunsuke Kikuchi and his music before, for his fine work on "Goke" and "Gamera" and and his massive portfolio of Kamen Rider, Ultraman, and Dragon Ball Z credits! The man is a musical messiah, and "Kaidan Hebi-Onna" is no exception!

In a chestnut shell, here's the deal. You've got this big shot dude, and his son, shown here, who are both, and I don't know any better way to say it, they're just a couple of rich pricks!!

They take advantage of a beautiful young woman, who has some hookups in an alternate glorified serpent universe, and end up paying the ultimate price. You know, the kind of thing you would want to happen to a couple of jerks like that!!!

The female Japanese version of Jimi Hendrix works out some deep funk on traditional Japanese instrument, 'The Shamisen!'

They're lookin' for snakes, okay I got that, but am I the only one who thinks something looks just a little bit weird here??!!

Actually the slimeball son and his old man got off pretty easy, I think she left them their souls!!

This soundtrack utilizes some cool electric guitar, and music toward the end that has a distinctive Spaghetti Western feel to it!! Theremin, harmonica, and more!!! Cool stuff!!

Here is a fascinating poster from one of writer and director Nobuo Nakagawa's earlier films, "Jigoku" or as it was also known, "Hell."

"Snake Woman's Curse" is a fine classically made movie, that while being very smart, is also very easy to follow, available on Netflix, and would provide a fine evening of enjoyment in the year 2009 with some popcorn and a nice warm glass of saki for anybody with even a meager amount of intelligence!!!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??