Friday, October 18, 2019

THE THREE STOOGES In "Fright Night" - 1947

Here's another Halloween Countdown Treat for us... Yes, Fright Night sounds like a spooky title, but, it's actually a take off on Fight Night! Thing is, we, here at The Dungeon, would be remiss if we didn't include the Stooges in our Halloween Countdown mix. This time, Shemp joins the team for a wild and woolly adventure into frightsville...

The Stooges have their own gym where they're training Chopper Kane for a heavyweight bout with 'Gorilla' Watson. Chopper wants to go a few rounds but there's no sparring partner for him to beat on.

So, Shemp gets to fill in. First off, Shemp can't even enter the ring without getting tangled up in the ropes. Then. of course, Larry isn't paying attention and ties his hand and glove to the top rope. Talk about rope a dope!

Shemp is beaten from pillar to post before he ends up head first in a bucket of water.

Some tough guys drop in to informs the boys that their boss wants Chopper to throw the fight... Moe asks why, and Moose says, because Big Mike said so!!

The boys try and get Chopper to over eat and get out of shape for the fight. In the meantime, Chopper has fallen for Kitty and she tells him he needs to get in shape for the fight instead of eating all the time! This makes the boys a little nervous.

Just before the fight, Chopper shows up and tells the Stooges that Kitty dropped him for 'Gorilla' Watson and that he is going to destroy him in the ring! Chopper is animated and accidentally knocks Shemp's cream puff into his face before he enters the arena door.

Moe gets angry with Shemp because he's concerned about his creme puff when they're about to be rubbed out by Big Mike's gang! Moe takes what's left of the dessert and tosses it away... Unfortunately, the thing hits 'Gorilla' Watson in the face, and when the boxer tries to punch Shemp, he ducks and Watson smashes his fist into the brick wall, breaking his hand!

Big Mike and the gang show up and cart our guys off to an empty warehouse where Shemp tells the gang about all the people in his family that will miss him. And when he gets to the smallest child, he knocks the gun out of the hoodlum's hand and the boys scatter!

The chase is on, and after the boys knock one guy out, Larry props him up to fool his pal, but, things fall apart rather quickly!

Larry finds Moe and asks him if he's seen the guy he just bonked on the head?..

Moe and Larry run into a room and lock the door. In order to get to them, the gang uses Shemp as a battering ram to knock the door down, which they do.

While the guys are in the room messing with Moe and Larry, Shemp finds a box of moth balls and dumps them on the floor. When the crooks shuffle out of the room, he conks them in the head with an ax! The cops show up and the boys find out they will get a $5000 reward for the capture of the gang!

During the heat of the moment, one crook fires a shot and hits a red paint can which leaks onto Shemp. Well, he's a goner and Larry and Moe start crying. Moe says, the poor kid, and I still owed him five bucks! Shemp snaps out of it and wants to collect his money!! Well, that's it for today, join us again tomorrow for more Halloween Countdown, here, at The Dungeon!!


  1. Shemp -- my favorite Stooge! :D

  2. Hey K - Just for you my pal... This one is a real hoot!

  3. Hey, Shemp's always been my favourite too!


    Paul from Oz

  4. Cheers back atcha, Paul! All I need to do most days is think about Shemp, and I'm likely to shoot whatever I'm drinking outta my nostrils!
