Friday, January 15, 2010

YILMAYAN SEYTAN - "Copperhead Vs. Dr. Satan" (1973)

We've been featuring a lot of rather esoteric films of late, and it seems to be alienating a lot of our readers, so I thought it was time to go more mainstream, and that's what brings us around to tonight's movie, "Yilmayan Seytan" or ""Deathless Devil"! Almost as good as Superman, this 1973 Turkish film is about the super-hero Copperhead and his ongoing battle with the supremely evil Dr. Satan, and what a film it is!!!

This is Kunt Tulgar as Tekin! With a name like Kunt, you might suspect he has a few fashion issues, and probably some collectible back issues too!!

Tekin learns the truth!! Who the Hell is Copperhead??

In this office, it's not just coffee, trouble is a brewing too!!

Tekin goes into action!!!

But even after he subdues the attacker, it does no good because Dr. Satan has rigged his stooge up with a remote controlled suicide device!!

Introducing Erol Tas as Dr. Satan!! Erol has like over 200 Turkish film credits from 1957 until his demise in 1998! Pretty cool bad guy!!

The guy on the screen is yet another Erol, this time it's Erol Günaydin as the extremely annoying Bitik! Just like in the "Milpitas Monster" and a score of other films, the character, drunk or otherwise that they use for comedy relief gets way too much obnoxious screen time, and should have been shelved! It would have been a much better film without him! You're going to really wish Dr. Satan had exploded Bitik before this film is over!!

So, where the Hell is this film going anyway? I'll tell you one thing, it's one long fight scene broke up with some occasional dialogue!!!

Oh, Yeah, you got a big, mean and strong robot, almost as high tech as the one of the ones in "Silver Angel Vs The Death Robots!"

Dr. Satan is totally in control and bent on destruction!! Is there no way to stop this mad man??

Copperhead drives a sweet '57 Chevy convertible!!

Not even God knows who composed the music for this flick, but there are snippets of everything from "The Pink Panther Theme" to what sounds like the drum schticks from "Bongo Rock," "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" and Santana's "Soul Sacrifice!" What a pack of cards!!

Dr. Satan's girl Tijen Doray as Ayla seduces Tekin, not knowing he is really Copperhead!!

After they bang it out, Tekin gets in her trunk, so she will take him back to Dr. Satan's lair, with a conviently climbable wall!!

Copperhead has an extra special super power called a gun!!

But Dr. Satan is so evil, he's not even scared!!

Copperhead has amazing powers, and he can fly just as good as Buzz Lightyear!!

More Copperhead asswhipping! There must be around 57 fight scenes of Copperhead tangling with Dr. Satan's hench men over and over and over again!!

Bitik is almost attacked by the killer robot, but what's more important about this scene is, check out the scientific drawings on the wall of Doc Satan's joint that look like they were drawn by a pre-schooler!!

They call up a Dr. Faruk to come and help, but his plane is attacked by Dr. Satan, and so Dr. Faruk has his face bandaged up because of the accident, but it's really Dr. Satan in a tricky disguise come to get his robot back!! Oh, the irony!!!

So Satan's boys kidnap Mine Mutlu, the daughter of the profressor! Let's see, she's tied to a cross and has a crossbow pointed at her that is attached to a timing device!!! How much more evil can you get!! Must have been watching some of those '60's German films!!

After like another 49 fight scenes, finally it's time for the main event with Copperhead and Dr. Satan going at it toe to toe!!

Dr. Satan gets the early advantage!!!

But the robot gets the last fall in this match!!

Proving some kind of point at the end!!!

Believe it or don't, "Deathless Devil" is actually available on Netflix as a double feature with "Tarkan Vs The Vikings," another Turkish film that most people, except me, think is even better than this film! You be the judge!!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Welcome everbloody, to Tabonga' Wednesday B+W Oldie Bijou Flicktime Theater, here at the Dungeon. Today we gots one PRC cheapie, ROBOT PILOT, aka EMERGENCY LANDING, directed by Film God, Mr. William Beuadine, who have staggering 366 directing credit!! This flick was number 146 and he begin career in 1909 as an actor! He also have 55 credit as Assistant Director...

