Friday, October 11, 2019

A CARTOONIST'S NIGHTMARE / Looney Tunes Horror Cartoon With Beans - 1935

Here's a great little WB cartoon from 1935, it's all about what can happen if you're a cartoonist working late at night... This is the first appearance of Beans The Cat where he teams up with the cartoonist to put some villains in their place, after they pull the artist into the cartoon with them!.. Happy Halloween Countdown!

Here's a look at the cartoon factory, where everyone's running around getting their work done before the whistle blows, bringing the day to an end.

I highly recommend the book "Termite Terrace" if you can find a copy, it's about the antics this group of artists from this time period pulled at Warner Bros. when they were at that original old run down studio, they named, Termite Terrace. You will not believe the pranks these clever guys and gals played on the executives! I give it a 10.

After the whistle blows, the employees quickly hurry out of the building. You'll notice Oliver Hardy there, but the last person with the artwork is actually Bob Clampett...

The night watchman makes his rounds and notices one cartoonist is working late. After a word with him, the watchman leaves and the artist just keeps on drawing...

He's working on a story about Beans, who is about to go up against a brutish demon character. The cartoonist is getting tired, so, he draws some bars to keep the monster away from our little hero while he catches a few winks...

The animator immediately falls asleep in his chair.

Then suddenly, the monster pulls the artist into the scene! After punching the guy a number of times, the thing drags his artistic nemesis into the room of Cartoon Villains.

And guess what's in store for him in that room... Right, many more punches!!

In the meantime, Beans gets a gift from a friend!

The monsters give the cartoonist a pencil and make him draw a deep hole! Then, they throw him in, only to be saved by a small tree branch... Watch yer keister bro!!

Beans shows up to save the day, he throws our guy a pencil and he draws a handy old ladder!

And, Beans has another plan, it has to do with grease. It must be good, see how adoringly he eyeballs that grease gun!.. Something very special indeed!

The plan works like greased lightning!! Zip, zop, they all slip and slide into the pit... Best part is when the cartoonist socks the demon monster right in the mush before it falls into the pit.

Now it's time to pull out his handy eraser and erase that freakin' pit away!

Well, the cartoonist shakes Bean's hand and all is well in cartoon land. Problem is that he was dreaming the whole time!

Our artist quickly grabs his pen and pulls the monster and prison bars back in...

Then, he draws a giant pile of ice cream for Beans to chow down on, for all the help he gave him in slumber land!

Join us again tomorrow when we will have more Halloween Countdown spookiness for you and them, here, at The Dungeon!!


  1. I need to check out more of the (really) old cartoons! These look cool!

  2. Hey K, yes, they are special, especially the WB cartoons / I have the Looney Tunes Golden Collection with six DVDs and 24 discs of gold! Watched the whole thing after I bought it.
