Tuesday, October 14, 2008

THE PROJECTED MAN / Universal - 1967 / Music by Kenneth V. Jones

Tonight, Tabonga present THE PROJECTED MAN! Music by Kenneth V. Jones who also work on THE BRAIN which we already post! Theme is great! Really capture feel of a... Projected Man!!

Here good guys Bryant Halliday, Mary Peach and Ronald Allen. They working hard to make things get projected!

Bryant try to project into big shot house to prove machine work, but something go wrong as usual!!.. Yetch!!

Projected Man have to wear rubber glove to hold sexy Tracy Crisp. When he not wearing glove, he give you painful flesh-melting shock!!.... Oh yeah, and you die!

Okay, here what it look like when Projected Man pissed at you!

Happy Halloween Everbloody!!


Tonight we have 2 postings!.. Whoa!!

First, here's 3 tunes from HERMANOS GUZANOS, a garage band from California in the '80s. The titles are '50s monster movies and from their album X-13, so, get ready for some unfettered sounds from the Dungeon cobwebs!!

We'll get it going with this instrumental, ATOMIC SUBMARINE! Be warned, electronic monster mayhem!!

This next wild tune cooks and make THE BRAIN EATERS seem like pretty cool lil' dudes!

Last, but, not least, is PHANTOM FROM SPACE! So's... hope ya'll enjoyed this little demented bonus! One thing Guzanos was good at was keeping their tunes short and to the point!!

And, I think I just heard Tabonga come in, so, stick around for his great posting coming up! Later!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

SEKAI DAISENSO (The Last War) - Ikuma Dan - "The End, Really" (1961)

Halloween, Schmalloween, it's time to get serious, and here's what I'm talking about, "Party like it's 1999" in 1961, because it's Armageddon Time, and unlike me, Toho wasn't playin' around! Ikuma Dan was chosen this time for the music instead of Akira Ifukube, probably because his résumé included a lot of war films instead of giant monster movies!

Nobody ever said that end of the world was going to be some kind of laugh fest, and this film is duly lacking in the humor and light department!!

Godzilla was only capable of wiping out small countries, in "Sekai Daisenso" they destroy the whole world. Like, 30 seconds and counting!!!

This is one film that you are guaranteed that there will be no Part 2, nor will there be part 2 to anything else ever again! They felt it needed to be said and so they did it!!

The Last War" is an anomaly because it's got all the same players you're used to, but this go round, it's Real Horror, Real Scary, and Real Ugly. This happy family, just like every other family on earth is about to die!

It's literally the end of the world, what can I say? Conceptually, this movie is a bummer!! Happy Freakin' Halloween!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

THE INVISIBLE BOY / MGM - 1957 / Music by Les Baxter

Boy!!.. Talk about a classic! After FORBIDDEN PLANET was made, and, if you were MGM, why wouldn't you reuse the best movie robot... Ever?!

Dungeon staple Les Baxter does the music tonight. Other postings we've done by Les are: PHARAOH'S CURSE, VOODOO ISLAND, PANIC IN THE YEAR ZERO, GHOST IN THE INVISIBLE BIKINI and more, so check those out! Now, without further delay, here's... THE INVISIBLE BOY, ROBBIE and SUPER COMPUTER! And, notice the 'happy American family' feel in the theme! My dad took me to see this one when it came out, he was really into sci-fi!

Philip Abbott plays Dr. Tom Merrinoe, he's in charge of America's new super computer. He's also the father of Timmie Merrinoe, a kid that is just not the studious type. Kind of an insult to one of the smartest men in the world!!

So, what does dad do?.. Well, he has his son, Timmie, get some tutoring from the super computer. It totally works except that the computer is being controlled by aliens through a satellite! Timmie is hypnotized into being smart, but, also to obey commands from space! After Timmie puts Robbie back together, the computer orders him to bring the robot for an upgrade. Now, Robbie's under it's control too!

Timmie is played by Richard Eyer, who has one hell of a movie and TV resume for a kid! Rich played the genie in THE 7th VOYAGE OF SINBAD, which we've already posted here.

Here's Timmie and Robbie cookin' up trouble for mom and dad! Robbie's explaining how he can make him invisible, in order to do whatever he pleases with immunity!

As the scientists try to figure out what's going wrong with the top-secret project, the super computer is hypnotizing some of them and military officers into preventing progress via sabotage. One of those scientists is Robert H. Harris (in the middle), who played Pete Dumond, the crazy make-up artist in HOW TO MAKE A MONSTER, a personal favorite of ours!

The computer orders Robbie to the rocket, where the invisible Timmie has hid away for a cool trip into space! Anything the Army can dish out, though, Robbie can take!!

