Monday, July 27, 2020

LOST IN SPACE / "War Of The Robots" - 1966

Here's an adventure that goes like this... After Will repairs a damaged robot he finds in some brush, it helps the family at first but then plots to capture them for some distant alien masters.

Will shows his dad a dead robot he discovered while fishing, he wants to repair it and get it working again... Low and behold, it's our favorite guy, Robbie The Robot! Man, back in the day I saw FORBIDDEN PLANET in 1956, then saw THE INVISIBLE BOY the following year!

The gang goes looking for their robot what has been saying that you can't trust the robot because it's a "robotoid." It's ready to take a big hammer to the new robot when it's stopped before it does any damage...

After everyone leaves to go back to the ship, the robotoid checks in with it's evil alien masters. The plan is to win the confidence of the family, then sabotage their ship. After that, the alien masters will come to the planet and pick up all the humans!!

The robotoid (I didn't know that robots could poop!) then zaps the family's robot to assure it won't cause any problems with the plan.

Their robot has gone missing, the robotoid has access to the ship now, but Will finds it holding a simple blaster. He orders the robot out of the ship and has some bad feelings about what's going on. And, what's up with their robot?

The robotoid then spills the beans after damaging some equipment in the ship. It tells the family that they need to obey him, or else!

Dr. Smith tries to make a deal with the robot, but it tells him the shut the Hell up!

It's time to check in with the masters and set up a time for them to arrive...

But first, der robotoid goes back to prepare the family for what is to come. In the meantime, Will has had a heart to heart with their robot and there's going to be a showdown...

First, their robot shoots out a cloud of fog...

Will crosses his fingers, come on plan, WORK!!

Hidden in the fog, the robot comes around behind the robotoid and zaps it a goodern! It says, you have destroyed me! And it dies again!!

It's a great day for everyone, because, the robotoid had not sent the alien masters the coordinates for the planet yet!

So, what's going to happen next week? By the way, Penny was not in this episode!

Well, next week the family encounters a cosmic storm!

Mom goes out and yells for Penny and Dr. Smith to come home.

But then, lightning strikes a bronze statue, and... You'll just have to wait a week to find out... Tune in again on Wednesday when Eegah!! will have another cool post for us, here at The Dungeon!!..

I had to send my kitty cat home today, a sad time for Tabonga ~ R. I. P. my Bubby ~


  1. Condolences for your loss.

    I love old Lost In Space... and the hints at the wild/weird galaxy it takes place in.

  2. I'm sorry. I lost mine this year too.

  3. Yeah Grant, they are our very best friends - I still have 7 more little loves here...

  4. I love Lost In Space, this episode in particular. Robbie was also featured in the season 3 opener "Condemned of Space".

    Also, sorry to hear about Tabonga's cat... it's always upsetting to lose a beloved pet.

  5. Sorry about losing the kitty. :(

    On the episode reviewed, this is one of the last decent Lost in Space episodes before the series becomes unwatchable.

  6. My late wife made a cat lover of me, almost 30 years ago, when she brought home Smoky, a little striped grey girl kitty we had with us for 17 years. A year after Smoky went to the Rainbow Bridge, we got Neko, a little black and white girl kitty. Now that 3 months ago my beloved wife Sharon earned her wings and went to join her parents, her two brothers, and her kitties and doggies, Neko and I are alone, holding down the fort. It's no fun losing our loved ones, be they human or animal, and it's not easy ever, but life goes on.

    Gentle thoughts and good vibes to our pal, Tabonga, and may he be warmed by the love of his seven babies surrounding him with their hugs and purrs.

  7. "On the episode reviewed, this is one of the last decent Lost in Space episodes before the series becomes unwatchable."

    Sadly, I must agree, although the ten-year-old in me still enjoys watching the antics of the second and third seasons. As an adult, I can watch perhaps 2 or 3 episodes each of those last two seasons, mostly for the music scores and/or special effects. But they get pretty embarrassing to see, once the show went to color. But I love the "Space Pod" craft in the third season!

    The first episode of the second season, and the first color episode, Blast Off Into Space, does get silly, but it hasn't yet descended into the total stupidity of the later episodes, plus that first color episode has a fantastic (IMHO!) music score by the great Leith Stevens (Destination Moon, War of the Worlds, When Worlds Collide).
