Friday, August 8, 2008

THE DIABOLICAL DR. Z (Miss Muerte) - Daniel White - "Miss Death" (1966)

Tonight, in honor of the 2008 Olympics, we present the third and last musical installment from that strange and mysterious 1966 Jesus Franco classic, "The Diabolical Dr. Z!" Just like The Olympics, it's bizarre but yet still, quite mainstream too!! We've written before about the colossal talents of composer/actor Daniel White, and you can easily search this blog for more information if you didn't catch the details of his amazing credits the first or second time around!

Man, you've just got to love some of the insane titles of films that Estella Blain, seen here in this flyer/menu as "Miss Muerte", has been in, like "A Flea In Her Ear", "The Beast Is Loose", "Wild Fruit" or "The Hotheads!"

Her partner in this act is this plastic faced woman dude, and I'm sure it all means something really cosmically & socially important!

"And now ladies and gentlemen, I have the pleasure of introducing the strange and voluptuous Miss Death!" This music sounds like a cross between "13 Ghosts" and "Bitch's Brew" to this old man, but she does get like a standing ovation from the freaks in attendance!

Interesting shot from the balcony! I've been around a little, but I've never been in a club quite like this!

Argentinian born Mabel Campolongo Jaime or Mabel Karr as she's known here, was married to sword & sandal icon, veteran actor Fernando Rey! She is quite stunning here as the blonde Dr. Zimmer's daughter in the audience, but trust me, she has a couple of minor personality defects!

The finale of Miss Death's act!! Did it turn you on or did it scare you? I still don't quite get it"

Thank Jesus for taking us to some of the sleazier parts of town!! "Pretty girls everywhere, pretty, pretty girls!!"

By this time, Dr. Z's daughter is totally fried upstairs, but she's managed to have complete mind control, through better chemistry, over Miss Death!

She sends Miss Death out prowlin' the bar scene for some fresh meat!

Her accomplice man-servant gets extra freaky in the cab with some gas!!

And she's got a big machine to put, and hold you in your place, and it will pinch the crap out of you if you are not careful!! "Ow!!!"

Weirdsville!! Get Some!!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

THE CRAWLING HAND / Joseph F. Robertson - 1963 / Music by ?

Tabonga back!..

Tonight flick is pretty much... Everybloody want to get into the act!!

So now give listen to Theme and Malt Shop - No credit for music, sound good though, studio stock music with cymbal accents added! And Malt Shop is swingin'!!

Killer title card!! Tabonga have to mention tonight director Herbert L. Strock! Here some flick he direct... THE MAGNETIC MONSTER, RIDERS TO THE STARS, GOG, I WAS A TEENAGE FRANKENSTEIN, BLOOD OF DRACULA, HOW TO MAKE A MONSTER!

Peter Breck, Kent Taylor, Allison Hayes!

Okay, when finger push this button, dude in spaceship blow up!!.. Awwwww!

I said, NO DANCIN'!.. Syd Saylor weird lookin'! We already post when monster-boy get crazy and Syd get beat up with Rivingtons playing on jukebox!!

Here Rod Lauren and Sirry Steffen, she former Miss Iceland!.. Wait, she wearing bottoms?! Hmmm..

Here Arlene Judge, she start acting in 1931, and career end right here!

Hey!!.. Alan (little buddy) Hale, Jr. and Ross Elliott, TV dudes?! What gives?!

Creepy killer choke hand is really producer Joseph F. Robertson! (SLIME PEOPLE, AGENT FOR H.A.R.M.).. See!!.. EVERYBLOODY WANT TO GET INTO THE ACT!!

After hand choke Rod, it let go and take off again! When leaving, it crawl over Rod lip and it pretty damn funny!

Dude gots some pretty sweet coin banks!!

Rod not wanna be Alan's little buddy!

Oh great! Now Shakespeare!!

At end, Jock Putnam and Andy Andrews here have to transport killer hand in locked box to military base. Dummies give them the key!.. They decide to look in box, because, you know, curious. So, they open box!

