Wednesday, October 6, 2021

RAGE - FURIA PRIMITIVA - "Primal Rage" (1988)

This Wednesday's Countdown To Halloween feature is a 1988 wackjob courtesy of goremeister Umberto (Kriminal) Lenzi.

You gotta admit this title card looks pretty primal raging!

Actor/stuntman Doug Sloan is one of the characters in this film, a creepy dude with anger issues named Lovejoy!

Doug actually has a credit as the 'head animal wrangler' in a 2004 flick called "Dead Birds."

Lovejoy and his buddies are jerks of the highest order!

These guys are so disgusting, they decide to molest a sick girl they find wandering down the avenue.

As rapists, these idiots are going to deserve anything and everything that happens to them, and more!

Their victim doesn't turn out to be that defenseless after all.

In fact, these boy's lives have just gone down the toilet, and now's the time to flush their sorry asses!

The sick girl bites!

"Primal Rage" is a popular pairing of two words, and in 1994, there was a video game released with the same title where you choose one of seven dinosaurs, and then beat the Hell out of your opponents while you battle for domination of Urth.
The same terminology was used in 2018 for the movie "Primal Rage: The Legend Of Konga." It didn't work for them either.

There's a lot of crazy Halloween party goers. The guy with the saw in his head is special indeed!

The list of the bands who made the music for this film is a who's who of who the Hell are you talking about! A few of the more well known groups are Mondo Boffo with Scorpio, The Fast Food Girls, and Steel Grave.

My focus here has only been on one small segment of the film, the rest is equally preposterous!

I'm not a big fan of this genre of film making, but this is not about this movie, it's about Halloween, and the fact that I'm running out of material after thirteen years of doing this Countdown!

Aw Jeez, Lovejoy's condition is getting worse by the minute. He just wasn't doing a good job of staying ahead of the curve!

This is what happens when you lose your mind and your head goes with it!
Have a nice day in Hell!!

Monday, October 4, 2021


Welp, we're four days into our costumed Halloween Countdown Celebration, here at The Dungeon!!.. So, here's an update on the events and mishaps that have been going on. First were a bunch of group introductions to get out of the way. Above are a gang of Kamen Riders that showed up!!

Then, some giant rubber monsters waved to the crowd, like Metal Mo here!

Moon Menace gets a few waves in before the spectators start throwing spark plugs and bottles at him from the peanut gallery!

Bonko got a mixed response...

Oh yeah, we got our virtual hot air balloon ride up and going. It was a hit! The passengers can have the balloon run into telephone poles that fry their asses, they can fall out of the balloon, they can crash it into buildings, get struck by lightning, whatever, so, you can see why everyone loved it!

There was also a posing contest, these guys need some work!

Missy-Might has a wardrobe malfunction, her skirt flies up as she makes a jump down an incline in the mountains out back.

Old Crazy Face simply cannot believe what he just witnessed with Missy... Wowzers!!

Doll shows this harasser what a kick to the head feels like!

Missy-Might was walking back to The Dungeon when a group of these grey guys start making fun of her because everyone saw her undies. They even taunt her...

And when they wouldn't stop, well, this was the outcome. Word is now, don't mess with Missy!

And Allen's back! This time he requested that him and his cycle go up against a huge block of granite, you know, to see who will win.

It doesn't go well for Allen... He's okay but his face got blown off, luckily we have a bunch of mad scientists that will get him back to his old self!

There were a couple of accidents unfortunately. Here, the guy on the left shot an arrow straight up and it came down right into his buddy's chest. They were all looking up, watching the arrow come back down, when it happened.

Another thing that went south was a cannon demonstration by a group of misfits. Someone exchanged the blank used for the demonstration with a live round!!

And of all things, it hit the explosives/candy storage shack and all the candy was destroyed!! Of course we had to order another shipment of candy.

Phil was so pissed off while waiting for the candy to arrive, he punched one of the cannon guys in the face, really hard!! My favorite part of the last four days...

Saturday, October 2, 2021


Welcome to The Saturday Night Special version of The Countdown To Halloween in The Dungeon!

On Halloween night in 1983, Peewee Herman appeared on The David Letterman Show for a glorious nine minutes and twenty-two seconds!

It's pure Peewee all the way, and if you're a fan of the man, you're gonna wanna see it!
Love it or hate it, Candy Corn was invented in 1888, and was originally called Chicken Feed. The ingredients are basically just sugar!

Peewee is dressed up as a pirate for Halloween.

Right down to a wooden hook for a hand!

Peewee brought along this finger vampire, and has David stick his finger in it's mouth!!

Dave gets two little red spots on his finger out of the deal, and Peewee gets a big laugh out of it!

This show was on 24 years before they released the first iPhone.

David and Peewee have a lot of fun mixing up their faces!

It wasn't until 32 years later in 2015 that Apple introduced their face swap app.

The next segment on the show was a mad lab using green screen technology!

The good news is that this short video piece is on YouTube, and you can watch it yourself, and for the love of Peewee, I highly recommend that you do!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??