Sunday, December 21, 2008

HOW TO MAKE A MONSTER / AIP - 1958 / Music by Paul Dunlap

Here's one of my all time favorite AIP movies. This is the second posting of this great film, the previous featured John Ashley doing his teen idol thing, "You Gotta Have Ee-Ooo," so, search the Dungeon archives to hear that one!

Paul Dunlap has been featured here many times for his musical mastery. Besides this film, he also did the music for both I WAS A TEENAGE WEREWOLF and I WAS A TEENAGE FRANKENSTEIN besides BLOOD OF DRACULA, FRANKENSTEIN 1970, INVISIBLE INVADERS, ANGRY RED PLANET, BLACK ZOO and CASTLE OF EVIL, all of which we've already posted!!

WOW!!.. Look at all that talent there! First is Robert H. Harris as Pete, the studio make-up artist, and, he's definitely a master as you can see! Then, there's Paul Brinegar as Rivero, Pete's assistant. Harris was in INVISIBLE BOY and Brinegar was in THE VAMPIRE!

Gary Conway and Gary Clarke play the monsters. Two Garys!!.. Conway was the original TEENAGE FRANKENSTEIN and Clarke was in MISSILE TO THE MOON. And, the great Thomas Browne Henry plays the director of the movie they're filming, and, he was in BRAIN FROM PLANET AROUS!

Pete gets the word from the new owners of the studio that the monster cycle is over and they're letting him and Rivero go after their movie finishes shooting. The execs want to do teen romance musicals, after all, that's what everyone wants to see nowadays!

Pete reminences over his creations, then, comes up with a devilish plan for revenge!

Just had to show the shot with that AIP studio arch! Inside, Pete prepares Gary (Larry) with his special zombifying make-up base for the first attack.

What's funny here is that the werewolf's on the screen too!

Security guard Monahan seems to know a little too much, and, he let's Pete know it!.. Bad poker face!!

So, Pete works a little 'movie magic' and surprises Monahan on his rounds and beats him to a pulp with a club, then, retrieves his little black book with all the evidence!

The cops come snooping around, asking about monsters some poeple have seen...

Gary (Tony) gives a small interview to the local press club before Pete sends him out for more murder and mayhem!

The cops zero in on Rivero to Pete's chagrin. Oh, that's Morris Ankrum there doing some of the grilling.

Pete gets paranoid that Rivero is going to spill the beans, so, he puts a blade into him!! The place goes up in flames, killing Pete as the cops arrive.

My big beef with this movie, though, is that they burned up priceless monster heads from Paul Blaisdell's personal collection without his knowledge, knowing that he would have refused lending them out... An unconscienceable act!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

THE KISS OF THE VAMPIRE - James Bernard - "Hickey From Hell" (1963)

I'm getting as sick of pianos as I was of organs there for awhile, but back in the day, they were quite a wonder to listen to, so if you're going to do a period piece that includes music, there's not a lot of choices! Glockenspiel, harp or maybe a flute if you're lucky. This go round, it's a manic vampire piano suite to get your blood a boiling, but it was supposed to be "The Kiss Of The Vampire" not "The Piano Concerto Of The Vampire," am I not right? The music is once again by the Maestro James Bernard!!

Hammer regulars Edward de Souza and Jennifer Daniels are the Harcourts, whose car just happened to run out of petrol out in the vampire boondocks!!!

Gee, in no time at all they've invited to dinner and a rousing evening of piano madness at the Ravna's pad hosted by brother and sister Carl and Sabena!!

Marianne Harcount is totally mesmerized by Carl's manic piano stylings, but do they sense anything is out of order? No, not really!!

And before you know it, the Dr. Ravna and the kids are throwing a costume party!!!! How ironic!! Great masks do a good job of hiding the dour mugs of all the international attendees!!

Carl proceeds to pull the old switcheroo, and gets Marianne separated from her husband! Carl's simple mask is quite effective and has given me the creeps for some time now!!

Marianne is whisked off, while husband Gerald is drugged, and the whole party charade is dismantled in a matter of minutes!

Gerald is about to receive the hickey from Hell as the Ravnas and Marianne look on!

All Hell breaks out as the Bats circle the Ravna castle before heading in for the ending!!

You would really have thought that these bloodsuckers would have enjoyed the blood letting a bit more, since it was really their forte, but just like all hypocrites, they just like to dish it out, and can't really take it at all!! What a bunch of wimpy ass vampires, ya'll get what you deserve!!!!

Believe it or not, to this day, nobody has done a movie called "Christmas Of The Vampire," but I think it's about time!!! Ho, Ho, AAaaahhhhh!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

PARANOIAC - Elisabeth Lutyens - "Why Don't You Go Ahead And Fry Your Face" (1963)

Cool and Creepy, wild man Oliver Reed and frantic Freddie Francis style centered on another Jimmy Sangster jewel, "Paranoiac" is a great movie, and it's a lot of fun trying to figure out who is really the crazy one, because Lord knows, you've got a lot of excellent choices!! Hammer at it's black and white best, with excellent music by one of the few female composers of the time, Elisabeth Lutyens!!

The basic premise is, Anthony Ashby died or disappeared when he was 15, and his memory is all that's left behind with his brother, sister, and eccentric aunt!

Antony's sister, Janette Scott as Eleanor Ashby, is crazy as a December loon, or so everybody thinks!

The over the top freakin' Oliver Reed is Simon Ashby, crazy Eleanor and dead Tony's brother!

Sheila Burrell is simply marvelous as Aunt Harriet!!!

And then,...out of nowhere, and back from the dead,....Well, Tony shows up!! Needless to say it creates a myriad of money problems, etc, etc.

Simon can't believe his brother has showed back up, and he is also becoming extremely intoxicated!! Here's where some of Liz's cool swing comes into play!

Then you just take your basic components, good music, good champagne, and one insanely neurotic personality conflict, and who knows what kind of fun might possibly ensue? Anyone for a rollicking game of darts??

Issues and back issues!!

Even Liliane Brousse as Simon's girlfriend Françoise would agree, one thing we do not tolerate around here is smoking in bed! Period! That's just stupid!!

Everything seems to be going as well as it possibly could be, when the weird music starts up in the middle of the night, so Tony goes to investigate!

This isn't exactly what he bargained for, and what the Hell is up with that huge goiter??

Eeewwww!! Don't kiss your sister like that!!!!

In the end, everything is all right, because Tony's an imposter, and the real Tony has spent the past few years in some kind of Edgar Allen Poe scenario created by his loving brother Simon! Lucky for you, this movie is available on Netflix, and just screams Hammer holiday spirit!!! Do yourself a favor!!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??