Timmie and Robbie blast off into space. The computer orders Robbie to blind Timmie, but Robbie can't do it, of course!! Timmie's parents are watching the drama on that view screen, there! Mom's flippin' out!!

After the boys get back from space, the computer makes one last attempt on Timmie and his dad. Robbie comes into the room where the computer wants him to kill them, but, Robbie goes over and plows through the computer's circuits and finally the link from space is broken and the humans win again!! But, only because of Robbie The Robot!!..

Viva la Robbie!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

20000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA - Kirk Douglas - "A Whale Of A Tale" (1954)

This song is dedicated to Bo and his blushing bride who are getting hitched tonight Disney pirate style! AAAarrrauggghhh!! This is the last of our 'Halloween Submarine' tunes! I guess I just never sat around and thought about how many damn submarine movies were made back in the day until now!

So here's the trick and it goes something like this! Now You see it!!!!

Now you don't!!!

"It must be the monster!!!"

We've already written about a number of other Sub flicks including "Atomic Submarine", "It Came From Beneath The Sea", "The Giant Behemoth" "Terror Beneath The Sea", and "Fantastic Voyage" and one of these days we'll get around to "Mysterious Island" and maybe even "Yellow Submarine" & a couple of others, but for now....

Let's set off to sea with everybody's favorite and probably the happiest music from a submarine movie, Kirk Douglas, strumming & singing like you'd never seen him before or since, with "A Whale Of A Tale", I swear by my tatoo!!

I just think that this is a beautiful portrait of the iconic Peter Lorre! Bask in it's glory! Sorry kids, despite what you think, and I don't really understand it myself, but they just don't make characters like this anymore!!

You always have to wonder what a Jerry Warren or Larry Buchanan would or could have done with a budget like this, and that is exactly what Kirk and Peter are thinking about right here!!

The Sub had so many high tech devices, here you can see how well the electric bar-b-que grill worked!!!

Peter Lorre is right up there with Man-Tan Moreland in the eye-poppin' departamento!! Wow!! You know this was the same year that "Killers From Space" came out!!! Uuummmm!!! Even though he can't compete with Pete, Paul Lukas does a pretty good job himself!

When they have to get out on the deck and start chopping up the giant squid with hatchets and machetes, it gets pretty visceral for a Disney flick!!!! Go rent it again to see for yourself!!!!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

KAITEI GUNKAN (Atragon) - "Manda Will Be Pleased" (1963)

All right, well tonite's "Halloween Submarine" 2008 Countdown feature is yet another Ishirô Honda directed film with music provided by Akira Ifukube, but this one is a little more twisted than your average Godzilla movie, and if you really want to dig deep into the politics of tradition and nationalism in 1963 Japan, then by all means go search "Atragon" on Wikipedia or someplace, but if you just want some cool pics and music, then just hang on and stay right here!!!

I do hope you enjoy the opening dialogue sequence and theme!

We love this theme, I mean, it's dum dum dum, dum dum dum, dum dum dah, dum dum dududa dum, dum dum dah, dum dum dah, or something pretty close to that. Crank it up!!! It'll beat the snot outta you!

There's not much brevity or celebration in "Kaitei Gunkan" but it's a crazy movie worth checking out with a ton of eye candy, like this shot, a cross between "South Pacific" & "Forbidden Planet!"

Greetings From Beautiful Downtown MU - Wish You were here!!!

The Atragon sub is by far the most advanced submarine in the movies or basically anywhere if you really think about it! Besides all the normal submarine attributes, it is also has a cool drill auger nosepiece capable of boring through the earth, and above all else, it freakin' flies!!! Yeah! Right On!! Go Atragon!!!

So, there's only one basic problem in solving the world's demise, and that's dealing with this guy. Unfortunately, he never got over World War II, he's Jun Tazaki as The Captain of Atragon, and he refuses to compromise his loyalty to Japan in order to save the world! Does the concept ring familiar?? In simple terms, he don't get it!!

Altough quite evil, this is Not the scariest looking group of guys you'll ever meet in your life!!

We're right in the middle of the Big Manda Ceremony when they bring out the Crazy Horse Saloon girls in the blonde wigs! You know, all that traditional stuff!!

Then they throw you in a cell that has big doors and when you open them, Peek-A-Boo!! Here's Manda!!!! What a bunch of jokers!!!

Tetsuko Kobayashi as The Empress of MU is an evil bee that gets stung herself in the end!

And if all that isn't enough to pique your interest, there's always these guys!!!

As Mr. August Ragone so succinctly noted, a few scenes from Atragon were 'cribbed' out and used two years later in the A.I.P. feature, "War Gods Of The Deep," and they did look good enuf to be used more than once. I'll give 'em that credit!!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??