Saturday, May 3, 2014

URUFU GAI: MOERO ÔKAMI-OTOKO - "Wolfguy: Enrage Wolfman" (1975)

Welcome to yet another installment of the Saturday Night WTF?! Special from the deepest depths of The Dungeon! You know, there are some movies that are weird, and then there are movies that are really weird, and tonight's special feature leans toward whatever is the next phase after really weird!

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you "Wolfguy: Enrage Wolfman," or as it is also known, "Wolfguy Enraged Lycanthrope!" Just the fact that he's Wolfguy was enough for me! Have they made a movie called "Wolfdude" yet? If not, I'm sure that's next! I did see that somebody made "Wolfcop" this year, so "Wolfdude" must be right around the corner! "Wolfmotherfucker" would also be a good title!

Here's Wolfguy as a little Wolfboy! You might say he kind of had a rough childhood!

"Wolfguy" starts off with a guy getting ripped to shreds by a tiger that only he can see! Wolfguy is a journalist always looking for an interesting story, and he just happened to be on the scene when it happened! It seems the guy was in a rock band called Mobs, and after this guy, there's only one remaining member alive, and they have all died the same terrible type of death!

Unlike normal people, Wolfie can see the tiger too!

Good thing the damn moon's not full! I just stepped outside, and this is just like what the moon looks like tonight!

Wolfguy is the world famous Shin'ichi Chiba, aka Sonny Chiba!! If he looks familiar, it's because Sonny has been in over 150 martial arts movies, and still going strong, he's got movies in post and pre-production! The Wolfster is not real good at taking advice!

It doesn't take long for the fourth member of the band to meet up with the wrath of the tiger!

A former member of Mobs, and the gal responsible for the tiger killings is now a stripper, but the guys in the audience are not really digging this somber routine! Probably a good time to interject a couple of minutes from the wild soundtrack right about here! Excuse my language, but that is some crazy wild shit! Turn it up loud and make sure the bolts in your head are screwed in tight!

Even Wolfguy's need a little affection sometimes!

Wolfguy is captured and they remove some of his innards and give a complete blood transfusion to this loser in an effort to create a Super Wolfguy!

The new Wolfguy II is one tough sumbitch, but just like everything in life, he's no match for the original and ends up getting his sorry ass kicked bad! He not only breaks a sweat, I think he also breaks his neck! What a jerk!

Searching for answers Wolfguy returns to his wolfroots!

Just for the 13 record,  in 1975, Sonny Chiba was in "13 Steps Of Maki: The Young Aristocrats," and in 1977, he starred in "Golgo 13: Kûron No Kubi"

Wolfguy is literally put through the wolfwringer in this movie, and pursued by almost everybody!

Wolfguy is a tough guy, and can take multiple gunshots to the chest without slowing down much at all! Interestingly enough, he never actually turns into a wolfman or a werewolf, I guess that's why he's Wolfguy! F.Y.I. He's also known as an Inugami!

I can't sugarcoat the whole thing, a good segment of this film is a bloody mess!

Having to fight for his life in a number of difficult situations, the final insult comes when Tiger Girl throws Wolfguy to the dogs!

Sonny's like "WTF!? Man, I thought you were my home girl!" Sorry Sonny, Wrong!! So that's it, if you get a hankering to know the whole story or even part of it, since I didn't tell you hardly anything, there's only one place I know where you can find a copy, and that's over at  Cult Action! Tell'em Eegah!! sent you!

Friday, May 2, 2014

'WAY OUT ~ I Heard You Calling Me / Talent Associates - 1961

Here's our 3rd installment of this wild TV series from 1961 with Tabonga, here at The Dungeon!.. The series was taped in New York City, Talent Associates chalked up 865 production credits between 1947-1979, their first was for KRAFT THEATRE.

Eegah!! sent over a soundclip from this episode for our earjoyment, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button there by the old haunted elevator, NOW, Rufus The Gnat! Here's a smell of... I HEARD YOU CALLING ME!

Host Roald Dahl starts the show with a cigarette and a little info about the weird story you are about to behold. Eegah!! included an L&M ad in the soundclip for all you smokers out there!

The tale's about a woman who's ready to run off with a married man, she relaxes in a hotel room while her rich lover takes care of things on his end. Constance Ford plays gold digger, Freda Mansfield, Constance ended her career as Ada Hobson on the popular soap opera, ANOTHER WORLD, until 1990.

