Monday, May 4, 2020

THE OUTER LIMITS / "The Special One" Season 1 Episode 28 - 1964

In today's classic TV episode, the parents of a child science prodigy are approached by a mysterious 'government' official called Mr. Xeno, who offers to give him special private tutoring. Unknown to them, Mr. Xeno is actually an alien from another planet who wants to use their son's talents for an evil purpose, to help them invade the Earth!

With this one, we've posted the complete first season of The Outer Limits on DWRAYGER DUNGEON, and, we have only nine more season two episodes to complete the entire series!! So, search our huge archive for all those other great adventures.

It stars Macdonald (THESE ARE THE DAMNED) Carey as the dad, Richard (PREMATURE BURIAL) Ney as the alien, Flip (PLEASE DON'T EAT THE DAISIES) Mark as the kid, Marion (HAPPY DAYS) Ross as mom and Edward (BLACK ZOO) Platt as the head of the education program. By the way, Richard Ney was married to and divorced from Greta Garbo.

After Mr. Xeno hypnotically kills off an angry dad in the teaser, he pops in here to pursue the next child in his unearthly quest...

He then arrives unannounced at the Benjamin residence where he shows them his Dept. of education credentials, he's there to tutor their super smart son, Kenny, in science.

But, Mr. Benjamin's getting a weird vibe from the man even though he's happy for his son.

Things are moving along quite well with the tutoring taking place in Kenny's room, with the door shut of course. The kid can already walk through walls!

Mr. Xeno shows Kenny (who already knows Mr. Xeno is from another world) how he breathes, being from another planet and all. He has two flaps below his neck, yuck, with tongues!

Kenny's dad is beside himself with Mr. Xeno's intrusion, something is just, WRONG!.. He goes to see Mr. Terrence, the head of the gifted student program and finds out that the school DOES NOT send out private tutors to any of their students!.. He tells Mr. Terrence that a Mr. Xeno has been coming to his house as many as three nights a week! And. he finds out that they don't have any Mr. Xeno working for them! Dad's acting a little too frantic and is kindly axed to leave.

Mr. Xeno gets aggressive after he's confronted by dad. They live in a high rise, so, what better way to get rid of the pain in the ass than by having him jump out the window!

But before that can happen, Kenny changes the air in the room into an unbreathable mixture for Xeno, using an alien machine he has built and mastered!

So cool, the alien is choking to death on his own device made to use against Earthlings!..

His gill lips or whatever just ain't working, somethin's all haywire!.. (pillow feathers)

Mr. Xeno takes a fall down the stairs and is nearly dead, when, Kenny turns the machine off... You see, Kenny figured out what Mr. Xeno was doing early on and was just playing along until things were right.

He allows Mr. Xeno to leave and go back to his planet, and, he'll turn the device over to the military for development in case they try to come back! The kid's the hero this time! Tune in again on Wednesday for more new May Pole Posts, here at The Dungeon!!..


  1. Did you know I've never seen this one? I will have to search the internet for it.

  2. that scene with the feathers floating around goes on forever lol. but when Mr. Xeno appears and disappears is a very cool effect. With Marion Ross as the kid's mom, this episode plays like a Happy Days Goes to Hell!

  3. You need to see it, Randall...just to say you have! ;)

  4. Some people say that the showdown scene in this episode is too long, and that the showdown scene in "Soldier" is too SHORT. And they're probably right in each case.

  5. I agree with Grant, re: both showdowns.
