Saturday, June 29, 2019

ASHES TO ASHES - "Episode #1.1" (2008)

 I was really taken aback when my friend Lord Litter in Berlin told me that there was a continuation, or kind of a sequel to the amazing  2006 series "Life On Mars," 
and it was named after another David Bowie song, "Ashes To Ashes." 
This was something I had to see immediately!

 Last year I watched to whole first "Life On Mars" series, and then I watched the whole American version, and I thought I was done, but oh no, these people haven't finished messing with my head yet!

 DI Alex Drake was just trying to take her daughter to school when she is summoned to an emergency hostage situation, and this is where it all starts over again!
Welcome to another Saturday Night Special in The Dungeon!

 The hostage is released. The maniac who was holding the hostage requested to see and talk to DI Drake, but she has no idea why!

 This is all he has in mind!

 The killer has no mercy, and then the madness begins in earnest!

 And the David Bowie references are spookier than ever!

 When Alex Drake comes to, she is on a large party yacht, and apparently now, she's a hooker!

 Then she realizes it's 1981, not 2008 anymore!

 Alex Drake has one huge advantage over Sam Tyler. After his alledged suicide, she had been studying his story, and reading his notes, and so when she finds herself in a similar situation, she's pretty sure she knows how to get back to where she came from!

 But that's not going to happen any time real soon. "Ashes To Ashes" was on for three seasons or 24 episodes, however you want to look at it!

 And Yes, she has to deal with the same exact characters that Sam Tyler did starting with the Jean Genie himself, Gene Hunt!

 Officers Chris Skelton and Ray Carling are back too, and
I'll tell you what! Right about here, I was just as confused as Chris Skelton is most of the time!

 Alex Drake has only been conscious a short while, and she's already in a hostage situation again!

 Up to this point, they just thought she was a prostitute! Now it's time to try and start getting things all figured out!

 Bringing back the main character as a female has got to be some kind of stroke of genius, and there are obviously going to be many more frustrating hurdles for her in the macho world of 1981!
The same...but very different!!

 I'm through four episodes now, and it's still keeping me guessing. Just like Alex Drake, I know the story, but it doesn't make it any less interesting, that's for damn sure!

 Every bar should have a backdrop like this for people to take a picture in front of!

Lost and alone, Alex Drake has a long road ahead of her. It's going to take a lot more than wine to help her find way back home!

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