Wednesday, September 3, 2014

NIGHT GALLERY - Season 2, Episode 8, Part 4 "Professor Peabody's Last Lecture" (1971)

After a little over seven years now, we've covered something from almost all of the mysterious television shows of the 50's, 60's, and 70's including "Far Out," "One Step Beyond," "Tales Of Tomorrow," "Tales Of The Unexplained (The Veil)," "The Twilight Zone," and "The Outer Limits," but I think this is the first time we've ever done anything from that other Rod Serling monsterpiece, "Night Gallery!" "Night Gallery" never seems to get the accolades heaped on it's older sibling, "The Twilight Zone" but it definitely had some moments worthy of discussion!! I think tonight's presentation will prove that point!

Genius writer and host of "Night Gallery" Rod Serling was a Jewish man born on Christmas Day in the year 1924! Something seems vaguely familiar here!  He wasn't a big man at 5'4" but he sure had a massive imagination! It was a sad day when he passed away from complications of a coronary bypass at the age of 50 in 1975!  The good news is that he left behind a body of work that will never be duplicated, and tonight's feature is a good example! So without further delay, here's the story of.....

This is only one segment from the show that aired on November 10, 1971! This particular episode featured four tales, "The Diary," "A Matter Of Semantics," "Big Surprise," and lastly "Professor Peabody's Last Lecture!" It starts off as just another boring day in the classroom!

It's a very simple but effective story! Too bad it's lost on the good Professor's students! Take notes kids, there's going to be a test later!!

Professor Peabody is played by one of the most brilliant comedic minds of the last 200 years, Carl Reiner, and the funniest thing is that while this role is over the top, it's not really a comedy!

 I thought it interesting that I found this episode of "Night Gallery" streaming for free on HULU! It might be free, but there is a price to pay, even more commercials than regular TV!

Professor Peabody is convinced that there is no such thing as evil beings from the past, so as the weather becomes increasingly bad with each word, he reads on from the scriptures of evil! The sweat continues to build up on his forehead!

The students were hoping to get out of class early because of the bad weather, but that's not about to happen!

In a wild soliloquy of pain and evil, Professor Peabody works himself up so much that something very strange happens!

All the students are like ?"WTF!?"

I'm not quite sure what the moral of the story is, but you get the idea that maybe Professor Peabody should have paid a little bit more attention to his lesson plan!

Monday, September 1, 2014

LA INVASION DE LOS MUERTOS / Azteca Films, Producciones Nova, Productora Fílmica Real - 1973

It's Monstruo Labor Day Monday with Tabonga, here at The Dungeon!.. We gots a rare little flick all about a fire ball that falls from the skies, causing the resurrection of the dead as zombies, who crave, what else, human flesh. This is the Mexican version of NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD.

Eegah!! sent over a nice little sound clip of the theme for our earjoyment, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button located there next to the walking dead guy, NOW, Ralphie The Tarantula!.. Here's a taste of... LA INVASION DE LOS MUERTOS!

This is not the best print of this movie in the world...

Here's the popular Mexican mystic, Professor Zovek, ready to perform yet another death defying stunt. Zovek was a national hero and true athlete, able to swim, jump the boxer's rope and perform sit-ups without stopping for more than 8 hours!! He became famous for his escapes, considered superior to the great Houdini's! He would perform feats of strength like holding back 8 motorcycles by only using his teeth, everything was documented on TV. Sadly, he was killed in a mysterious helicopter crash after this production was complete. He was only 31 years old.

Hey! Watch the package!!

Zovek is firmly tied up and placed in a big red coffin and then it's lit on fire!

Zovek's excellent crew watch the scene, waiting for their boss to escape, which he does.

Blue Demon wonders when he'll be joining in on the action!.................

The evil fireball crashes to Earth and ends up in a field next to some power lines.

Zovek discovers a cave full of ugly old walking dead and barely escapes by jumping into an underground stream below.

The Professor finds the big ball of trouble and uses his psychic powers to probe its contents!

Then, this pair of revived monsters hit the scene, easily stomping a small group of soldiers.

Zovek and his girlfriend have to try and escape the overwhelming hordes of dead ones!

