Saturday, May 12, 2018

LIFE ON MARS? - "Drive-In Saturday Night 1973" (2006)

 This TV series "Life On Mars" came out in 2006, and I'm so out of it, I still think that's something new, even though it's twelve years old! Time is a funny thing, and that's just what this show is all about!

 Tonight's Saturday Night Special was a pretty cool BBC show called "Life On Mars" that was on for two seasons from 2006 to 2007! That's what I like about my life right now, I might be behind times but I don't have to waste a lot of time watching shows I think might be cool! Instead I just wait for somebody like my pal Lord Litter to tell me about them, and then I watch them! It really works great!

 This BBC version of "Life On Mars" came out in 2006, and ABC redid it again in America in 2008, and this year a Korean TV series by the same name, "La-i-peu on Ma-seu," aka "Life On Mars" came out, but the guy is transported back to 1987 instead of 1973!

 The story starts off innocuously enough, a couple of detectives working on a murder case, and they are also lovers! Archie Panjabi is Maya Roy, and John (The Master) Simm is Sam Taylor.

 They've got a serial killer on their hands!

 Maya decides to go after the guy on her own, and by the time Sam gets there, it's too late!

 Just in case you didn't know where the title came from!

 Next thing you know, a car hits Sam and knocks him out, and this is where this story is kind of like "The Dead Zone." Sam's not going to go into a coma for six years, and he's not going to be able to see into the past or the future!

 What does happen to him is that when he comes to, he's in the year 1973, not 2006 any more!
Manchester had gone through some improvements since 1973!

 To prove it's 1973, Sam's car now has an 8-track player in it!

 Sam's just a little confused! So where do you start if this is your life?

 The whole police station is different with different people, and Sam finds out that this is his new assignment! That's how they fit a stranger in!

How the Hell is he supposed to get anything done, there's no cell phones!!!

 Despite everything else, there's still a murder in 1973 to be investigated!

 Every one around him thinks Sam just moved to the area! This is his new apartment! He's absolutely thrilled!

 Just like in "The Dead Zone," Sam has a dreadlocked mentor, only this wise man is a bartender!

There was a time when I spent every spare penny I had on records! Man, I used to love to go to the record store and find something like David Bowie's "Hunky Dory" and taking it home and listening to it for the first time! "Hunky Dory" was David's 1973 album that had "Life On Mars" on it!

Sam thinks he's in a coma, but he's not! Don't jump Sam, just play it again! Then again, maybe he is in a coma, but either way, he needs to make it through two seasons somehow!

"Life on Mars?" backed with "Drive-In Saturday!" How you gonna top that? David Bowie references, and good music from 1973. I'm going to go watch episode two now! That's how I'm going to do it!

Friday, May 11, 2018

SATAN'S CHEERLEADERS / Come Score With The Cheerleaders! - 1977

Welp, here we go again... It's Friday and time for another flick to fillet, here, at The Dungeon! Our little story goes like this... The janitor at a local high school is actually the scout for a coven of Satanists on the lookout for a virgin to sacrifice! After their car breaks down, he picks up a cheerleading squad to use for their rituals, however, unbeknownst to the local devil-worshipers, one of the cheerleaders is actually a witch! Filmed near Malibu with a paltry budget of $75,000. Oh yeah, check out that tag line at the top of the poster!

This sucker stars John (GUNSLINGER) Ireland, Yvonne (Lily Munster) De Carlo, Jack (THE ANGRY RED PLANET) Kruschen and John (THE COSMIC MAN) Carradine.

The whole damn thing starts at Malibu Beach, the gang's groovin' out until teens from a rival high school show up and ruin all the fun! So, to see who's the boss of that small patch of sand on the beach, they fight it out the only way they know how!

Back at the raunch, Billy the janitor, played by Jack Kruschen, aka the sacrifice scout, decides to go to his special spot with a peep hole and check out the girlies in the shower! I think the weirdest thing is that Ms. Johnson, their cheerleading coach, likes to watch too!

Later, on the way to an event, the gang's car breaks down and by some strange chance Billy stops in his van and picks them up. On the trip between the first and second photo, well, a lot of crazy shit happens!! After their heads stop spinning from a ride down a hill, they find that devilish head just sitting there! Wha?..,

We find out fairly quickly that the Sheriff, played by John Ireland, is a head honcho in the cult. Billy pissed him of so he pummels him a goodern!

John is The Bum... He pops in occasionally to remind the girls that everyone is freakin' crazy around here! Boy, they show his hands way too much, they are really bad.

To prove the locals are crazy, this total weirdo listens in on one of the girl's phone call.

The Sheriff and his wife, played by Yvonne DeCarlo, run the show. They need a virgin!

She is a High Priestess and spends a lot of time in front of her pentagram with an eyeball.

Look!!.. A mini Dungeon-Shed!!

I threw this still in just because I like it, that's all...

Okay, so, Yvonne has two Dobermans, and when the Devil figures out that one of the cheerleaders, Patti, is a witch, he no longer needs a lowly High Priestess. He sics the dogs on her and her dying words are, get ready, quote... "Satan, why hast thou forsaken me?"

Anyway, Patti is Dev's fave now! And, what kind of powers does she have?..

Well, ones that help their football team cheat to win! Really?.. REALLY?!! Praise Satan, woooo... Now that we got that behind us, it's time to let you know that Eegah!! is back tomorrow with more junk 4 U!

Wednesday, May 9, 2018


So here's a Weird Wednesday question for you, what do you think would be scarier, monsters from the 1960's TV show "Outer Limits," or the Inner Limits creatures in the real world magnified? In my humble opinion, Mother Nature has the better imagination of the two if you've got a powerful enough microscope!

The one on the left is The Venusian from "Cold Hands, Warm Heart," and on the right is a Springtail. I think they look like they would make a splendid couple!

This is the Megasoid from "The Duplicate Man," as compared to a magnified Maggot on the right, does art imitate life, or does life imitate art?  You tell me!

You will never convince me that the Alien from "Demon With A The Glass Hand" and this microbe aren't cousins!

This little microbe has a question for the Alien from "Children Of Spider County."
"Are you my Daddy?"

The Micro-beast from "The Probe" kind of pales in comparison to the cyclopian Tardigrade also known as a Water Bear on the right.

The Monster from "Don't Open Till Doomsday" and this little fat microbe are both goofy looking!

The Alien from "Nightmare" is a spitting image to whatever the Hell that microbe is!

From the first Episode of "Outer Limits," here's "The Galaxy Being" and his microbe equivalent!

I don't think I'd want to tangle with the Lake Monster from "Tourist Attraction" or his microbe buddy!

Both the Alien from "Architects Of Fear" and this Silkworm look they could use a trip to the Optometrist!

It looks like either this Subterranean Shark from "The Invisible Enemy" or this microbe could rip your face off!

I'm thinking that on the planet where the "Keeper Of The Purple Twilight" aliens come from, all the insects look like humans!

I'd like to see a match between this "Fun And Games" Arena Monster and this microbe. I'm betting on the microbe, and he doesn't even have a weapon!

Well, that was fun, but way too much work. So, last but not least for now is the Alien-looking human from "The Sixth Finger," and just one of many of his microbe pals!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??