Wednesday, January 2, 2013

CARRY ON SCREAMING - Ray Pilgrim - "Cause When You're Screaming, I Know You're Dreaming Of Me" (1966)

So what say we bid adieu to 2012, and set the stage for 2013 with a film that fits this dank dungeun to a tee! It's not exactly a great movie, but it's plenty weird, and it's got an amazingly cool theme song, so what more do you want for nothing? From the year of 1966, here's "Carry On Screaming!"

That theme for "Carry On Screaming" was written by Myles Rudge and Ted Dicks, and was performed by Ray Pilgrim, and if you don't know who Ray Pilgrim is, you're missing out on some rich musical history! According to Ray's website, he was one of the most prolific big band singers of the late 50's and early 60's in the UK, and around 1958, he was the lead singer in a band called, "The Earthquakers!" He was also in a few other groups like the Typhoons, The Starlings, The Jaybirds and Beatmen, and guys today like Richard Cheese would be nowhere without him! Ray only became a singer to make enough money to be able to go to school and get a degree in economics! After he accomplished that goal, he gave up show business and became a money-making suit in the upper management of a large company! He came out of retirement once to sing the theme to "Carry On Screaming!" Go to Ray's site to read the whole story, and see some neat pictures too!

"Carry On Screaming " is just one in a series of 31 "Carry On" parody flicks made between the years 1959 and 1992 by Producer Peter Rogers and Director Gerald Thomas!  The first one was titled "Carry On Sergeant" and the last one was called "Carry On Columbus" with titles like "Carry On Up The Jungle," Carry On Teacher," Carry On Cowboy," and Carry On Spying," and a couple of "Carry On Christmas" TV specials in between! Each and every Carry On film was made to satirize something, and "Carry On Screaming" was intended to be a satire of Hammer films!

Harry H. Corbett in his only Carry On film, as Detective Sergeant Sidney Bung, and his wife Joan (22 other Carry On Flicks and TV shows such as "Carry On Doctor") Sims as Emily Bung, have less than a stellar marriage! In fact, he'll do almost anything just to get away from her and her chronic annoying bitching!

Doris, The woman screaming in the top picture was kidnapped as her boyfriend and her were spooning in the woods, and some kind of broken off finger was left behind as a clue for Detective Bung and his cohort, Peter (at least 17 other Carry On features like "Carry On Camping") Butterworth, as Detective Constable Slobotham, to try and decipher!

The two detectives and Doris's boyfriend Jim (10 other Carry On films like "Carry On Cabby") Dale as Albert Potter, follow the clues to this rest home!

The eyes behind that hollow painting that are watching the boys, belong to the lovely Fenella Fielding as Valeria Watt! Fenella was only in one other Carry on movie, "Carry On Regardless," but of course you'll also remember Fenella for her memorable role as Morgana Femm in "The Old Dark House" with Tom Poston!!

Valeria's charms curl the toes of even the strongest of men, including the 6'7" man servant  Sockett, as played by Bernard Bresslaw, who was in 17 other Carry On flicks including "Carry On In The Legion!"

Valeria's brother Dr. Orlando Watt has to be brought back to life to deal with the situation! Dr. Watt was played by Kenneth Williams who was in at least 23 other Carry On features including "Carry On Jack," "Carry On Loving," and "Carry On Behind!!!"

Tom Clegg as the monster Oddbod was in another five Carry On shows like "Carry On Cleo!" He is also smitten by Valeria's beauty! I still haven't figured out why he doesn't have a neck!

Charles Hawtrey as the character Dan Dann lives in a basement like dwelling and knows all his neighbors by their undergarments!  Charles was also in 24 other Carry On motion pictures including "Carry On Constable," and "Carry On Nurse!"

By examining the severed finger, it is determined by a Dr. Fettle that the creature is of the mythical  species Homo Gargantuas!

Using electric current, Dr. Fettle accidently reconstitutes a naked and mangy looking Oddbod Junior! Billy Cornelius in the role of Junior was in nine other Carry On movies like "Carry On Dick," and "Carry On Henry The VIII!"

The plot thickens like figgy pudding when the detectives determine that Doris has been turned into a mannequin, after being identified by a mark on her derriere! Angela Douglas as Doris was in three other Carry On flicks, one of them being "Carry On...Up The Khyber!"

Valeria is so smoking hot that when she asks Detective Bung if he minds if she smokes, she literally does!!

Valeria cons Detective Bung into drinking some potion that turns him into a Hyde-like creature temporarily!

When he returns home to Mrs. Bung, she doesn't even really notice that he's now a monster, and just gives him a ration of shit for not combing his hair and taking care of his teeth properly!

In order to lure Oddbod out into the open, they dress up Detective Slobotham as a woman, and take him out into the woods, but Detective Bung's wife, who is now very suspicious of his activities, follows them and gets kidnapped and turned into a mannequin herself!

It's a big mess at the end when Slobotham also gets kidnapped and almost  gets waxed too! Doris gets rescued and brought back to life before the whole operation falls apart, and Dr. Watt and Valeria's evil operation is finally discombuberated!

Valeria is rehabilitated and given a second chance in Detective Bung's home!

As luck would have it, Mrs. Bung accidentally never gets revived and remains a mannequin much to Detective Bung's chagrin! Right!! It's not horrible, it's not hilarious, it's not really good, but it's not too bad, and you can get "Carry On Screaming" from Sinister Cinema for a reasonable price! 2013 is going to be fraught with weirdness down here in the Dungeon, so stick around,  I assure you, it's only going to get worse!! Carry On...2013!!

Monday, December 31, 2012

REEFER MADNESS in Color / George A. Hirliman Productions - 1936

Believe it or else, this is our last post of 2012, and, it's even New Year's Eve to boot! I thought this classic colorized flick might be a good one to celebrate "Happy New Year 2013!"

