Monday, November 11, 2019

THE GHOST OF SIERRA DE COBRE / Villa Di Stefano - 1964

Mr. KD informed me about this one, so, when the price was right, I bought myself a copy. This TV movie was supposed to be the pilot for a series called THE HAUNTED, but scenes were added after it was thought to be too scary and was cancelled. I don't remember seeing this movie at the time...

It stars Martin (SPACE: 1999) Landau, Judith (CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF) Anderson, Diane (STRAIT-JACKET) Baker, Tom (PIRANHA) Simcox, Nellie (THE LIGHTNING RAIDER, her first acting credit in 1919) Burt and Leonard (TOYS IN THE ATTIC) Stone.

Nelson Orion, a wealthy art collector and disbelieving ghost hunter, is at the Mandore estate to assess the situation there. Vivia Mandore explains to him that her blind husband is convinced that his late mother is calling him out from beyond the grave.

As Vivia sits talking to Orion, well, a ghastly wind blows through the room until he screams for the mayhem to stop!! It stops.

Later, the ghost shows herself. It looks as if the weird makeup is the same as in THE GALAXY BEING, where, they paint the face and hands gloss black and then show it in negative.

Here's Orion with his ultra cool house on the hill at Malibu beach!

In his art collection, Orion has a painting named Sierra de Cobre. As he talks with his housekeeper, he sees the ghost appear in the painting, so, he takes it over to his coffee table to study and read up on the history of the place.

Henry and Vivia Mandore show up at Orion's place. they want to discuss the recent events. He tells them that he does not believe that the ghost is after either of them and the spirit is that of an American teacher that was killed in Sierra de Cobre!

Anyway, Paulina wants to leave. She sits in the back seat waiting for Vivia, when, the car starts rolling backwards toward the ocean cliff. Orion runs out and tries to hold the car back, and, it only stops just before it goes off the cliff. phew!! And guess what?.. Vivia and her mom Paulina are both from Sierra de Cobre!.. Also, notice that Orion is turned the wrong way to try and stop the thing. He's just being dragged!

Back in the house, Vivia spills the beans on Paulina, and, she was responsible for the murder! Orion wants Paulina to turn herself in, but, she has other ideas.

Just as she's ready to stab Orion, the ghost appears again, out of the painting...

Well, the ghost is coming for Paulina and gives her a death swipe with her hand, and, the woman stabs herself instead of Orion!!

Then, Vivia leaves the place. Unfortunately, the ghost of Paulina is along for the ride, the car swerves and goes off the cliff!

It's a rough and tumble ride to the bottom, Vivia can now join her mom... There you have it, a tooth for a eyeball I guess. Anyway, Eegah!! is back on Wednesday with only Hell knows what, don't want to miss that, so, later bots!

Saturday, November 9, 2019

TERMINAL CITY RICOCHET - "Don't Touch That Dial" (1990)

Ludicrous, ridiculous, and yet somehow, 29 years later, more pertinent than ever, tonight's Saturday Night Special is a 1990 flick called "Terminal City Ricochet."

Some things just don't change. Government has been a scary joke for quite a while now!

Just like this blog, "Free Cheap Bargains" are plentiful!

What's your favorite flavour of Pie in the Sky?
 Apple, peach, lemon, grape?

The concept of a "Mass Murder Magazine" is really sick, but the headline of "Rock Star Kills Audience" is pretty funny!

What can I tell you about a movie like this? 
Well, it was made in Canada, and "The Terminal City Richochets" were a real hockey team, and I think that about wraps it up!

Remember, "The Firesign Theatre" said it best!
"The Future is Now!"

From beginning to end, the movie is obsessed with space junk falling from the sky!

Peter Breck is mesmerizing as Mayor Ross Gilmore, a man of dreams, and other people's nightmares.

I could be wrong, but it looked like Peter was having fun with this role.
Peter was in everything from "The Crawling Hand," to 112 episodes of "The Big Valley."

Some of the sight gags are pretty funny!

"Terminal City Ricochet" also has a terrific soundtrack with real bands like D.O.A., The Beatnigs, Jello Biafra, Nomeansno, The Grooveaholics, etc. performing or just providing the music. This guy reminds me too much of "The Cat In The Hat."

Eric Reed Boucher aka Jello Biafra himself has the role of wormdog Bruce Coddle.

So just let it out! Let it all out!

What a campaign! 

It goes on way too long, but it has to, so you can try and take in everything that's going on here!

What a charismatic guy! C'Mon, you know you'd vote for him too!

And that's just the way it is!

Here's D.O.A. with the song from the ending credits called "Behind The Smile."

Friday, November 8, 2019

WOODY WOODPECKER / Woodpecker From Mars - 1956

Heute wir gots a cool little cartoon I used to watch on The Woody Woodpecker Show back in the day, when Eegah!! and I were just little guys in the third grade! Load that one in your pipe!! Anyway, Woody's a guest on the Captain Zoom Show, where he walks off with a space helmet and space gun as souvenirs. He pretends to be from Mars which causes a pile of trouble, and is then captured by the military. He's sent to an atomic laboratory for testing and convinces the scientists that he's a real Martian, so they put him in a rocket and send him 'back' to Mars!!

On the set, Captain Zoom shows Woody all of the interesting things about his space ship and the groovy things it can do. After the Captain let's Woody put on a space helmet and use his space gun, well...

Woody takes off on a scooter, shooting sparks from his gun!

After he causes a taxi to crash, the hub cap pops off of the tire and it spins away, scooping Woody up and into the air!

Well, the citizens are in a panic and something has to be done!!..

The Mayor goes on TV to tell the people... Whatever you do, DON'T PANIC!!

After Woody lands, the crowd surrounds him. He shoots some sparks from his gun and the people scatter like flies.

And of course, the military shows up and they take him away.

Woody's taken to the atomic science lab, where, he goes through some medical tests.

While a doctor views one of Woody's feathers, the little prankster puts a water hose on the viewer and turns it on full blast!

The doc gets an atomic shock and then Woody pulls the lever when he's in the Atom Smasher!

There's only one solution to the problem and they put him in an express rocket to Mars!

Woody crash lands on the red planet where he's surrounded by green Martians, and wouldn't you know it...

He's swept away by Martian military police and taken to their atomic lab for more tests!.. Okay, tune in tomorrow where we'll bring you more, from, The Dungeon!!..

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??