Flick star super young Forrest Tucker in only his second acting appearance. Forrest was in some of our favorite flicks, like THE ABOMINABLE SNOWMAN, THE COSMIC MONSTERS and THE CRAWLING EYE! Did you know that two alternate title for THE CRAWLING EYE are THE CREEPING EYE and THE FLYING EYE!!

This flick barely make it into the Dungeon lineup, only because it have word 'robot' in title, as you will hear in Eegah!! soundclip. In other word, what music? IMDb not even have listing for composer or music department! So, what iz uh ol' caveman ta do, anyhow?..

Answer is here, Eegah!! have some fun here wif' dialogue for you enjoyment. Today is turn for my lil' pal, Ralphie the Tarantula, to push that big old red 'GO' button to start show rolling, so, push 'dat button, buddy!.. ROBOT PILOT EMERGENCY LANDING!

In 1941, seem obvious that we going to war! Mr. George B. Lambert' company get big order for bombers!

Forrest play Jerry Barton, test pilot! He at air show trying to get somebloody to listen to his idea about 'robot pilot!'

Dude pointing to awesome looking racing plane from 1941!

Thornton Edwards play Pedro, pal of Jerry and Doc Williams. The Doc working on his remote control 'robot pilot' with test model airplane. Little note... Thornton pass away in 1988 in Tabonga' home town of Tulare, CA, at age 94!

Jerry and Doc locate Mr. Lambert at local golf course... He the one without the dress, knuckleheads!

They gonna try and impress him with remote control 'robot pilot' model airplane.

Mission accomplished, Mr. Lambert gonna give Jer' idea a shot!

Only problem is, model plane crash in lake and it splash water on Mr. Lambert' spoiled brat daughter, Betty, played by Carol Hughes. Look at some character names Carol had in flick... Birdie, Hortense Burke-Meyers, Grace 'Gracie' Randall, Texas, Nellie Bellas, Maxine LaVerne, Maisie, Loolie Fisher, Dolly Marsh, Susie 'Cuddles' LaPlanche, Peaches Clipper, but, most familiar is ... DALE ARDEN! Oh, and here is title of flick she was in that sound damn interesting... EARTHWORM TRACTOR!!!

Jerry an' the Doc do all the work and Mr. Lambert get all the credit, what else?

Somehow, Betty and Aunt Maude get lost and running out of gas near where Jer an' Doc working on secret 'robot pilot' project for her pops!

They steal gas, but, get stuck and Jer have to pull them out. Plus, gas they steal belong to Jerry! What hell, now, what?!

Jerry has little plan to pay back Betty for acting like bitch to him!.. Weclome to filthy bachelor cabin, gurlz!

That's right, put on sexy clothes and get to work cleaning up this joint!

Wait a minute, that's not me!!

Curse you, damn spot!

Tabonga' type o' workgurl!!

After gurlies work butts off, time to clean 'em up! Hell, yeah!!

Betty not paying attention and she fall off ladder, onto her can! Jer run like hell from plane he working on, over to help her up.

My hero!..

Two second later, she already hate him again!! ...Gurlz!

What up, Doc?!

Doc played by Emmett Vogan, who have staggering 495 acting credit from 1934-57, playing the coroner in THE MUMMY'S GHOST in 1944 and was in THE VAMPIRE'S GHOST in 1945!

Wow, what a face!! I. Stanford Jolley end up with 358 acting credit, here he is as bad guy who trying to steal Doc' invention!

He kidnap the gurlz and try to get away with plane!

But, Doc' equipment actually work and they bring plane in for safe landing.

Day is saved, and, Betty finally fall all the way for the big lug, Jer!

So, big contract for 'robot pilot' is signed! And, for good measure, little 'Judge' Billy Curtis pop in for final thoughts!.. Goo'night, everbloody!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??