Monday, May 7, 2018


Here are the fifties sci-fi movies of Peter Graves, even though there are only four of them, they are all classic flicks from that era. Peter had 136 acting credits and looking them over, I noticed that in 1998 he did the voice of General Warning on THE ANGRY BEAVERS, he was the narrator on the USAF Briefing Film for ATTACK OF THE EYE CREATURES, he also directed one episode of MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE and one episode of GUNSMOKE!

First up is RED PLANET MARS from 1952, Peter plays an American scientist who contacts Mars by radio and receives information that Mars is a utopia and that Earth's people can be saved if they return to the worship of God!.. Weird.

In 1954, Peter stars as Dr. Doug Martin in KILLERS FROM SPACE. I still love this crazy movie, it has all the elements that make for a fun watch, time after time! They just released a restored version of this movie on DVD that is simply awesome!

My favorite flick of the four is Corman's IT CONQUERED THE WORLD from 1956 with that classic Blaisdell monster from Venus. Love the little flying parasites too, creepy cool. It also stars Beverly (NOT OF THIS EARTH) Garland, Lee (SPACE PATROL) Van Cleef and Sally (WAR OF THE COLOSSAL BEAST) Fraser.

I saw BEGINNING OF THE END in 1957, Peter is another scientist in this wild tale, he gets caught in the terror and takes the lead in figuring out how to kill the giant locust... So, there you go, we will be back on Wednesday with even more prescious Dungeon Cargo!

Saturday, May 5, 2018

NIGHT SHADOW - "Murder, Mutilation, Werewolf, Explosion" (1989)

Tonight's Saturday Night Special is special, but I wouldn't exactly call it good, but then it's also not the worst movie I've ever seen either.

"Night Shadow" is one of those movies that I give the creators credit just because they did it. Sometimes, that isn't quite enough, but at least it looks like they tried!

That's a lot of traffic on a 1989 Highway 99!

Linda Vance is a journalist headed home for a break, She must have been making a lot of money to have a fancy car phone like that! Linda is basically the star of the movie, and that's the problem. Not a whole Helluva lot ever happens to her, and actually, the movie would have been fine without her.

Special effects guy Rick Scott plays the mean-looking hitchhiker monster dude!

His trunk is full of all kinds of smelly, gross and disgusting body parts!

 Did you ever wonder what Kato Kaelin was up to before the O.J. murders? Yeah, well me neither, but I guess "Night Shadow" was the second movie of his career.

 With friends like this playing tricks on you, who needs enemies?

Martial arts champion Stuart Quan fell victim to the Bruce Lee syndrome and died at the age of 43 after going on a snowboarding trip. He became unconscious on the way home, and later died.

I give the makers of "Night Shadow" kudos for shooting the whole thing in Fresno, and Hanford, California!

 Somebody had fun setting up this scene. I thought the bread in the toaster was a nice touch!

 What the Heck? Now it's a Kung-Fu movie?

You get the idea!

 In the common practice of "We Need Some Kind Of Name That Doesn't Cost Much" department, they dredged up class act Aldo (We're No Angels, God's Little Acre) Ray, and use him for totally nothing but a name and a face. Humiliating, but at least Aldo got a pay day out of it!

The monster doesn't really get cookin' until almost the end of the movie!

Trying to make a werewolf movie could easily turn into a very daunting project!

This werewolf is kind of fat, but other than that, he's pretty cool!

He's never going to reach that gun, and even if he could, it isn't going to help him when the adversary is a werewolf!

Dinner's served!!

Friday, May 4, 2018

THE THREE STOOGES In Color / Sing A Song Of Six Pants - 1947

The Stooges are tailors in this one, and they are heavily in debt to the Skin & Flint Finance Company! When the boys hear about a big reward for a fugitive robber, they think it could be the answer to all their problems. The bank robber ducks into their shop while running from the police and ends up leaving his jacket there with a safe combination in the pocket. After the crook's girl friend fails to retrieve the combination, he and two of his goons return to the shop where a wild and crazy fight ensues.

Besides the Stooges, this thing stars Vernon Dent, Virginia Hunter and Tiny Brauer. Did you know that the awesome Mr. Vernon Dent wound up with a whopping 437 acting credits?!

Larry, Moe & Shemp are the Pip Boys, Unaccustomed Tailors with Cheep Clothes (Larry is misspelled). So then, let's take a look inside and see what's goin' on...

