Tonight we've got a Saturday Night Special classic from 1973 called...
"Westworld" was created and directed by the brilliant Michael (Andromeda Strain) Crichton, and that has a whole lot to do with why it's so good!
"Westworld" was created and directed by the brilliant Michael (Andromeda Strain) Crichton, and that has a whole lot to do with why it's so good!
I liked "Westworld" when I saw it in 1973, and I enjoyed it again when I watched it a couple of days ago! What I didn't like was that right before I started to write this, my computers, two of them, started acting just like the computers in the movie, and that would translate as totally fucked up!! There's no better way to describe it! Luckily, here at the house, nobody has got killed yet!
"The vacation of the future." Couldn't we all use one of those?
Just a couple of guys getting away for a couple of days in Fantasy Land! James (Way Way Out) Brolin and Richard Benjamin play a great pair of buddies!!
What fun it's going to be to relive the olde west for real!
The bad guys are all robots, and if they give you any crap, you just dust them. The whole thing is supposed to be safe and harmless! Guns won't fire at a warm target like a human!
And besides killing bad guys, there are other advantages to living in the olde west!
So, really, at this point, do you care if she's a whoreborg or not?
At the end of each day's events, the robots are taken back to the laboratory and patched up so they can get right back to work again, even the animals that were involved!
Behind the scenes, these guys are running the show! It's the same guys that are watching you right now!
So everything is cool and groovy in "Westworld," and then piece by piece, the whole thing comes tumbling down, like this robot rattler who suddenly bites for real!
Things over in Medieval World aren't going that swell either!
What the heck? He.....shot me!
And the chase is on...............!!!
Yul Brynner is The King of Badass for more than one reason!!
Yul Brynner is The King of Badass for more than one reason!!
Steve Franken has a small but memorable role as a fleeing technician! Steve was not only Chatsworth Osborne Jr. in "The Many Loves Of Dobie Gillis," but he was also Cardinal Colbert in Dan Brown's "Angels and Demons," among a horde of other things!
That's a fine looking steed they got for Yul Brynner to ride!
So, like the best way to deal with guys like this and/or the mummy, is to just set their asses on fire!!
Aw, She....ittt! That didn't work either!!
I had a great little sound clip for you from the brilliant mind of the composer Fred Karlin, but the computers just didn't want it to happen, and it was a good one, so may they all burn in Computer Hell! It's filling up fast, better reserve your seat today because the future is now, the future is here!!
I'm embarrassed to say I've only seen it twice (I've seen the sequel FUTUREWORLD more times!), but I've always liked it.
It took me forever to know her by name, but it also has Linda Gaye Scott as the robot prostitute (she was good in several "counterculture" films like PSYCH-OUT and THE TRIP).
And Allen Oppenheimer as that technician at the end. He's always very believable.
Thanx Grant! You know the thing about "Westworld" for me, is that it's a fairly simple story, but it's just so well made, it's fun to watch.
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