Friday, December 19, 2008

PARANOIAC - Elisabeth Lutyens - "Why Don't You Go Ahead And Fry Your Face" (1963)

Cool and Creepy, wild man Oliver Reed and frantic Freddie Francis style centered on another Jimmy Sangster jewel, "Paranoiac" is a great movie, and it's a lot of fun trying to figure out who is really the crazy one, because Lord knows, you've got a lot of excellent choices!! Hammer at it's black and white best, with excellent music by one of the few female composers of the time, Elisabeth Lutyens!!

The basic premise is, Anthony Ashby died or disappeared when he was 15, and his memory is all that's left behind with his brother, sister, and eccentric aunt!

Antony's sister, Janette Scott as Eleanor Ashby, is crazy as a December loon, or so everybody thinks!

The over the top freakin' Oliver Reed is Simon Ashby, crazy Eleanor and dead Tony's brother!

Sheila Burrell is simply marvelous as Aunt Harriet!!!

And then,...out of nowhere, and back from the dead,....Well, Tony shows up!! Needless to say it creates a myriad of money problems, etc, etc.

Simon can't believe his brother has showed back up, and he is also becoming extremely intoxicated!! Here's where some of Liz's cool swing comes into play!

Then you just take your basic components, good music, good champagne, and one insanely neurotic personality conflict, and who knows what kind of fun might possibly ensue? Anyone for a rollicking game of darts??

Issues and back issues!!

Even Liliane Brousse as Simon's girlfriend Françoise would agree, one thing we do not tolerate around here is smoking in bed! Period! That's just stupid!!

Everything seems to be going as well as it possibly could be, when the weird music starts up in the middle of the night, so Tony goes to investigate!

This isn't exactly what he bargained for, and what the Hell is up with that huge goiter??

Eeewwww!! Don't kiss your sister like that!!!!

In the end, everything is all right, because Tony's an imposter, and the real Tony has spent the past few years in some kind of Edgar Allen Poe scenario created by his loving brother Simon! Lucky for you, this movie is available on Netflix, and just screams Hammer holiday spirit!!! Do yourself a favor!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

MAD DOCTOR OF BLOOD ISLAND / Hemisphere Pictures - 1968 / Music by Tito Arevalo

Tonight is flick that used to play '70-80s TV in cut version. Actually, Tabonga' original version start with island chick running through jungle, buck naked!!

For 1968, music and effects very shocking, which is what Blood Island all about!! Here is Tito Arevalo' CD art which also have poster art!! 2 fer 1... Tito go on to work on more 'Blood' flick.


John Ashley and Angelique Pettyjohn star in flick, he is doctor who like to travel and she going to see father who live on Blood Island.

Here Dr. Lorca, super bad guy who want change people into half plant, half man an' all eeech!!!!

Angelique make Tabonga bark smolder!!..... And for whoever not know, she was hottest STAR TREK gurlie of all time!!!

Uncut version really pour on da' gore! Dead dude try to fight monster but he do total crappy job!

Tabonga love this still!.. You know, monster tearing crap outta stuff!!

Some day, not worth getting out of bed. Today not that day!!

John find Dr. Lorca' lab with monster in cages and crazy moving plant! John do his own stunt too!!

Everything turn out okay when Dr. Lorca' lab go.. KA-BLOOIE!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

THE DEVIL RIDES OUT - James Bernard - "The Devil's Bride" (1968)

It's Hammer time, so, go on and put me in the party mix!! The stark reality is that I've been getting pretty Hammered around here lately, in more ways than one. Left behind when we started this venture because they very rarely rock, most Hammer films still usually have something unique or interesting to offer in the music department, enough so, that we've unearthed more than a couple of titles recently! Tonight's feature is a perfect example of what I'm talking about, and the music is provided by Hammer musical main man, James Bernard, called "The Devil Rides Out" and damn well deserves to be reviewed and seen again, but it doesn't even come close to rockin! Nonetheless, there are some interesting audio bits you'll enjoy!! So, as of this very second, I am totally burned out on X-Mas, Ants, Leaky Showers, and more, so, let's just skip the B.S. and get on with the show!!

If you don't like Christopher Lee, you're not going to dig very many Hammer films, but for me, he's simply the best!!!

Here's the mighty trio! Leon Greene as Rex Van Ryn, the UK version of Rod Taylor in what looks to be his own horror outing of the period, Patrick Mower as Simon Aron, a young man with devilish social problems, and Chris Lee as Duc de Richleau, a man who has to have big balls to carry around a handle like that!

So bottom line is, Duc and Rex are supposed to be watching out for Simon, but he's not listening because the devil has him under his spell, so for his own good, Chris throws a vicious haymaker!!

Wow, then it gets all crazy, and they call up this black demon!!

The rather large demonic tarantula came across as pretty cool too!

Satan's throwing a wild shindig, and all the pagan freaks show up for the big bacchanal! Did you ever check out one of these outings? These people have no sense of individuality, and they are completely swept up in the power of their host, Beelzebub!! Non-conformists need not apply!!

And there he is, ole Lucifer his self, just sitting up there on high somewhere, a chillin' and watching his followers get their freak on, but then there's trouble in the lost paradise!

Rex breaks up the party and starts kicking some pagan ass! From the title, there's a good chance you might be led to believe this was a biker flick, but that's not even close, despite the fact that there was this cool fight scene!!!

I don't get it, you'd think the Devil's disciples would enjoy a good Bar-B-Que!!! Oh, that's right, "Some Like It Hot" was a completely different movie!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA - Edwin Astley - "Main Theme" (1962)

French journalist and detective story author extradordinaire Gaston Leroux wrote "Le Fantôme de l'Opéra" in 1910, and it has enjoyed many incarnations since then, starting with the Lon Chaney film version in 1925, followed by the Claude Rains version in 1943, and then remade again in 1963 with Herbert Lom in the lead role! We used to sit around and argue the merits of each film, since they are all classics, but then in 1986, Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical version rendered all the classics to an almost invisible state to all, except for people like all you fine folks reading this blog!! Personally, I'll stick with the classics, so without further adieu, here's the theme from the 1963 Hammer version, "The Phantom Of The Opera"!!! WHO guitarist Pete Townshend's father-in-law Edwin Astley is once again the guy to thank for the quality music!!

It's understood that Herbert Lom as The Phantom, Director Terrence Fisher, and the whole film was not that much appreciated by Hammer Studios!

Besides The Phantom, the three other main characters were Heather Sears as Christine Charles, Michael Gough as Lord Ambrose d'Arcy and Edward de Souza as Harry Hunter! You didn't often see Michael with cool sideburns like that!!

Man, this is just a great shot with that cool painted backdrop that looks like some fantastic golf course, and her shadow on the back of that canvas!!

Looks like that crazy cat in the middle has got fire blowing out of the top of his hat!! Nice effect!!!

Wow!!! I'm just glad this version wasn't a musical!!!

That's all folks!! Netflix doesn't pay me, but I don't mind telling you they got this great flick available if yer up for something classy for a change!! Let's just hope Gaston's family is doing quite well!!!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??