Friday, August 9, 2013

SPOOK BUSTERS / Monogram Pictures - 1946

It's Friday Fright with Tabonga, here at The Dungeon!.. Here's a post war production featuring the popular Bowery Boys in a crazy little flick about the evening they spend in a spooky old 'abandoned' mansion. Check out that big green ape in the poster, it's.. Wild 'n' Weird!!

Eegah!! sent over this soundclip with the theme and Slip reminiscing about his fellow pals, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button there, next to the slimy chute to who knows where, NOW, Rufus The Gnat! Here's our audio offering for... SPOOK BUSTERS!

After graduating from exterminating school, Slip, Sach, Bobby, Whitey and Chuck start their own extermonating service.

Their foist job is to get the insects out of the walls at Louie's restaurant.

But, Slip and Sach find horrible things that're much scarier than just bugs!

Slip and the gang get their first real extermonating job at a spooky old mansion in the country at night. The room reminds me of when I wrote the script SPOOK JOINT, it had a hallway with numerous framed 'family' photos using the cast, crew and friends dressed and in make up to look like weirdo hillbillies, I thought that would be pretty funny when the hapless visitors checked them out.

Sach is witness to a 3-D painting that tosses hatchets while Slip's admiring himself in the goofy carnival mirror!

Of course, Whitey's (Billy Benedict) wearing a hatchet-in-the-head prop and gives the guys a big heart attack. You can also see Billy as the newsboy at the beginning of BRIDE OF THE MONSTER.

Douglass Dumbrille plays the super creepy Dr. Coslow, he plans on transplanting an ape's brain into Sach's skull!!

You know that Slip and Sach are gonna cause a whirlwind of chaos for the bad guys!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

FIREBALL FUN-FOR-ALL - "Buddy The Bopster" (1949)

Welcome once again to Wacky Wednesday down in The Dungeon, and as Monty Python used to say, "Now it's time for something completely different," or at least sorta different anyway!

"Fireball Fun-For-All" was a 1949 short lived variety comedy TV show put on by those crazy "Hellzapoppin" jokesters,  Ole Olsen and Chic Johnson! I really think they should have called it a "Free-For-All," because just like some insane no holds barred wrasslin' match, this sucker is out of control!

Thanx to the power of modern technology, the antics of Olsen and Johnson can still be enjoyed today, and you don't even have to spend a penny, and you get a million dollars worth of entertainment, and that's because just like a ton of other cool stuff, you'll find it for free over at "The Internet Archive!"

"Fireball Fun-For-All" is all about the D's.....................DAMES.......(Is this gorgeous doll Chic Johnson's daughter June?)

.................................DAWGS.... (Carlton Emmy and his Mad Wags)............

........................DANGEROUS COMEDY........

..........and singing and DANCING!!!

This cool little hepcat number is called something like "Buddy The Bopster" and is just a small sample of the zaniness that was "Fireball Fun-For-All!"

It's hard to find solid information about the rest of the cast, but we do know that by name, besides Chic's daughter June, Ole's son J.C. Olsen was in there somewhere, along with Marty May, Bill Hayes, The Mathis Duo, Ron FLetcher, and Joy Skylar! We'll return to "Fireball Fun-For-All" in October with a sweet treat called "Halloween Queen," but in the meantime, if you want to see how they did it in the good old days,  follow that link and check it out for yourself!

Monday, August 5, 2013

THE UNDERTAKER AND HIS PALS / Eola Pictures - 1966

It's Meaty Monday with Tabonga, here at The Dungeon!.. Our feature is a gory horror comedy from the year Eegah!! and I graduated from high school, one that you'd most likely find at the drive-in circuit. It's all about the local undertaker and his two other motorcycle riding pals (they run the greasiest spoon in town), and, they know how to get free meat!

The teaser before credits roll has the Undertaker and His Pals invading the serenity of the blond bombshell who's quietly writing a love letter to her sailor boyfriend. Notice the change of expression on lover boy's face in the photo, it's because they just chopped off her legs and took them when they left...

Eegah!! just sent over this fun little soundclip about cuttin' in, cuttin' up and cuttin' out by Johnny White from this funky flick, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button over there next to the atomic meat grinder, NOW, Ralphie The Tarantula! Here's our audio offering for... THE UNDERTAKER AND HIS PALS!

The girl's parents go to the funeral home, they find her in a small casket because she has no legs! Oh, and they give trading stamps too.

The coppers find a creepy clue!

Here's an interesting shot in the sleazy diner run by the Undertaker's Pals.

This poor dude was only delivering groceries but saw something in the meat locker he shouldn't have! Heck, more free meat!!

One Pal has a book on surgery so they operate on this gal without any anesthetic!

Then, she's ground up into this tasty sausage meat, mmmmm, mmm!

Ahhhh, there's nothing more relaxing than a nice...


For some strange reason, this scene where they decide to drop this Pal into a vat of acid for effin' up reminds me of when SpongeBob and Patrick turn on each other!

Is this a cool shot or what!

In the end, The Undertaker gets a blade in the brain, a well deserved fate!..

Saturday, August 3, 2013

RATTLERS - "They're Waiting To Slither You" (1976)

As painful as it might be, it IS still the year of the snake, so we had to get this one in before year's end! I'll be as gentle as possible, but let me just say that the tag line for this movie should actually read "WHAT A HORRIBLE WAY TO LIE!" because that is what this poster is, one big gigantic lie!

I am a firm believer that the 70's were the worst artistic and musical decade of the last century! A couple of classic examples would be disco music, and "RATTLERS!" 

The fun all starts when these two kids bring their Dads a couple of Buds before wandering out into the desert, and you know when you start a film with a couple of kids getting whacked by rattlesnakes, the next hour or so is bound to be full of hilarity!

On the right is Sam Chew as Dr. Tom Parkinson, a snake specialist with an emphasis on rattlesnakes! On the left is his nemesis soon to be lover Elizabeth Chauvet as liberated photographer Ann Bradley! In the middle is Cary Pitts as The Sergeant! Ex announcer/deejay, Sam Chew has a great voice! Too bad that doesn't quite translate into being a great actor! All three of them did most of their other work on TV!

In a totally unrelated scene, it's time to introduce Tip (Great first name!) McClure as the Big Valley Plumber! Tip was in the "Twilight Zone" episode called "Steel" as Battling Maxo!

"Rattlers" was Tip's very last role! Maybe he didn't dig snakes crawling over his face!

Celia Kaye as the 'woman in the bath tub' gives the most memorable performance in the whole movie! She also has a very nice back!

Here is the biggest problem of the whole movie, and I hate to be nitpicky, but maybe somebody forgot to tell the director that rattlesnakes have rattles on the ends of their tales!

Admittedly, it still makes for a very uncomfortable scene having snakes slithering into the bathtub, but once again you can see how the poster was just slightly exaggerated!

Next thing you know, the happy/unhappy couple is on "The Amazing Red Planet!"

There's lots of conjecturing, and a couple more snake attacks!

Of course, the freakin' military is behind the whole thing! Got any other conspiracy theories you'd like to dredge up? I really hate to say this, but you might just want to let this one slide, do not pass Go, do not collect 200 dollars!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??