Friday, August 29, 2008

SECONDS - Jerry Goldsmith - "Theme & Party" (1966)

Back in the 50's and 60's people worked all week and Friday and Saturday were the only times that seemed to matter most of the time. These days people seem to party all week long, but anyway that's why I like to try and do something a little special on Friday and Saturday night, and tonight, it's a film that I really liked the first time I saw it, and the last time I saw it! "SECONDS !!!

You want to start life over, the journey begins at the dry cleaners!

Then you have to go through the meat locker and into Honest Arnie, The Used Cow Dealer's, meat truck!

Now, how in the world are you going to resist Will Geer? Yes, it's Grandpa Walton!! We always knew that show was evil, and here's the absolute proof!!

This is the master plan for this particular transmutation!!

Veteran actor with a portfolio longer than Highway 101, John Randolph, turns in a great performance as the pre-Rock Arthur Hamilton!! This is his obituary!

Arthur is rebuilt and reborn as Tony Wilson! This is damn near a "Frankenstein" film!

The Corporation couldn't get Tony a gig as a professional tennis player, but they manage to set him up in his second dream, a working artist living in Malibu where he meets the unpredictable Nora Marcus on the beach! Nora was portrayed by Salome Jens who went on to play Mae Olinski in The "Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman" TV series and the female shapeshifter in 15 episodes of "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" in the 90's!!!

So Nora takes Rock on a Hippie Bachanalia trip, and I'm pretty sure Doris Day would not approve of this behavior!

Drinkin' wine, smokin' dope, gettin' nekkid, Rock's starting to dig this role!

Man, what a good sport Rock was! These days, as a promo, they'd bottle this wine and sell it at high commidity prices! A Vintage Rock Hudson Burgandy 1966!

Then finally, "The Party Gets Rolling!!", and the music of Oscar winning genius Jerry Goldsmith kicks into gear. You might remember Jerry from a couple of his contributions to minor projects like "Star Trek", "Alien", "Rambo" and "The Man From Uncle!" A normal person could probably retire just on the royalties he got for writing the theme for, "The Waltons!"

So, Rock/Tony is having a dream come true listening to Elazabeth Fraser talk about changing 'sects'! Rock is hilarious in this scene!!!

Boozed and confused, you don't think this can go on much longer!

Then, just like a true champion, he's back up again! After you listen, I think you'll agree that Rock Hudson had a great laugh!!!

Totally gonzo and wasted out of his ever livin' gourd, "Looks as if our host is in orbit!"

Rock Hudson does such a great job in this film!! Drunker than a skunk, and still looking cool!

Now you crossed over the line Buddy, we're gonna have to send you back!

John Franenheimer's direction is amazing and some of the cinematography by James Wong Howe is very strange, like the people are on rollers. It all makes for a very nice unsettling and very creepy feeling in a film! This is a great movie and a highly recommended Netflix rental!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

PHANTOM FROM SPACE / W. Lee Wilder Productions - 1953 / Music by William Lava

This time Tabonga present underrated sci-fi classic, PHANTOM FROM SPACE! Hey, who know this fact?!.. Dungeon favorite dude, Forrest J. Ackerman, coin the famous phrase... 'sci-fi'!! See, now you informed!.. Also, this is earlier film by producer of KILLERS FROM SPACE, which I feature on Tuesday! W. Lee Wilder and brother make many flick in early '50s!! Phantom From Space

Tonight music genius is William Lava (great name!) who also work on these great flick!.. MYSTERIOUS DOCTOR SATAN, THE SMILING GHOST, THE GORILLA MAN, THE INVISIBLE MAN'S REVENGE, THE MUMMY'S CURSE, HOUSE OF DRACULA, SHE WOLF OF LONDON, MA AND PA KETTLE AT HOME and many many more!!.. He start in 1936! Okay, one more, Al Adamson's DRACULA vs FRANKENSTEIN in 1971, the year William die when he only 60!

