Saturday, February 8, 2020

REVENGE OF THE ZOMBIES - "The Corpse Vanished" (1943)

It's a Zombie Zaturday Night in The Dungeon, and a classic little film from 1943 called...
"Revenge Of The Zombies," starring John Carradine!

So what exactly is a zombie? The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a zombie as a will-less and speechless human held to have died and been supernaturally reanimated. Over the years the term has come to describe a member of any overzealous group, like political parties, religious fanatics, or any blind followers of anything! The first movies with zombie-like characters date back to the 1920's and two films, "Príchozí Z Temnot," and "Svatebni Kosile," but it looks like the first film to actually have the word zombie in the title was the 1932 feature "White Zombie" starring Bela Lugosi. 
In between "White Zombie" and "Revenge Of The Zombies," came "Revolt Of The Zombies," "King Of The Zombies," and "I Walked With A Zombie."

Just like vampires and werewolves, what zombies can and can't do is all up to the writers. Unlike say "The Walking Dead," these zombies take orders and have job skills. These two know how to hammer stuff! The chief zombie on the right known as Lazarus was played by the legendary James Baskett, the man who played Uncle Remus in Disney's "Song Of The South."

John Carradine is Dr. Max Heinrich Von Altermann, a Nazi scientist working on perfecting a zombie army! His dead wife Lila is played by Veda Ann (Scared Stiff) Borg, and was just a pawn in the game.

It's a lot of work keeping dead people alive.

You need lots of fancy equipment like this!

As a little kid, I absolutely loved Gale Storm because of her TV shows, "My Little Margie," and "The Gale Storm Show." She was only 21 when this film was made.

Here's a pretty cool shot of two of the black pioneers of filmmaking, Mantan Moreland and James Baskett.

Dead or alive, Lila looks pretty comfortable.

This is a cool shot of one of the best cowboy actors of all time, Bob Steele, and John Carradine together!

Every time Mantan turns around, it seems like he's stumbling onto another body!

Madame Sul-Te-Wan as Mammy Beulah just keeps laughing! 
Madame was also in "King Kong," "Mighty Joe Young," and "King Of The Zombies."

Sybil (Midnight Menace) Lewis as Rosella, and Mantan go out for a walk.
Love the painted swamp backdrop!

Mammy Beaulah gets Lila to spill the beans, she's dead and she wants revenge on her rat dog husband!

I think your pal might have had too much to drink!

Great shot of John in the lab.

"Okay, you got me, I give."

What do you mean the zombies only listen to you now?

For a dead woman, you gotta love that smile!
Revenge is Sweet!!

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