Monday, January 5, 2009

DAS UNGEHEUER VON LONDON CITY - Martin Böttcher - "The Monster Of London City" (1964)

Born in 1927, and still living well, as far as I can tell, composer Martin Böttcher is, in my humble opinion, one of the most gifted soundtrack composers out there, and after hearing the musical musings of "Monster Of London City", I'm sure you'll agree!! Chopped, hacked, and mutilated, this Edgar Wallace take on the Jack The Ripper tale is brutal, and the music fits the mood perfectly, just like O.J.'s glove!!! If you like movies that treat women like dirt, and allow little kids to witness murder, then you're going to love this 1964 German horror thriller!

Not merely twisted enough on it's own, you have to have at least two stories and their characters intertwined, so a major part of this film is a stage production of "Jack The Ripper!" It's also a real cheap and easy way to slip in some early backstage nudity!!

I lost track of the victim count, this is probably 3 or 4!!

If truth be told, this hooker was really dumb! I guess it's commonplace to hang out in dark secluded alleys, and not get killed!

The last victim just lays down on her bed and invites whoever into her flat! I guess she hasn't heard about the killer going around chopping up prostitutes! Gee, do you think she's going to get it too?? Twisted to the end, the writing is almost as brilliant as the music, but if this movie was in colour, it'd be too gory for me to watch!!

Damn, I love this music, and I just recently read that Martin Böttcher played the guitar at a very young age, so, maybe that's where all that cool electric guitar influence comes from! How to explain all that outstanding sax, bass and bongos is anyone's guess!! Hey Martin, how about an interview so we can find out??

Sunday, January 4, 2009

THE MONSTER THAT CHALLENGED THE WORLD / United Artists - 1957 / Music by Heinz Roemheld

We've put this one off long enough... So, tonight's treat is a little classic from 1957, a very good year!!

Music conductor Heinz Roemheld did a lot of uncredited composing for older movie serials that were later edited down, some released as theatrical features in the '50s and '60s, and, of course, they ended up on TV. Here's some of those titles: SATAN'S SATELLITES, MISSILE MONSTERS, PURPLE DEATH FROM OUTER SPACE, PERILS FROM THE PLANET MONGO and DEADLY RAY FROM MARS!


Here's how things worked in the Navy in the fifties... A horrible creature comes out of the sea and bites your head off!!.. So, you scream real loud.

The slacker in the radio room (with an awesome calendar!) hears you loud and clear!

He calls the commander's office and the hot secretary answers the phone...

The commander, played by Tim Holt, finally takes the call and asks... "What do you want me to do about it?!.. He sounded dead, right?!"



There's Sarah Selby playing Barbara Darrow's mom, one of the most noticible faces on TV at the time!

Both teens end up in the briny deep, a clear warning about being young and stupid!

A diver checks out a monster shell while handsome, there, checks the diver out!!

I think the main message here, is... Just don't get so damn close! Sheesh, they're not that fast!!

One of my favorite stills.

Hans Conried shows the brass some movies of slugs and snails, and puppy dog tails! We love Hans because he was involved with Jay Ward!!!

Believe it, or not, the kid is allowed to play in the room that houses the thing in the tank, and, she actually turns the heat up and that's what allows it to transform and attack!!!

So, when you hear her scream in the sound clip, you can say... "Well, she diserves it!!"

A moment from now, guys come in with rifles to shoot the monster dead, and its... GAME OVER!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

TRACK OF THE MOON BEAST - Frank Larrabee - "California Lady" (1976)

I'm not too sure how far this year 2009 is going to make it, so I'm breakin' the rules tonight and jumping off, and out into the future, because people need to know that there was at least one good movie made in the 70's!! "Track Of The Moon Beast" has got it all, and then some, and even though it's made in 1976, it's cool enough to have come from the 60's!

Here's the main gang, Chase Cordell as Paul, Country singer Leigh Drake as Cathy, Gregorio Salas as Professor Johnny Longbow and the other two kids!

This shot alone makes it look like a 60's movie, when was the last time you saw a flash like that?

Here's the reason we're doing this one! Frank Larrabee as a BeeGee lookin' wannabee, Tom Rush/John Denver soundin' rock star, actually does a credible job with the sunshine hippie dippy happy slappy "California Lady"! I'll take it over a bunch of orchestrated crap or disco any day!

The music is so wild and beyond belief, the crowd can barely contain themselves, just knowing they're probably listening to the genius of some future superstars!

Give Joe Blasco a standing ovation for creating a pretty cool and scary looking old school rubber monster!

Chicks scream no matter what era it is!!!

Joe sneaks up on the cops, looking like he could have been a cousin of "It The Terror From Beyond Space!" in some kind of sequel!

Now you know why they needed a character named Johnny Longbow!!

So Paul got a pretty raw deal really, I mean, he was a nice guy and he wasn't doing anything wrong, he gets hit in the head with a meteorite that turns him into a monster, his best friend shoots him with an arrow and gets his girlfriend!! Now, that stinks, just like the 70's!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING MAN - Ray Anthony - "That's Incredible" (1957)

Director Jack Arnold is one of the all-time best, period!! His titles speak for themselves!! Besides, SOUNDCLIP NO LONGER AVAILABLE he is also responsible for "It Came From Outer Space", "Creature From The Black Lagoon", and "Tarantula" just as a couple of examples, not to mention another 30 years of directing prime time TV shows!

But, since we are here to talk mostly about the music, I gotta tell you that they missed a very golden opportunity here. Somebody was real smart and used trumpet player Ray Anthony as a soloist during the theme music, and it is quite beautiful, rich and you're really going to dig it! Here's my problem, why only during the theme? There are very long parts of this movie with no dialogue when teeny tiny Robert Scott Carey is trapped in the basement, and has the adventure of his life, and all the music is totally orchestrated, and loses all it's character! Supposedly stellar names like Irving Gertz, Elliot Lawrence, Hans J. Salter, and Herman Stein are responsible, but as you can see on the credits, it's only music supervision by Joseph Gershenson.

A fantastic duo, Grant Williams as Scott Carey, and the enchanting Randy Stuart as Mrs. Louise Carey! Life is perfect!! But then........

Here it comes, whatever it is! This story was written by another Sci-Fi master, Richard Matheson, and combined with a great cast, you've got yourself one real classic monster movie!! Another great film where there is no need to explain anything, weird stuff just happens and you deal with it!!

Right here's where the good music and the good times stop! Reality for Scott and Lou is a thing of the past, and it's all down hill from here!!! The movie just got started and you've already got the moral of the story! Get your own beer!!

You know what's causing the shrinking, but you will never know why! So what the heck was in that fog anyway? Pixie dust? Space Debris? No, just regular shrinkin' stuff!!!

They throw a real midget, the ultra famous face of Billy Curtis, into the act, for a quick bit just to legitimize things! See Mildred, I told you they was midgets!!

Maybe after they built all those killer sets, they didn't have enough money to pay Ray Anthony to blow throughout the whole film! Don't get me wrong, it's a great movie, it just could have been that much better!!!

This film doesn't exactly have a happy ending, here Louise gets ready to drive off in a very nice Chrysler with Scott's brother, never to return!

This movie never ends, it just keeps getting smaller!!

Monster Music

Monster Music
AAARRGGHHH!!!! Ya'll Come On Back Now, Y'Hear??