Friday, December 12, 2014

ZARDOZ / John Boorman Productions - 1974

It's Weirdsville Friday here at The Dungeon, we gots a movie written and directed by John Boorman and stars Sean 'Bond' Connery. Boorman also directed HAVING A WILD WEEKEND, POINT BLANK, DELIVERANCE, EXORCIST II: THE HERETIC, EXCALIBUR and THE EMERALD FOREST.

This goofy looking dude claims to be the almighty Zardoz, I'll let you judge for yourself...

Eegah!! sent over a sound clip from this flick for our approval, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button over by our atomic guns, NOW, Rufus The Gnat!.. Here's a little taste of... ZARDOZ!

The story's about two groups of people in the distant future, one barbaric, one highly civilized. These, obviously, are the uncivilized ones, here with their big old head master, Zardoz!

And, here's Zed with his pistol, ready to kill, because, guns are good, the penis is evil, ya'll!

Zed inspects the interior of Zardoz, it rises from the ground and flies a great distance away.

Zed is let out of Zardoz on an English countryside where he encounters strange buildings and a topless girl riding her white horsie!

In the room of memories, the leaders, all women, watch as Zed's past is revealed...

Zed becomes this guy's companion and it's quite a humiliating experience for him.

The Zardoz gang mounts an attack on the civilized ones and go on yet another killing spree! This part was sanctioned by the Red States NRA.

Zed learns to be sympathetic while living with all the dysfunctional people in his life now and submits to being just a mere mortal human animal...

Jeez, looking at this, I'm really glad I'm a guy! No offense to all the great gals out there.

We'll end with probably my favorite part of the movie, this time lapse segment of Zed, Consuella and their son as they age through the happy years of their loving union.

We're back tomorrow with more from the Dungeon Gang, be there or else!..

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

ÇILGIN KIZ VE ÜÇ SÜPER ADAM - "3 Supermen And Mad Girl" (1973)

Here's an early X-mas present for all you good little kiddies! One of the greatest action packed films ever made and a free download and or streaming link courtesy of the fine folks over at The Internet Archive!! Your part is easy, all you have to do is watch!!

 3 Supermen and Mad Girl!!!

Welcome to the WTF!? Wednesday X-mas Explosion down in The Dungeon! Tonight's feature has got everything and costs nothing, it's the perfect combination of both W and F! It's not in English, the print is as horrible as you could possibly imagine, but somehow, it just doesn't matter! A word of caution, it's mesmerizing!

Just to prove the far reaching strength of Larry, Moe, and Curly!

I am such a sucker for chicks with those modified harlequin masques!

Is that a mustache on this cardboard robot? He might look cheapo, but his ray gun will disintegrate your ass in 3 seconds flat!

These are the Three Supermen off duty! They don't really have any super powers, but their suits are bulletproof, and they have handy devices to make up for their lack of powers!

Like this super vision eyepiece is put to good use!

"Çilgin Kiz VeÜç Süper Adam" is almost non-stop action! In fact, it's really just a bunch of fight and chase scenes woven together by some storyline about your run of the mill power hungry freaks set on world domination!

I'm guessing this is Yesim Yükselen as Mad Girl! Her role know, she like goes around acting all kinds of crazy most of the time!

Do not adjust the controls, just be forewarned, a good 7% of the movie looks like this! This is also a good spot to play you about two minutes of music from the movie to rock your soul! No holds barred, the makers of this film used everything they could get their hands on from "Thunderball" to "Pink Floyd," and a lot of good old fashioned Las Vegasy sleaze! Fasten your seat belt and your straight jacket, and hold on tight!

Usually, Photoshop can bring these old worn out things back to life, but not in the case of this movie! This is as good as it gets!!

Being as there was a bit of a translation problem, I kinda thought this gal was Mad Girl, but I guess not, I guess she's just kind of mildly insane for being in this movie! This just might be Mine Sun as the abducted girl! These Mad Girl Followers are no dummies, they wait until she strips down to her skivvies before snatching her!

I'm just guessing there are a lot of underground lairs in Turkey still today!

Again, no sub-titles, so I can only guess what Mad Girl has in mind! One thing you can say about the Turks, they ain't no prudes!

Mad Girl and her extremist cohorts are having a grand Bacchanalian fest over at the Grange Hall, and the Three Supermen infiltrate the private party with clever disguises like this!

Time to get down with some 'mano a mano' between one of the Supermen and the killer robot!

Your guess is as good as mine, but I'm pretty sure these three dudes are Levent Çakir, Altan Bozkurt, and Nubar Terziyan, but I could be wrong! I can tell you this much, the little guy is quite the acrobat!

Just to show you that chivalry was still alive in 1973 Turkey, The Supermen cover up the abducted girl to preserve her modesty!

All for one, and, All for one!!

They just forgot one little thing at the end of this film.......

..........Of A Bitch!!!

Monday, December 8, 2014

ATOMIC WAR! & MORE!! - A Fun And Freaky Look At Our Nuclear Past..

It's time for your Special Xmas Surprise, it's all about our atomic past and some of the things it spawned for our pleasure and displeasure! If atomic bombs weren't bad enough, they then came up with the super terror, the freaking hydrogen bomb!.. Enjoy!

Here's an issue of an ATOMIC WAR! comic from 1953, there were only four issues published.

If that wasn't enough, here's an ATOMIC ROMANCE comic, he needs a kiss before they die!

Atomic fever was in the air in the early fifties, here's a very cool ATOMIC ENERGY LAB for kids with an interest in super science!

The ATOMIC BOMBER was a game of skill that taught you to hit your mark using your authentic B-29 bomber!

Kids were even induced into sucking on an ATOMIC FIRE BALL, hey, for just a penny a pop!!

Here's a shot of the ATOMIC CANNON after lobbing a bomb onto the inviting Nevada desert!

It's easy to see where the term "mushroom cloud" came from, it looks like a mushroom!

This huge atomic cloud actually looks more like a head of cauliflower!

Exploding A-Bombs at night were especially spectacular and awesome sights for sure!

And, they did it hundreds of times, God only knows what it was doing to the atmosphere and weather! I'll tell you one thing, the skies aren't the same as they were when I was a kid. Now we have the petroleum polluters to fill in for the bomb guys, thanks a lot you goddamn fuckers!

Here's a shot of a hydrogen bomb, lots more powerful than those puny old atomic bombs!

This is a graph that shows the destructive difference between a hydrogen and an atomic bomb. The smaller circle represents an atomic explosion, the lager circle represents the hydrogen bomb explosion!

Some guy got the wild idea to use a super high speed camera to capture images of atomic explosions at the moment of detonation in the air, above ground.

These shots are truly amazing, here, you can see the ground and tower below the explosion!

I think these images would make terrific alien creatures, I can even imagine other weird parasite things inside them, ready to invade Earth!

We're back Wednesday with more Xmas treats, here at The Dungeon!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??