Monday, June 15, 2015

HOUSE OF HORRORS / Universal Pictures - 1946

It's a hot and humid summer day, here at the Dungeon... Anyway, here's a rare treat for us, all about a struggling expressionist sculptor who enlists the aid the notorious Creeper to model for his newest creation and to pay back the critics who rebuffed his work.

I have a sound clip for your approval, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button located there by our mad sculpture lab, NOW, Ralphie The Tarantula!.. Here's... HOUSE OF HORRORS!

Here's sculptor Marcel De Lange played by Martin Kosleck, he's having dinner with his little pal. My little pals like to lay right in the middle of everything when I'm working on my art. Martin was also in Dungeon favorites like THE MUMMY'S CURSE, THE FROZEN GHOST, THE FLESH EATERS and AGENT FOR H.A.R.M.

After being insulted by an art critic and losing a sale, Marcel grabs a big old knife and chases the two out of his studio. He's so distraught that he plans on committing suicide at the docks...

But, as luck (or unluck) would have it, Marcel rescues The Creeper from the drink instead. He helps him to his studio and brings him breakfast and tells him of his plan to use him as a model for a new sculpture.

Here are Virginia Grey and Alan Napier as reporter Joan Medford and her editor, F. Holmes Harmon. She's interested in the Creeper case...

Here's glamor artist Steven Morrow working on a piece with his model. Robert Lowery plays the artist and Joan's boyfriend.

Marcel sics Rondo on this art critic in his paisley smoking jacket!

Meanwhile, Marcel is hard at work on this large bust of the Creeper...

Joan has stolen the sketch of the Creeper to give to the newspaper, but unfortunately, Rondo was hiding in the background and saw her take it. When she returns to see Marcel, the big guy rats her out!

But, in the heat of the moment, Rondo turns on Marcel and finishes him off over the sculpture, then goes after Joan...

The police have arrived and shoot the Creeper through the window, bringing our tale to a sad end. Check back in on Wednesday for more from The Dungeon gang!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

TODSCHÜSSE AM BROADWAY - Peter Thomas - "Broadways Deadly Gold" (1969)

Welcome to the lucky Saturday the 13th version of The Dungeon! Just like Lord Litter, I think these Jerry Cotton films are some of my favourites of the 60's spy and secret agent genres! In the all around weird but well done department, it just doesn't get much better than this!

Whether you call it "Broadway's Deadly Gold" or, "Todesschüsse Am Broadway," or "Dead Body On Broadway," it really doesn't make much difference, because it's still one strange movie, no matter what the name is!

Here's the man of the hour, George Nader as FBI Agent Jerry Cotton! This was to be George's 8th, and last appearance as Jerry Cotton, a run than went on from 1965 to 1969!

These two shots personify what a topsy turvy movie this really is! "Round and round we go, one, two, three, kick! One, two, three, Jump!"

"Todesschüsse Am Broadway" can be quite atmospheric at times!

Miha (Stronghold Of Toughs) Bolah is Joe Costello, one extremely bad mutha! He's after the gold, and the cops are after him so he just had his face redone so he couldn't be recognized! This is how he paid the people for their handiwork!

There just had to be a dance studio for amateur strippers to flesh out the script!

Most of the Jerry Cotton films are shot in Germany, but disguised to look like places in America. This one had some scenes actually shot in Las Vegas in the days when accordion players could still command the stage!

This is just the way Director Harald Reinl and Cinematographer Heinz Hölscher roll, and it always makes for fun watching!
Heidy Bohlen as Cindy Holden is the item that everybody is looking for, and the whole movie is spent with different groups pursuing her because as the girlfriend of the dead guy who stashed the gold, all the other players naturally assume she knows where it is, but she really doesn't! Heidy was in some films with dubious titles like "Naughty Roommates," and "The Sensuous Three," and in some film called "The Long Swift Sword Of Siegfried" she was credited as Heidy Ho! Gotta love it!

FBI agents Jerry Cotton and his partner Phil Decker set up a surveillance camera in Cindy's apartment so they can keep and eye on her! Phil really enjoys his job! Phil Decker was played by Heinz Weiss in all the Jerry Cotton films!

Naturally Cindy is also a nightclub performer or else it wouldn't be a Jerry Cotton flick!

One of my favourite composers Peter Thomas wrote the music, but this song performed by Cindy Holden is one of THE worst songs I've ever heard! Worse even than the music in "Manos: The Hands Of Fate," and that's really saying something! Check it out right here if you don't believe me! Whoohoohahoohoo!

Joe Costello is possibly the most dispicable person on the face of the planet! While trying to escape the pursuing Jerry Cotton, he abducts this kid, and then ditches him in a truck after pulling the pin on a grenade and handing it to him! What a guy! The kid was either a really good actor or actually really scared!

I just had to show you this still of the residents of the apartment building where Costello kidnapped the kid! They're watching them go down in an elevator!

Jerry Cotton tries to do a police sketch of Joe Costello's new face without much luck!

IF you think this is a real place, you'd be sorely mistaken!

This bunch of bozos are also pursuing both Joe Costello and Cindy Holden! They're a pretty tight group, literally!

So what do you think about the composition of these two shots? Pretty jagged huh?!

In the big standoff between Jerry Cotton and Joe Costello, Costello threatens to smash Cindy's head in, and that might just be about as much as Jerry can handle!
All the Jerry Cotton films are available from Sinister Cinema at a very fair price. They've got a heckuva deal going on for the next couple of months! 12 movies for $98.00 postpaid! Can't go wrong there! Knock three times on the green door, and tell 'em Eegah!! sent you!! They don't pay me (I wish they did) but they deserve the plug because they do a good job!

Friday, June 12, 2015

THE STONE TAPE / British Broadcasting Corporation - 1972

It's Friday Fright, here at The Dungeon!.. Here's a rare little British TV movie written by the awesome Nigel (Quatermass) Kneale. The story goes like this... A research team from an electronics company move into an old Victorian house to start work on finding a new recording medium, but, when a female team member witnesses a ghost, the team director decides to analyze the apparition. He believes a psychic impression is trapped in a stone wall in the basement and decides to exorcise it, with terrifying results!

I've got a wild little sound clip from this movie for your approval, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button over by our missing wall stone, NOW, Rufus The Gnat!.. Here's a sample of... THE STONE TAPE!

It starts with some fun when one of the team members dresses up like an alien.

The group leader is Peter Brock, played by Michael (TORTURE GAEDEN) Bryant, also there is the only female member, Jill Greeley, played by pretty Jane (ALFIE) Asher. Here they are going over the game plan and inspecting the basement where they discover the wall stones. That's not a stone he's holding, it's a can of rations from WWII.

The locals are suspicious of the outsiders showing up at the supposedly haunted estate. I personally wouldn't want to get on the bad side of the waitress there!

Well, the experiments start and strange things begin to happen to some of the team members, which seem similar to the events that happened in QUATERMASS AND THE PIT.

I wanted to show this still because I'd really like to have this ghost monitor in The Dungeon!

Things are not going well and tempers are beginning to flare up, so...

A new special machine is loaned to the project by the military, now they should start getting the results they're looking for.

And, they do!.. Something has been released from the stones and seek out Jill!

The things are blobby like forms that seem overly aggressive, and, are actually a group of aliens from space.

They attack Jill and knock her off the stairs, killing her! Yep, Jill dies.

Later, when things have calmed down, Peter goes back to the basement only to be attacked and also killed! Not a great ending... We're back tomorrow for our Saturday the 13th posting!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??