Friday, July 25, 2008

FEARLESS VAMPIRE KILLERS - Krzysztof Komeda - "On His Own, On His Own" (1967)

"Fearless Vampire Killers" is a freaky weird vampire film written and directed by Roman Polanski! 
This film has weird music by Krzysztof Komeda that is filled with soaring Ahh, Ahh, Ahh vocals from some celestial vampire vocalist!! 
And that's about it because once you throw in a name like Roman Polanski, it becomes one of those neverending Hollywood sagas, so you might just as well just go on and do a google search and get it over with, otherwise we're gonna be here all night! 
What happened to Sharon Tate is incredibly sad and way beyond fiction! 
Give credit to Roman for having a credible vampire! 
The dance of death! 
Nothing left but vampires, as we get closer to daily reality by the minute!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

THE PHANTOM FROM 10,000 LEAGUES / Milner Bros. - 1955 / Music by Ronald Stein

Around Dungeon, main music dude have the name... Mr. Ronald Stein!! Tonight is nice mix of monsterous atmosphere he make! Hey, this only 2nd flick Ron ever work on! Next one DAY THE WORLD ENDED!.. Okay, here come!.. Fathom From 10 Leagues... This flick kinda stupid! 
Hard to tell but that Dirk from MISSILE TO THE MOON under radio-active suit! He working hard screwing up something! 
AND!.. He expert button pusher! 
That good boy!.. Come Tabonga!.. Okay, now go fetch stick!! You can see wire holding fin up!!
 What the?!.. Did I just miss something?! 
I could'a swore I heard someone gasp and close a door!!.. Hmmm!.. Oh well!.. 
I better put this on... 
Man, gurl can't make up mind!!
 Sometime, like to chase cars!! 
Bad dude and bad gurl!.. Mostly gurl though! 

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

THE EARTH DIES SCREAMING - Elisabeth Lutyens - "Scream & Scream Again" (1965)

"The Earth Dies Screaming" is really a great little movie and a lot of fun to watch! The fab-tastic music is by Elisabeth Lutyens, one of the few women working in a largely male dominated field at the time. We've written about Elizabeth before, because she has a number of cool credits like "The Skull", Paranoiac" and "The Terrornauts" to mention a few! Elizabeth also seemed to work very well with musical director Phillip Martell on a number of features!! 
Get ready, because they're coming to get you!!! Yeah, You!!! 
Now you gotta admit that this looks like a real fun group of people to party with!! 
Don't worry, everything will be okay, just don't get to close, Oops!! Zap!!! Oh, sorry lady!! 
She just doesn't seem the same, you know, kind of vacant, strange, and not interested in sex anymore! 
Oh, Man!! Alien Peeping Tom Perv, what could be worse than that?? 
 Despite everything, the guys still have time to hang out at the local T & A Centre!! 
Remember, the title does include the word "Screaming!" 
Do you got a goosestep to go along with that salute there trooper?? 
Stupid alien robots weren't really that tough after all!! 
The "Official Campaign Manual" basically breaks down to, Go see this movie!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

THE FOUR SKULLS OF JONATHAN DRAKE / Robert E. Kent Productions - 1959 / Music by Paul Dunlap

Tonight we feature old pal Paul Dunlap in music arena, he already appear on Dungeon before! And, more of Paul still to come!!.. After theme, check out cool creepy organ! Nice!!.. Theme, Skulls, Ritual
Jonathan just relaxing at home with little pal!.. 
Man, flick have excellent props!! 
Hey, where all the fun go?!..
Jonathan have big curse on him, so, hot daughter try and help out in some kind gurlie way... 
But, no!.. Zombo show up and ruin everything!!.. 
An' poke butler in neck with curare knife!! YEAAAH!!! Score point for Zombo!! 
Then NY copper show up in jungle!.. 
... And have cigarette break!.. Girl don't mind back then. 
Lots fun to dress up and play act in basement... Sometimes wear bra and panties!! 
So you know, dude talking to copper is real bad guy, great actor Henry Daniell. He put curse on Jonathan and have horrific secret!.. 
One last great prop!!..
 Henry secret is he 160 year old and has body of black native. He have to get his head cut off to end curse!!.. OOUCHIEEE!!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

EL ASESINO INVISIBLE - Various Artists - "In The Club" (1964)

"El Asesino Invisible" esta uno pelicula loco!!! You've got a hero called El Enmascarado De Oro pitted against an invisible killer, and even though there's a lot of wrasslin' going on with some extreme characters portrayed by real wrestlers with names like 'Karloff' Lagarde, Dorrell Dixon, and my favorite El Bizarro, most of the movie is spent chillin' inside the club with the detective watching Ana Berta Lepe go through about a million costume changes and almost as many varieties of music. Kind of like a sophisticated "Gong Show" and the audience just eats it up and appears to love each and every moment of it!!! 
The musical credits are immense as you can see, but a gentleman by the name of Sergio Guerrero gets credit for the original score!! Sergio just passed away this year after an amazing career that had him composing music for over 225 movies!!! Bravo Sergio!!! 
Introducing Miss Mexico 1953, Ana Bertha Lepe, a national treasure!! 
It was ironic that the handsome and very popular Jorge Rivero portrays Enmascarado De Oro in his very first film outing, and wears a mask through the whole movie! He went on to have an excellent career in Hollywood and Mexico, and was in "Rio Lobo" with John Wayne a few years later. 
The best song of the movie is right here, and is called "Negro Blues" I do believe, and you get to see Ana duckwalk too!! 
Then it's time for "Un Poco Mas" by Alvaro Carrillo, combined here for your listening pleasure with..... 
 this "Charleston" number written by Enrico Cabiatti that brings down the house! 
Right about here I start getting lost, I know it's time for the candle song, but there's just too many things going on, listen to this, and maybe you'll have a little better understanding!!!! "La Pollera Colora" and mucho mas!! 
Ana is so dedicated to her job, she has a pole in her house!! 
There's only one real way to take in this much information, and that's to get a copy for yourself, so just in case you havn't started thinking about those weirdos on your X-Mas list yet, it might be just about the right time!! "The Grand Finale"

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??