Sunday, July 27, 2008

FRANKENSTEIN 1970 / Allied Artists - 1958 / Music by Paul Dunlap

The One...The Only KING OF MONSTERS as the new demon of the atomic age! (tag line) Music maestro Paul Dunlap returns to the Dungeon tonight with FRANKENSTEIN 1970 His last outing was THE FOUR SKULLS OF JONATHAN DRAKE. 
This movie has tons of great little elements!.. If this isn't the best Frankenstein monster pose, I don't know what is!!
 Excellent!.. No?! 
Yeah, its just a movie! That's Don 'Red' Barry as the director! 
Boris needs the money, so, he has the crew stay in his castle location as paid boarders while they shoot their movie. He hates them! 
He plays creepy tunes on his organ! 
Now, if you don't see the underlying evil in this face... Yer blind!!
 No modern mad lab is complete without floating eyeballs in a jar!.. 
... Or, an atomic microscope!!
 And, the monster is just... TOO COOL!!

Saturday, July 26, 2008


There was a movie made in Russia in 1962 entitled "Planeta Bur" or "The Planet Of Storms." It was bought and chopped up with new insertions using name talents Faith Domergue and Basil Rathbone and re-released in 1965 with Curtis Harrington at the helm as "Voyage To The Prehistoric Planet." Then in 1968 wunderkind Peter Bogdanovich tried his hand at it, but this time they tried the sex angle, and used blonde bombshell Mamie Van Doren as Moana and the Venus Vixens as inserts, and released it as "Voyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women" but unfortunately, it still sucked! By the way, none of these movies should be confused with "Prehistoric Women" from 1950 or "Slave Girls" aka "Prehistoric Women" from 1967 or "Women Of The Prehistoric Planet" from 1966! 
For being a quite stunning gal, Faith Domergue looks pretty trashy with this big space hairdo! Mostly she's just bored! 
Actually, I still can't get over the fact they named Mamie Moana!! The guy that thought that one up is still institutionalized somewhere!!! 
Robby The Russian Robot!! 
Here's four of the reasons Roger wanted to remake this movie!! 
Here's some of the scarier footage from the original film! 
Here's five more reasons to remake this movie!!! 
"Planeta Bur" was probably the best version, they should have just left it alone!!! Roger Corman obviously really thought this film had a lot of potential and was in it up to his elbows, and the poor unknowing American chump moviegoers were duped out of another 25 cents because of it! Some things haven't changed!! 
Oh, no, they killed the equivalent of Hugh Hefner, the Venuisan girls God!!! 
Man, we're all in trouble now, Moana Mamie had to put on the big chef hat!! That's it!! We're all doomed!! 
Ron Stein added some music to the 'Planet' version, Keith Benjamin did his best with the 'Women' version, but really, even the music isn't that great!!  

Friday, July 25, 2008

FEARLESS VAMPIRE KILLERS - Krzysztof Komeda - "On His Own, On His Own" (1967)

"Fearless Vampire Killers" is a freaky weird vampire film written and directed by Roman Polanski! 
This film has weird music by Krzysztof Komeda that is filled with soaring Ahh, Ahh, Ahh vocals from some celestial vampire vocalist!! 
And that's about it because once you throw in a name like Roman Polanski, it becomes one of those neverending Hollywood sagas, so you might just as well just go on and do a google search and get it over with, otherwise we're gonna be here all night! 
What happened to Sharon Tate is incredibly sad and way beyond fiction! 
Give credit to Roman for having a credible vampire! 
The dance of death! 
Nothing left but vampires, as we get closer to daily reality by the minute!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

THE PHANTOM FROM 10,000 LEAGUES / Milner Bros. - 1955 / Music by Ronald Stein

Around Dungeon, main music dude have the name... Mr. Ronald Stein!! Tonight is nice mix of monsterous atmosphere he make! Hey, this only 2nd flick Ron ever work on! Next one DAY THE WORLD ENDED!.. Okay, here come!.. Fathom From 10 Leagues... This flick kinda stupid! 
Hard to tell but that Dirk from MISSILE TO THE MOON under radio-active suit! He working hard screwing up something! 
AND!.. He expert button pusher! 
That good boy!.. Come Tabonga!.. Okay, now go fetch stick!! You can see wire holding fin up!!
 What the?!.. Did I just miss something?! 
I could'a swore I heard someone gasp and close a door!!.. Hmmm!.. Oh well!.. 
I better put this on... 
Man, gurl can't make up mind!!
 Sometime, like to chase cars!! 
Bad dude and bad gurl!.. Mostly gurl though! 

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

THE EARTH DIES SCREAMING - Elisabeth Lutyens - "Scream & Scream Again" (1965)

"The Earth Dies Screaming" is really a great little movie and a lot of fun to watch! The fab-tastic music is by Elisabeth Lutyens, one of the few women working in a largely male dominated field at the time. We've written about Elizabeth before, because she has a number of cool credits like "The Skull", Paranoiac" and "The Terrornauts" to mention a few! Elizabeth also seemed to work very well with musical director Phillip Martell on a number of features!! 
Get ready, because they're coming to get you!!! Yeah, You!!! 
Now you gotta admit that this looks like a real fun group of people to party with!! 
Don't worry, everything will be okay, just don't get to close, Oops!! Zap!!! Oh, sorry lady!! 
She just doesn't seem the same, you know, kind of vacant, strange, and not interested in sex anymore! 
Oh, Man!! Alien Peeping Tom Perv, what could be worse than that?? 
 Despite everything, the guys still have time to hang out at the local T & A Centre!! 
Remember, the title does include the word "Screaming!" 
Do you got a goosestep to go along with that salute there trooper?? 
Stupid alien robots weren't really that tough after all!! 
The "Official Campaign Manual" basically breaks down to, Go see this movie!!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??