What do you know! The boys are working away. Shemp, who looked like he was sitting on a work table, decides to get some music on the radio and walks away. Moe does a double take on the pants before he joins Shemp at the radio. A news report comes on about a reward for a robbery that just happened. And boy, would they like to capture the crook and use the reward money to pay off their debt!

Larry has been working hard removing a spot on this pair of pants!

And, Moe makes some tasty pancakes using the steam press!

As fate would have it, the crook, Mr. Terry Hargan, quickly ducks into the boys' place, discards his overcoat, uses shoe polish to make a mustache and poses as just another mannequin.

Vernon plays the cop, he goes inside looking for his man, but, the boys try and sell him Hargan's suit instead! Then, they find out that he's a detective chasing the crook so they back off a bit.

Hargan splits the joint when the boys' backs are turned. Moe finds a safe combination in a pocket of Hargan's jacket they managed to snatch up in the confusion.

Shemp gets his finger bit but good after he does a little too much pointing at Moe!!

This is Hargan's goil, Flossie. She goes to the shop and gets the jacket back but there's a sales receipt in the pocket instead of the combination. Damn, just look at that freakin' style! That feather cap is the cat's meow!!

So, Hargan takes two thugs with him to deal with the boys, and, get that combination back! The boss takes care of Shemp, Moe gets this guy searching his pockets for that little slip of paper. Moe can't stop laughing because the dude is tickling the Hell out of him!

Larry takes care of his guy post haste so goes over to help Moe. Whotta team!

Shemp ends up knocking out Hargan while spinning on that fixture behind them. The boys have done it, they captured the crooks!! Trouble is, Detective Sharp shows up and informs them that he'll be collecting the reward, not them!.. He even laughs at 'em!

While waiting for the cops to get their shit together, Shemp accidentally finds $550 in the lapel of Hargan's jacket, and takes it. A happy ending, they can pay off their bills!.. Hooray!!

I think Eegah!! has a good one for you tomorrow, so, I wouldn't miss it if I were you... Or, me!

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

SUSPENSE TV Show - Season 2, Episode 6 - "A Cask of Amontillado" (1949)

"Suspense" was a TV show that was on the air from 1949 to 1954 and starred such dignitaries as Boris Karloff, Leslie Nielsen, Ray Walston, Jackie Cooper, Henry Hull, Jack Palance, and so many more, including tonight's shining star, Bela Lugosi!

Welcome to a Wobbly Wretched Wednesday in The Dungeon! Our sponsor tonight is Auto-Lite, the makers of fine spark plugs then and now!

  If you care to read the original short story, and you should, because it only takes a couple of minutes, and thanks to some very fine people, you can find it right here!

Speaking of Ray (My Favorite Martian) Walston, that's him right there as the soldier who has to listen to the sordid tale of "A Cask Of Amontillado" first hand. Sorry about the quality of these pictures, but that's what you get for free, so I can't complain!

Romney (Sheena: Queen Of The Jungle, Screaming Mimi) Brent aka Romulo Larralde, is Count Montressor, and he's here to tell the authorities that there has been a murder.

The star of the show is Dungeon perennial favourite Mr. Bela Lugosi!

Our motto is: "If it's gotta Bela in it, then you gotta watch it!" It's just that simple!

The credits read...."By Edgar Allen Poe," but the story is a very loose interpretation. The basic story line is there though, but if you want to get picky, the original story was called "The Cask Of Amontillado," not "A Cask........"

Bela is a Nazi soldier named General Fortunato, and he seems to be really enjoying that glass of wine! Whether he's a maniac or a vampire it doesn't matter, because watching Bela any time is just like hanging out with a good friend!

For a Nazi General, Bela looks like he's having a good time here, so how about some music to celebrate the end of a war, and a fantastic tune from a good friend of mine, the one, the only, Glen Armstrong! Let's hear it for

Bela says, I'm warning you, don't listen to that polka song or you will end up just like how Edgar Allen wrote: "I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity."

When I was a senior in high school, I had to take a speech class, and compete in speech tournaments. You could debate, but I chose to do a dramatic interpretation for one tournament, a reading of "The Cask Of Amontillado!" I didn't get to use notes, and had to memorize the whole thing. Needless to say, I ended up in whatever's after last place, and on the bus ride back home, an idiot friend of mine tried smoking a cigarette in the back of the bus thinking he wouldn't get caught. If you guessed that they were my cigarettes, and I got in more trouble than him, you'd be correct! “Et tu, Cesare?” Now go back and read the original story with a little more appreciation!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??