Friday, August 14, 2020

ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN / "The Mind Machine" - 1952

In today's super adventure, a mobster kidnaps a scientist and takes possession of his invention. The crook then uses the device to damage the minds of people testifying before an investigative committee, and the victims die a short time later. Superman races to find the mobster before Lois Lane testifies at the committee hearing.

Dr. Stanton is working on his invention to help mental patients for the betterment of mankind... Three mobsters enter the lab where they take the machine and doctor away after knocking the doc's assistant to the ground, and they warn him, do not call the police if you ever want to see your boss again!

The assistant goes to the Daily Planet and sees Clark who he knows him from a press conference where the doctor told the public about the machine. Clark takes an interest in the kidnapping, of course!

Here's the hoodlums at their hideout. There's Curly, Lou the boss and Al. They're reading the newspaper which has a classified ad that has a reward for whoever knows the whereabouts of the doctor. Lou knows it's a trap, so just grabs the doc and has him warm the machine up.

He tunes it in on the investigative committee where the witness is ready to name names in the criminal activities in Metropolis.

But the second he's ready to say, Lou Cranek, the mob boss tells him to say that he's never heard of the person, then the man goes into a psychosis and leaves the courthouse...

The man then gets super paranoid, he goes into the street and commandeers a woman's car and drives like a bat outta Hell trying to get away from Clark and Lois, the lady faints. He drives into the country and stops after the car gets a flat. He sees a bus with children in it and steals it while the driver is trying to fix the brakes. Lois and Clark show up in their little Nash Rambler. Clark tells Lois and the bus driver to go chase the bus while he stays with the fainted woman... He then changes and Superman takes off.

Our hero stops the bus, and when Lois and the bus driver show up...

They find the man dead in the driver's seat!

It gets really weird about here, Clark and the doctor's assistant (who's flying the plane) use radar to try and locate the place the doc's located. Since the mind machine uses so much power, they finally locate the place. So, Clark punches the pilot and knocks him out, puts the plane on auto-pilot and jumps out.

Lois is testifying before the committee, as soon as the viewer becomes clear, Lou can give her a deadly command...

Luckily, Superman shows up just in the nick of time. Al fires away with his gun but to no avail.

As Superman toys with the gangsters, Dr.Stanton destroys his devilish machine.

Al breaks a vase over Superman's head, then gets knocked on his ass!

He tells the doctor to call the police for him because he has one last thing to do, land the airplane safely as it just ran out of gas...

Of course everyone wants to know where Clark was during the whole ordeal... Tune in again tomorrow for another dose of what you need, here at The Dungeon!!..