Monday, August 8, 2016


Here's part 2 of our adventures, part 1 concentrated on high school, this one takes place from 1965 to the present, after Girls and the British Music Invasion became our main focus...

This is a photo of us (skinny dudes) after we took a trip with my parents and sisters to my aunt's house in the Valley Of The Moon in northern California in our new 1965 Dodge Dart. The Beatles were a huge influence by that time.

Eegah's first car was a 1956 six cylinder stick shift Chevy, he had it painted gray with white rims at Color Galore. Ah, the good old days.

In 1967, my dad bought me a new VW for $2150, he got pissed off when the first thing I did was pull off the hub caps! This was my third car, I had already had a '53 Ford and a '57 Chevy.

Here we are doing some rock star poses in 1967, love this picture!

Eegah!! sent me this Polaroid of him standing in snow in his sandals to show that he was still a weirdo!

I ended up in a print shop in Germany. Here's I am having a little fun!

I also liked to drive my big box around in the barracks to impress everyone!

Then, in the eighties I went to a Halloween party in 1986 as a weird werewolf, and, all I remember is that it was itchy!

Eegah!! came up with this weird costume for a Halloween party around 2005, a triple large size tyvek coverall, a wire belt with hockey masks. When we got there, everyone kept away from us, big time! Clever!

We had our public access show, OFFBEAT, in 1994-5. Our band, Hermanos Guzanos, supplied the music for our Offbeatniks persona for the show. Everything was great until until it took a nose dive after 10 episodes.

Here's the nice poster I made we had for the premiere of our second movie in 2003, SILVER ANGEL vs. THE DEATH ZOMBIES, modeled off a Mexican Neutron flick. Love this one! Anyway, everything was great until we were working on our fourth movie and the whole thing came crashing down, again! Trying to get creative things done in the town we live in is like pulling a newborn's teeth!! It's just plain anti-art.

Forry was the host in our first movie, THE CREEP, in 2001. What a great place to stop. Now, what in the Hell will Eegah!! have for us on Wednesday, I wonder.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

VERTIGO - Alfred Hitchcock (1958)

Buying that Alfred Hitchcock set from China was the best thing I've done lately, and tonight's Saturday Night Special is one of the main reasons why!

"Vertigo" will literally make your head spin!

Since I got this A.H. set, my wife and I have been watching an Alfred Hitchcock movie almost every Saturday night, so last Saturday, we watched "Vertigo."  Sunday morning I get an email from my avid-rabid film buddy Lord Litter in Berlin, and what does he say? He just watched "Vertigo" the night before with his girlfriend! With obscure luck like that, why is it I can't win the lottery? I don't get it!  Actually, Lord Litter has turned me onto so many cool streaming films and TV shows, it has been kind of like winning the lottery for me and you!

 James Stewart is Scottie Ferguson, a cop who has to retire because his fear of heights makes him spin out!!

Barbara (Dallas) Bel Geddes is Scotties best friend, ex-girlfriend, gal-pal, spurned lover!
They have a kind of strange relationship!

Scottie drives a super cool 1956 De Soto! How can you possibly not know when you're being tailed by a car like this?

 This is a great graveyard shot!

 After watching "Vertigo," I am now officially in love with Kim Novak!

 "Vertigo" is just fun to watch! It's all over the place!

 I swear I have been here before, I'm absolutely sure of it!

 I'm not even going to try and explain this thing; I'm sure that's been done by more scholarly people than me, but I can sure show you cool shots like this!

 Judged by a jury of your peers can be tough! I wouldn't want this group deciding my fate!

 This is a big clue to all the madness!

 Here's a couple of shots where Scottie goes into vertigo overdrive!
Pretty psychedelic for 1958!

After Kim's blonde character dies, she reappears looking like this! It's really a pretty amazing transformation!

 Without all the hair colour and makeup, this silhouette tells the truth!

 The imagination of Alfred Hitchcock was so active, you could easily watch this movie four or five times, and still not get it all!

 This is THE poster I want, showing Kim in both her roles, something that definitely doesn't happen in the movie, but literally tells the whole story in just one picture!!

Ring the bell Sister, this show is over!!

Friday, August 5, 2016

CREEPOZOIDS / Titan Productions - 1987

Welcome back, everbloody!.. Here we go with another eighties flick that rips off a bunch of other movies to get its point across. But, it does have one very cool thing going for it, it stars Dungeon Goddess, Linnea Quigley!!!!!

In order to save a few more of my brain cells, the storyline is there to read for yourself.

The movie was filmed in a warehouse in downtown LA, and, it looks like it. It's always dark and dank looking most of the time. Real creative!!

Lookit, I know these eighties movies are mostly crap, but, we have basically reviewed every freakin' fifties and sixties movie there is under our 'wild n' weird' banner... So, I throw these monster flicks in to expand our realm. They ain't great, but, they actually exist in the real world. They rarely get any comments either. And, I put them up for sale immediately after I do the review.

Here's a hunk and our gal pal getting ready for some fun. I guarantee you that one second later in the bottom still is the best thing filmed here!! Go, Linnea!

The geeks find it funny to dig through the files on the computer and read people's messages.

Time for some food! And, like in ALIEN, the dude that gets attacked by the monster, starts throwing up after eating something. Then, like in THE THING with Kurt Russell, dude starts sprouting deformed body parts!

Then, a giant rat attacks the other girl, just like in Bert I. Gordon's FOOD OF THE GODS.

After a victim is bitten by the monster, they turn into a pile of crap, just like in THE EVIL DEAD!

Here's the Alienesque monster, what the Hell else would you expect in 1987?!

This is pretty cool, the girl that got bit by the rat turns into an EVIL DEAD monster. Hey, I like monsters with boobs, 'nuf said!!

Linnea gets attacked by the monster and will lose her life real soon... Damn!!

So, the monster gets bonked in the noggin a goodern and appears dead! Well, until a little part human thing crawls out of its stomach, obviously inspired by the baby monster in IT'S ALIVE! Rip offs abound! Tune in tomorrow when Eegah!! will have something special for us!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

DANGER MAN - "Secret Agent Man" (1960-1962) (1964-1966)

I don't remember this show as"Danger Man" but when it aired as "Secret Agent," it was one of my favourites as a kid!

Here's the 30 second version of the theme sung by Johnny Rivers!
In 1966, the full version of the theme made it to #3 on the Billboard Charts, one of Johnny's biggest hits behind "Poor Side Of Town," and "Memphis!"

The star of "Secret Agent" was Patrick McGoohan" who also created and starred in another great show called "The Prisoner" a couple of years later!

I love the graphics used during the theme!

There were 39 episodes of "Danger Man," and 47 episodes of "Secret Agent! 

When "Danger Man" was retconned into "Secret Agent," it went from a 30 minute show to a one hour show with more time for more commercials!

Maybe one of these days when things get all sorted out around here, I'll get the opportunity to tell you about each and every one of the 86 episodes, because that would be fun!
Thanx again to Lord Litter in Berlin for tracking this down for me, I'm starting to entertain the theory that it's quite possible that we were Siamese twins separated at birth!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??