Thursday, February 19, 2009

MACABRE / Allied Artists - 1958 / Music by Les Baxter

With MACABRE, William Castle decide he want to produce horror, not cowboy flick no more! After this, he make in a row... HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL, THE TINGLER, 13 GHOSTS, HOMICIDAL, MR. SARDONICUS, ZOTZ!, 13 FRIGHTENED GIRLS, THE OLD DARK HOUSE, STRAIGHT-JACKET, NIGHT WALKER, I SAW WHAT YOU DID, LET'S KILL UNCLE...

Theme play at end, and for Tabonga, not really match what I see on screen for last hour and 15 minute!! But, typical goofy when you have Jay Ward-style credits like LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS! Theme sound full of fun and have grand scale feel, but flick down and dirty, mean and nasty all the way through!! But, call on awesome music genius Les Baxter anyway!!

Hit it, Ralphie!.. Here is lighter side of MACABRE!

Jim Backus pretty sure he know a sleaze ball when he talk to one.

Many unreal thing start to happen after William Prince hear that daughter is buried alive in graveyard...

Okay, here is best example ever of Castle gimmick!! Turn out... It her father come to help!!! Oh, and one for Kreng!

Coo coo kachoo!..

While looking for daughter in funeral home, Jim find William and give him nice stiff jab to face before excellent punch to stomach!! By far, Tabonga' favorite part of flick!

Funeral at midnight, in rain?!

Guess what inside coffin?

Right, William' daughter!

Gramps have big cardiac and fall face first in open grave where they luckily store running camera!!

Philip Tonge die next year after appear in INVISIBLE INVADERS as Dr. Adam Penner.

Weirdo Ed spill beans with doll and then throw payoff money back in William' face. William make up everything to kill gramps for money, it work, but he get caught and expose for greasy weasel that he is!!.. Now pretend you hear Woody Woodpecker give laugh to William, bonified A-HOLE #1!

Cool credits!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

THE INNOCENTS - George Auric - "O Willow Waly" (1961)

"The Innocents" is a classic piece of work, a movie you can sit down and watch with a person of the opposite sex, have a good time, and not fall asleep! There's no ray-guns, or rubber monsters, but anytime Freddie Francis is involved, it's most likely, you've got a winner, and Freddie was doing the cinematography on this film!

Here's the basic skinny! Deborah Kerr as Miss Giddens and Michael Redgrave as (I love this part) "The Uncle" discuss the job opening he has at his castle as live-in governess, watching over his neice and nephew, because he'd rather hang out at the local pub instead!!

Yeah, it's true, he can't handle this place! Poor bastard!!

Now it's starting to get interesting! The first person that Miss Giddens meets is sweet little Flora! Oh, just like a flower!! Last time we saw Pamela Franklin she was smoking cigarettes in "The Nanny", she sure grew up fast, that would only be 4 years later after this movie! Pamela also went on to be quite the scream queen in the 70's for her roles in movies with titles like "Necromancy", "The Legend Of Hell House", and "Satan's School For Girls!" She's pretty demonic even at this young age!!

Then it's time for that really fun and oh so perfect nephew Miles to come home!! Last time we saw Martin Stephens was in"Village Of The Damned"!!! Is there just something not quite innocent about these kids??

Now tell me this isn't confusing, The housekeeper Miss Jessel is portrayed by Clytie Jessop!! Jessel up and Jessop tight, tonight, isn't that a song by Kool and The Gang or somebody??

So, everything's pretty cool, but then after she gets comfortable, Miss Giddens starts to see strange things!!

Deborah Kerr displays full well the reasons she was nominated for at least six oscars in her career, here, in what amounts to almost a solo outing as Miss Giddens! It's a very strong female lead role, and she pulls it off effortlessly, going from somewhat shy and naive to headstrong and in control!

Miles and Flora both have some real issues, they will just zone out when you're talking to them, and his imaginary friends are more real than most!

I tell you I saw a person right over there, don't you see them???

No, I don't see anything!!

Child prodigy, musician, and composer George Auric showed an interest for avant garde music as a young man which led him to have friends like Erik Satie and Jean Cocteau, and a place in history, as one of the most prolific film composers of all time! Here we have a traditional sounding piece mixed with my favorite, the sounds of nature!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

ATOMIC RULERS Of The World / Japan - 1964 / Music by Michiaki Watanabe

Welp, look like Tabonga giving Starman last send off back to Emerald Planet for good tonight. Goo'bye, old pal...

And, if music sound familiar, that because composer is awesome Mr. Michiaki Watanabe and he do all the Starman flick!!.. By self!

Okay, give Ralphie second to get in room... Now, finally by big red button... Hit it!.. ONE MORE TIME!

When Tabonga say 'atomic' then Tabonga mean 'atomic!'

If you not know story of Starman' special watch, then, you need to watch this, ATTACK FROM SPACE, EVIL BRAIN FROM OUTER SPACE or INVADERS FROM SPACE!!

Anyway, before he go kick bad guy' ass, Starman help out airliner in trouble with tail fin!

Dang!.. Starman can follow bad guys easy!

Now, that one damn good trick, there!!

Here is bad guy' lab. Did you notice devil head on wall?

Starman can sword fight!

Bad guy dude try to hide from Starman.

Starman can stop car in tracks...

Can tear living crap outta steel bars too!!

Atomic maniacs runnin' show from Texas!

And, Starman not need help, he take care of ever'bloody by self!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??