Oh yeah, not to forget TV!.. THE (original) MICKEY MOUSE CLUB, THE TWILIGHT ZONE, Disney's ZORRO, CHEYENNE, PINK PANTHER, THE ROAD RUNNER SHOW, F TROOP, lots of Warner Bros. cartoon stuff and much more!! William is awesome!

So, Radar Ford track UFO to Santa Monica where it land or crash! Obviously, Phantom just here on vacation!!

Dungeon favorite Michael Marks tell 'dick' all about how he see same dude in drawing! Oh, and he have no face!!

And, here is new secret weapon!.. RADAR CHEVY!!

Everbloody meet at lumber yard and play fun game...'Catch that Phantom.' Nobody know why, but, Phantom like to run around on rooftop!.. One bad thing about Phantom though... He Pushy Pig!!

Trapped!.. Only one thing to do!... Off with the suit and helmet because!.. He invisible and dummies not see him!!

So what these rocket surgeons do when they find Phantom's stuff?!.. Try to burn it up!!!

Phantom need to put helmet on to breath better.

Science lady have fancy light to see Phantom!.. Going to kill her?! No, tapping out Morse Code for help...

Look like W. Lee very impressed with classic monster flick THE THING!! So, Phantom fall from apparatus and die, then turn to smoke and disappear!.. Earth sucks for vacation!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

SANTO VS LAS MUJERES VAMPIRO (Samson Vs. The Vampire Women) - Raul Lavista - "A Tribute To Lorena Velázquez" (1962)

As far as Mexican wrassler superhero movies go, the Americanized Gordon K. Murray versions are even tackier than the originals because of the overacted overdubs, but if that translates into the fact that Santo was introduced to American kids on TV, even if he had to have a major name makeover as Samson, then I guess it was worth it!

Here's all the info you need to know about The Musical Credits!!!

Lorena Velázquez and a classic Buick, you'll be hard pressed to come up with a better combination than that!!

For the coolest of the cool dudes, it was all about suave and debonair!!

Changing Santo's name to Samson was pure 1960's ignorance!

Spectacular vision of the future of big screen TV!!

Wrasslin' and Vampires is good stuff in any language, and any film with Lorena Velázquez will be considered excellent, above reproach, and without argument as to quality or taste around here!!

What kind of fool wouldn't want to join this party?? Everyone knows that soul's have been an overrated commodity for some time now!

Lovely Lorena as Thorina!!

Watch Out!!! They are beutiful, but they bite!!!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

KILLERS FROM SPACE / W. Lee Wilder Productions - 1954 / Music by Manuel Compinsky

Wow, Manuel Compinsky only compose for 3 flicks, KILLERS FROM SPACE, THE SNOW CREATURE and THE BIG BLUFF, 1954-5! Too bad, he make good stuff here! Theme and Other Cool Junk!

Peter Graves look safe in jet, then he crash and die! Colonel Banks tell Peter wife that Peter go poof and cannot find him!.. Whoa!! Wife cry for Frank while Colonel have a smoke. Very cool in '50s!!.. And look, Ike in picture hanging there, makes official, 1954! Later, Peter wander back to the base and surprise everbloody!

Do you think I look like I know what I'm doing?!.. Cause, I DON'T!..

Let Tabonga tell you a little story about Non-Flexible Collodian!! Well, you could buy at pharmacy and do crazy things on face, then scare living crap out of younger sisters!!! Ask Eegah!! he know.

Big eyeballs come into Peter bedroom at night and kinda bug him!

So, they give him truth serum to figure out what the hell going on around here!! Oh, see 'microphone' FBI dude holding?.. WRONG!

Peter start tell freakin' crazy story about bug-eyed space dudes with designer belts, big bugs and spiders in caves and space TV featuring bug-eyed Supreme Leader!.. So, no one beieve him!!

Finally, Peter figure out how space dudes stealing energy and he blow them sky high! Oh, same curtain in power plant and bedroom!!

Tabonga love make-up guy Harry Thomas, who come up with ping pong eyeballs for KILLERS FROM SPACE and he use again in FRANKENSTEIN'S DAUGHTER!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??