Saturday, March 14, 2020

AGENTE 077 DALLl'ORIENTE CON FURORE - "From The Orient With Fury" (1965)

Dick Malloy is back in tonight's Secret Agent Saturday Night Special called "Agente 077 Dall'oriente Con Furore." 

Just one of the English titles is "From The Orient With Fury," but it was also released as "Mission Istanbul," "Fury In Instanbul," and "Operation Istanbul."

If you think it's just a cheap Italian James Bond ripoff, then the Greek title, "James Bond 077" is probably not going to do much to change your mind, and yes, it is a smoking gun of a film!

Essentially, this film has agent Dick Malloy being pursued by not Three, but The Five Stooges."

Over and over in all kinds of interesting places, Dick Malloy has to fight these jerks! Dick is so good, he can put a headlock on a guy, and talk on the phone at the same time!

Kenneth Donovan Clark once again has the role of  Dick Malloy, in a followup to "Mission Bloody Mary" made the same year!

Before Ken Clark moved to Italy to make westerns and sword and sandal movies, he had a stellar career in the U.S. in movies like "Attack Of The Giant Leeches," and "12 To The Moon."

There are almost as many beautiful women in this film as there are Stooges, and forgive me if I get any of them mixed up! On the left is Evi (Planet Of The Vampires) Marandi as the daughter of the Professor who has created a super ray gun that everybody's after, and on the right is Fabienne (Kill, Baby...Kill!) Dali. Maybe being gorgeous is good for your health since both Evi and Fabienne are still alive!

I love this shot panning past the guitar players and Dick Malloy down to Mikaela as Dolores Lopez!

These guys get their asses kicked so many times, and the one on the left chewing gum deserves it the most!

Time to get out of those wet clothes after getting caught in a rain storm, and into a sexy bathrobe for Dick Malloy, and a towel for Dolores!

Once again, proving that these guys are a bunch of rocket surgeons, this one hides behind a rod iron fence for protection!

To further prove my point, four or five of these bozos ride around in this clown car when they're chasing Dick!

No it's not the 4-D Woman, it's just Dick handing his new partner a towel!

Margaret (Psycho-Circus, Venus In Furs) Lee is Evelyn Stone, Dick's newly assigned gal-pal partner.

Dick goes to this fool's pad for some information, but he's in league with the stooges, so when he tells Dick to leave via the backdoor, Dick realizes it's just another stupid trap!

Not laughing out loud funny, but a lot of this film has to be considered a comedy!

I lost count! I think there are only three stooges left at this point!

The Professor demonstrates his lethal weapon to Goldwyn, the boss of the stooges!
The big bad cheese is played by Franco (Mr. Superinvisible, Star Odyssey, War Between The Planets) Ressel.

Gum Boy gets what's coming to him, a big handful of electricity handed to him by the Professor and his daughter!

Goldwyn finally gets his grimy mitts on the weapon he always wanted, and then proceeds to totally lose his shit, and tries to shoot up everything in sight, before being turned into a shish kabob by big Dick Malloy!

I don't think this English alternative title flew very far, because I'm sure that most people in the U.S. like me, have no clue what a freakin' Bosphorus is, even though it's a very important part of the world's geography! Just for the record, the Bosphorus is a body of water also known as The Strait of Istanbul that is in Northwestern Turkey. It is part of of the continental boundary between Europe and Asia. Now you know!


  1. Nearly the only thing in a Euro-spy film that can disappoint me is the lack of a femme fatale character - not the "Goldfinger" kind, so to speak, but the THOROUGHLY bad kind. I don't know this one well enough to know if it has one among all those female characters.

  2. The closest thing to a femme fatale in this movie would be Fabienne Dali's character, but more than anything, she's really just a bad girl!

  3. I was looking for a femme fatale film with your mind in mind the other night Grant, but didn't come up with anything, but I'm always on the prowl!