The story's a highly exaggerated cautionary tale about what happens when teenagers use marijuana. Drug dealers lead innocent teens into becoming addicted to weed by holding wild parties with jazz music!.. Enjoy!

Eegah!! sent over this lil' soundclip from this flick, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button there next to the invisible chair, NOW, Ralphie The Tarantula! Here's our audio offering for... REEFER MADNESS in Color!

Here's the father of Nancy Davis lecturing a group of concerned citizens at the high school back in the day...

He shows them a film about weed grown in the cities and how reefers get rolled.

This is one cool vintage shot of 'teens' at the malt shop, the place where all the action originates. The only thing that's changed is that there are no malt shops anymore!

The wildest and weirdest part of this flick is the psychedelic colors of the exhaled smoke from the reefers!

Oh, freakin' Hell yeah!!!....

Girls gets their fancy tickled while guys get all mental!

Sweet wheels for delivering 'da weed in, yow-sa!

Izzit hot in here, or, izzit it jus' me?.. As stoned out as this crazy chick is, she's still a pro with color coordination!

You actually get a better buzz if you hold it in!

The kid is so out of it after just 3 hits that he doesn't even realize that he's being framed for murder! What a lightweight chump, he gives weed a bad name!!

The courtroom is filled with finger pointing and in the jury room they have a little fun while deciding the kid's fate...

Mr. Perry Noyd starts having a mental breakdown and ends up killing the boss!! So, guess what?.. The jig is up!

And, this guilty chick definitely ain't going to no damn prison for the rest of her life! Good-bye cruel world!! I regret nothing!!

The propagandized face of weed intoxication USA in 1936!.. Happy New Year Everbloody, tune in for our wild 'n' weird 2013 lineup!..

Saturday, December 29, 2012

DU BI QUAN WANG DA PO XUE DI ZI - NEU! - "Master Of The Flying Guillotine" (1976)

My last post of the year should be something significant, so I've decided to go with "Du Bi Quan Wang Da Po Xue Di Zi.".............

........"Master Of The Flying Guillotine,"...........

........or as it is also sometimes called, "One Armed Boxer vs. The Flying Guillotine!!!" I just made myself some egg flower soup with bok choy, and some salt and pepper chicken to get me in the mood, so let's get this egg rolling!!

This film is actually a sequel to the 1972 flick "Du Bei Chuan Wang" (One-Armed Boxer) and this is the blind Fung Sheng Wu Chi as played by Kang Chin, who has just got the word that his disciples have been killed by the One-Armed Boxer, so it's up to him to exact some revenge with his flying guillotine! Kang Chin has some 60 acting credits, some as Kang Chin, some as Kong Kam, some as Kam Kong,  and even one as King Kong!!

The music in "The Master OF The Flying Guillotine" was created by a German band called Neu! who were former members of Kraftwerk, who are the masters of what is commonly referred to as the "Motorik" (Motor Skill) beat, or as Klaus Dinger would call it, the "Apache Beat!" This "Super" Theme Song is a great example of how they would use a single minimalist 4/4 beat, repeated continuously throughout the entire track! Simply stated, it pounds the listener into oblivion! Interestingly enough, the makers of this film didn't ask permission to use the music, but I think they made it right a few years later!

There's a big mixed martial arts tournament going on that the One-Armed Boxer and his students are attending that is not a whole lot different from sticking 25 cents into a "Mortal Combat" video game, and there is a whole assortment of weird characters with different skills going up against one another mano a mano!!!

This is the Monkey Boy! He has his own set of special skills!

These two guys have to fight on top of a bunch of poles stuck in the ground, and if one of them falls off, he's apt to land on one of those strategically placed swords!

There are many no-holds barred styles of fighting, and many of them are also lethal!!

So the tournament is just getting in gear when party pooper Fung Sheng Wu Chi shows up with his flying guillotine. Since he's blind, he just starts randomly killing anybody who only has one arm, and sometimes just anybody! I guess he figures that if kills everybody, then he'll eventually kill the right guy! I'd be more than happy to listen if anybody wants to explain to me why he has a swastika on the front of his gown!!

The flying guillotine is kind of a cross between a giant yo-yo and a lampshade with teeth! He throws it very accurately, it lands on the target's head, and then when he pulls the cord for it to come back to him, it severs off the head of the individual it landed on slick as a whistle!!

When it gets to the point that he's not getting anywhere, he just destroys the whole freakin' place and prematurely ends the tournament!

The flashback scenes are always psychedelic!!

The Master Of The Flying Guillotine is not the only one pissed off at the One-Armed Boxer, and several other attendees of the tournament go after him too once he gets back to his school! This dude with the Mr. Fantastic arms that stretch out is particularly weird!

The little barefoot guy is also a real pain in the ass, so the One-Armed Boxer comes up with this plan to fight him in this shed, and then he has his students set it on fire, and block all the exits! The floor gets a little too hot for barefoot boy, and makes him a lot more vulnerable!

Yu Wang as the One-Armed Boxer gets credit for being the star of the first ever real kung-fu movie in 1970  titled "Long Hu Dou" or "The Chinese Boxer," and was the most popular movie star in China from 1965 to 1971 until Bruce Lee appeared on the scene!

The only way the One-Armed Boxer can escape the wrath of the Master Of The Guillotine is through distraction! He has to just keep faking him out, and causing him to make mistakes!

But it's not an easy task, and this final battle goes on for a long time!

I'll leave you with this great production still of the two protagonists really hacking it out to the very end! For all you fans of the genre, this film should not be missed, and can be found on Netflix! See you in 13!!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??