Then, Freda starts receiving threatening phone calls from a mysterious woman about the affair! The old biddy hotel phone operator informs Freda that she received no calls from any woman, since the call would have gone through her!

Freda's confused, so, time for some nicotine!!

The threatening calls keep coming and Freda is starting to come unglued, the caller gives her some instructions so she writes them down.

Then, the mysterious woman, a ghost named Rose Thorn, shows up and the elevator stops on Freda's floor...

Freda's heart gives out and the affair is null and void! Tune in tomorrow to see what Eegah!! has cooked up for us.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

BARAKA SUR X-13 - "Agent X-77 OrdersTo Kill" (1966)

For the next few months, or maybe over the course of the Summer, I'm declaring Wednesdays to be "Super Secret Agent Nights, aka "Eurospy A Go Go," down in The Dungeon, so get ready for loads of gadgets, girls, and gizmos, and a lot of movies with either an X or a 7 in the title, and it's mostly all being brought to you courtesy of those crazy cats over at Cult Action!!

I'm going to get things rolling with "Baraka Sur X-13" for several reasons, one being that it's a movie I had only heard about but wasn't able to track down until just recently! "X-13" was the name of one of our Hermanos Guzanos' tapes, so it made me more interested than ever! This film starts with a guy on a plane. He doesn't hijack it, he gasses everybody on board so he can get some important papers from one of the passengers, then he parachutes to freedom, and the plane crashes!

This is the area in Italy where the plane goes down! This looks more like a painting than any other still I think I've ever seen! Here's about where I believe the most annoying music ever used in a spy saga kicks in! What it sounds like is player piano music, and if once wasn't bad enough, they insert it multiple times during the course of the film, and they're usually long sements!  Here's just a taste, followed by a little bit of swingin' music off the radio in a much later scene, which was the musical highlight of the movie! The music in The French version was written by Georges Garvarentz, and the music in the Spanish version was composed by Federico Martínez Tudó, and since this is neither of those, I don't know who to credit or blame!

Enter our hero, Gérard Barray as Serge Vadile, Agent X-13, masquerading as an official airline investigator! Working mostly in French cinema, it shouldn't be to surprising that Gérard played D'Artagnan in at least one two Three Musketeer movies!

Uh, Oh, The Boss gets the bad news! Despite all their precautions, there might be witnesses! This news doesn't make him very happy!

Croatian Goddess Sylva Koscina has the role of Mania! Working mostly in Italian cinema, among Sylva's 123 credits are titles like "Hercules," "Hercules Unchained," "Deadlier Than The Male," and "Lisa And The Devil!" Much to our chagrin, Sylva passed on way back in 1994!

I'd say Gérard is a pretty lucky fellow, but I guess it wasn't luck, he earned it!!

Now THAT my friends is a knife!!

I don't know about you, but I'm not getting on any ship called "Lucifer!" All aboard, next stop HELL!!

Now here's a real mystery for you, if Serge Vadile is Agent X-13, why was the movie released as "Agent X-77 Orders To Kill?" Beats the crap outta me!!

The grey haired Boss was talking on the phone to this guy, the bigger Boss! See, he has the same kind of phone with the rotary dial on the bottom, the only difference is, his is red! This guy must be extra bad, because he's got toy army men on his desk, and he plays chess with himself! The other two-tone phone is for less important calls!

I gotta give X-13 a lot of credit, he can take a lot of abuse.........

.............But he doesn't mind handing it out either, regardless of gender! In fact, he ends up having a wrasslin' match with this gal, and she's tough as nails!

I think we should give a big round of applause for Juan Gelpí and Franco Vitrotti, the cinematographers for this movie!! This is good example why!

Throughout the whole film, I expected to find out that Sylva's character was just toying with Agent X-13, but she stays true to him to the end! She's pretty scrappy too!

Agnès Spaak is Ingrid, and in a 2009 post I did for the movie "Dr. Orloff's Monster" I said I was going to track down "Baraka Sur X-13" because she was in it, and I finally did it!  Grant should like this movie because Ingrid is also a spy working on this case, but she falls in love with the guy who took down the plane in the beginning, but rather than go bad, she just chooses to die with him!

Not exactly sure of the reason, maybe just the colour, but I do like this shot!!

Well, if this kind of movie is your cup of tea, you now know where to find it, I just saved you five years of searching, you're welcome!! Come back on Friday for some more of Tabonga and "Way Out!"

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??