When they look in box, this pop out! See, even stupid gimmick want to get into the act!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

WAR GODS OF THE DEEP (The City Under The Sea) - Stanley Black "Sea Weed" (1965)

"War Gods Of The Deep" directed by Jacques Tourneur, was one of the last films in genius composer Stanley Black's very long and distinguished career!! He had been involved with music in films since 1937 when he served as arranger on the film "Rhythm Racketeer" and had his hand in so many classic films we love, like "The Crawling Eye" and "Blood Of The Vampire" just to scratch the surface!

Every person in the world's dream home!! Now, how the Hell do you get to it?

Oh, I get it, all you need is a boat, and a bunch of pirate buddies!!

Tab Hunter rocks this movie! He smiles at all the wrong times, and looks like he's having a great time despite the difficulty of whatever they throw at him!

Here's one of the first glimpses we see of the sea creature that will resurface in "Space Monster" in the years to come!

I never have been able to figure out what Tab Hunter did to deserve this!

This is David Tomlinson and the chicken known as Herbert! Why and who ever decided they needed this kind of character in these movies would, and should be a good candidate for a firing squad! Having a silly character in a small role is one thing, but after awhile, and I'm not talking that long, it really gets old!! The bonus feature of the annoying chicken didn't help any!!

Vincent Price is spendid as always, and really, the best reason to see this film is to hear him read Edgar Allen Poe!

Tab Hunter, David Tomlinson and Susan Hart! What an awesome trio! If Susan looks familiar, it's because she worked in horror and surf movies and was the ghost in "The Ghost In The Invisible Bikini!"

This movie is just like Nostradamus, coming before Lothar and The Hand People's "Machines" release by at least 3 years!

One downer is that for me these creatures always looked masked because of the eye and other face holes. Still, not as good as The Creature by any means, but not completely bad!

Groundbreaking neat adventures in odd places predates Indiana Jones by quite a few years too!

Wow! There is a way out!!!!

"War Gods Of The Deep" is based on a story written by Edgar Allen Poe, and is just interesting enough to not only have a title card, but to also have an ending card, which in this case is much brighter and happier reflecting hope for the future!!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

MONSTER ON THE CAMPUS / Universal - 1958 / Stock Music by 8 Composers

Guess what?!.. Tabonga took the night off, so Rodan'll present the first (and only) 'Tuesday Night Classic!' - MONSTER ON THE CAMPUS. That's right, 8 composers contributed to this soundtrack! But, that includes William Lava, Herman Stein and Henry Mancini!! All uncredited. 
Best of the best title card!!
 Everything's perfect, what could possibly go wrong?! 
 And, a freakin' '58 DESOTO!
 WHOA!.. What's!.. All... This?.. 
Hey, how rude!!
 Looks like Arthur had one too many and got in a scrap!! 
But, here's the real culprit!.. This weird primitive fish was irradiated with gamma rays to preserve it and Arthur was accidently bitten in the hand while handling it! 
Quite a line up in this still. Whit Bissell and Arthur Franz in a Universal movie and Troy Donahue playing... Ready?!.. Jimmy Flanders! Rawk! Rawk! Rawk! 
Shhh!.. Quiet!.. Do you hear that sound?! 
One of the best moments in monsterdom!.. The giant dragonfly!
 The dragonfly had lit and fed on the fish, so, got a dose of prehistoric serum like the professor!
 Arthur hates to, but, stabs the thing! It later returns to it's small size.
 Game over, man!!
 This make-up by Bud Westmore ain't bad, but, it's a mask! The guy's the very best, check out his credits sometime, impressive!! 
But, here at the Dungeon, we like to feast on this little scene where Cave-Boy (played by Eddie Parker) grooves out on the ax before he uses it to bash out a window and escape! Moments later, he will toss it at the Park Ranger and bury it in the poor guy's skull!! Wow, real pre-code comic imagery!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??