Monday, March 16, 2009

LA CAMARA DEL TERROR - Enrico C. Cabiati - "The Chamber Of Fear" (1968)

Just for all you dames and demons of disaster, tonight we bring you a very special feature, unlike any other, "La Camara Del Terror," or as they like to say in English, "The Chamber Of Fear!!!"

This would be Boris Karloff's actual last film outing, and although it's trounced on by many, I'll tell you, from a musical aspect and based on good old fashioned tackiness, this isn't a bad movie!! Stupid, unbelievable and without conscience, but not bad!!

Terror therapy! The new world order, nightmares for all, or as Bob Dylan would say, "those old dreams are only in your head!!!"

Then, even though it was all real, you wake up in the hospital because you're sick, and you're given all kinds of drugs to keep you convinced, that it's you and not them!!

A very strange but magnetizing woman! We met one night in a backstreet bar in Casablanca; I don't remember much, except I do miss that kidney!!

So I'm not quite sure if you've been following this story or not, but Boris and his people found this live intelligent rock that likes to eat people, kinda like in "The Little Shop Of Horrors" except this is a rock and not a plant! So they hire this stripper, and you've got to wonder sometimes how this world got so overpopulated when people can be this stupid!

Yerye Beirute as Roland seems to enjoy the show no matter what!!!

The monster uses her up and throws her away like yesterday's newspaper ready to flush down the toilet!!

Boris says, Yes, sure, come on over, I'm not feeling that great really, but if you want to shoot the scene in my bedroom instead of the studio, sure, that's fine!!

From a historical point of view, there is no possible way to pan this film. Number one, you've got two international icons, Boris Karloff and Santanón, and number two, you've got a killer soundtrack from one of the All-Time Dungeon Faves, the amazing Masestro Enrico C. Cabiati, replete with insync monster heaving, sighing and whining!

Rollin' along pretty good for a rock!!

Boris Karloff, the ultimate trooper, to THE END!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

THE CREEPING UNKNOWN / Hammer - 1955 / Music by James Bernard

Tonight. and, a week later, we have another Hammer sci-fi classic, this time starring Brian Donlevy as the awesome Prof. Bernard Quatermass, a man who understands the future. Part of the deal for US distribution was that Donlevy had to play Quatermass, and, was definitely the right choice! Brian had a part in GAMERA, THE INVINCIBLE as a general, and, he looks fairly inebriated in that scene! Also in that same GAMERA, the other American actors probably put in the worst performance EVER!! It sucks soooo bad!!

Just wanted to get that off my chest, because, Eegah!! already posted that one without bringing it to attention. If you've seen it, you know what I mean!! But, I digress...

James Bernard is back with more of his classic, nerve-shattering strains from the Scary Realm, this time its... THE CREEPING CAROON!!


This great movie starts at night on the English countryside, two lovers watch as something falls from the sky! A giant Ford hood ornament from 1953! (My first car was a '53 Ford)

Only Caroon comes back from the trip into space, the others just vanished into thin air!! As you can see on the face of Caroon's wife, something is terribly wrong!

She pays an intern to help her husband escape, so that she can take care of him properly back at their home! Caroon suddenly has a strange attachment to that cactus, there.

The whole thing totally backfires!!

He then escapes from his wife because she freaks out after getting a look at his new spiked hand! Later, this lucky drug store guy also gets to peek at it.

Rosie tells the police sergeant a strange story about something slithering around in her neighborhood. "You mean, I didn't see a gin goblin?!"

So, they have to look for the infernal thing in all the creepy places, what else?!

After absorbing lots of zoo animals, it shows up at Westminster Abbey and disrupts a BBC broadcast, looking like a tentacled nightmare from hell!!

Just make sure that every piece is burned to a crisp, or else!

Quintessential Quatermass!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

ROTE LIPPEN - SADISTEROTICA - Jerry Van Rooyen - "Two Undercover Angels" (1969)

Just for pure visual pleasure and musical enjoyment, I preferred "Küß Mich, Monster", but really, if truth be known, both of these films should have been combined together and made into one totally awesome action packed film!

So here they are once again, those Red Lips, those Two Undercover Angels, Rosanna Yanni as Regina, and Janine Reynaud as Diana, in another Jesus Franco classic, "Sadisterotica"!

In this scene Diana gets her nose hit as they both try to go through the door!!

This movie is about another mad killer artiste, and what is it with these guys? They're starting to give art a bad name!

Mr. Jerry Van Rooyen rocks the joint from strip club to beach bar with a killer score that goes on forever and a week!

MC Mr. McCool!!!!

Sadisterotica, I guess, how about a whole new meaning for the term cage match!!!

Looks like a monkey hand, but you don't know what you're going to get, after all, this is a Jess Franco movie!!

I hesitate to call this guy a Werewolf or a Wolf Man, because it really looks like he's just punk with a bad attitude that needs a shave!!

"Let it out, let it all out!" Do it for Jesus!!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??