Blue Demon finally arrives with his sidekick. First, a zombie commandeers their Chevy and chases them down, actually running over Demon's pal. And, guess what?!.. The dude was laying out so flat on the ground that the car completely missed hitting him, whoa!!

Anyway, Zovek drives a pickup into the power tower and it falls onto the ball from space, bringing an end to all the madness!.. Tune in Wednesday when Eegah!! will man the helm.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

KILINK UÇAN ADAMA KARSI - "Kilink Vs The Flying Man" (1967)

Gidiyoruz Buradayay, Reçine Ve, and welcome to Saturday Night in 1960's Turkey, deep deep down in The Dungeon! I love these Kilink movies, as I am sure you will too!

 What's not to like? "Kilink Uçan Adama Karsi" aka "Kilink Vs The Flying Man" is 48 minutes of almost non-stop action! The editing is so choppy, you just have to wonder, and the movie is so short, I get the feeling that somebody who didn't speak Turkish did the editing, and since he couldn't understand anything, he cut out 90% of the dialogue, either that or the editor was just play Krazy! It really doesn't make much difference, the end result is the same!

 "Kilink Vs The Flying Man" is a sequel to "Kilink In Istanbul" released the same year!

 Kilink is an enigma, and the ladies really seem to dig him! Maybe it's that perpetual smile! I think he's got a little bit of that Charlie Manson charisma in him!!

 Kilink scares this young lady so bad, it sends her pigtails a twirling!!

 A Howard Kaylan of 'Flo and Eddie Turtles Fame' wannabe shows up to give this mere mortal a gift of what seems to be most of the powers of Superman! Where he got them from I have no idea! Probably found them in an alley somewhere!

 He's stronger than a building, can leap bullets in a single bound, he flies, and he's got a big freakin' S on his chest and belt! To me, he looks like a guy named Superbat!! Nope, it's the Flying Man!

 And when the hammer comes down, the Flying Man bursts on the scene, and................. he's not screwing around!!

The action is so fast and furious, it's difficult to get a good shot!

 I know, I know what you're thinking, but if you had forty-seven dollars and 97 cents, what kind of flying special effect could you come up with?

 When he's not loving women, Kilink likes to abduct and torture them! He is indeed quite an interesting character!! You know how it goes, some guys collect stamps..............

 Kilink is played by Irfan (SPY SMASHER) Atasoy who was also Kilink in the first movie!

 It's not real difficult to figure out who Kilink's men are!! They're just one K short of being a bunch of racists!

 Kilink's passion for the ladies is neverending, and you will never stop wondering how they do all that making out with him having that mask on the whole time! All that spit, it's gotta smell bad inside that mask, but it doesn't stop them!

 This part cracked me up! Just like any other normal movie, after a rollicking night of lovemaking, Kilink has to get dressed (except I don't think he ever got undressed, which is even weirder than the kissing) and give his sweetheart a little caress before he's on his way back to the office!

Kilink and his two blonde girlfriends are members of some kind of swinger's club! Actually, I don't think he's just a lowly member, Kilink is the President of the swinger's club!  At this point you might want to ask yourself, just what in the Hell is going on here anyway??

 Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Flying Man is kicking ass, and not taking names or numbers!

 Was there anything such as too much fun in 1967 Turkey? Without hesitation, I say not!!
On a WTF?! Scale from 1 to 10, "Kilink Uçan Adama Karsi" gets a freakin' 13! Here's a minute and a half of sound that sounds like it was recorded on the streets of Istanbul with a Wollensak T1500 reel to reel with a microphone dangling off a balcony! Enjoy! All that's missing is the sound of chickens in heat!

 Right before this scene, I got a big belly laff!! Kilink and his girls and their swingin' buddies were having a great time, and Flying Man just literally bursts on the scene and starts kicking ass! I just couldn't get a good still, but trust me, it's hilarious in any language!! So that being said, Kilink turns his newly patented death ray on Flying Man as the girls gaze on in wonder!

 Kilink shows his weak side, when he decides to flee thinking it's the end for Flying Man for sure, but, Jeez, he's flying man, no stupid death ray is going to stop him, might slow him down a little, but that's about it! Hence, the pursuit continues!!

It's at this point that I have to ask you, how can you possibly go wrong, when you can

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??