Wednesday, March 7, 2018


I've been doing a lot of  Grimm-bingeing for the past few weeks, and it's really getting in the way of my regular movie watching! I'm now into about a third of the final season and I have to tell you that the Hexenbeast Adalind Schade has really cast a spell on me, very similar to the jinx Samantha Stevens put on me some 50 years ago!
So this was all causing me to think about doing a post of all the 'Witch' movies and TV shows ever made, but when an IMDB search for 'Witch' kicked out 1540 titles, I decided I better try something else, So....

........Let's talk about witches!

Claire Coffee is Adilind Schade! I think she's the cutest witch of all time, and she's just really awesome in this role! It's funny, she didn't really look that pretty at the start, I guess that just shows how good of an actress she really is, because this gal is amazing!!

In the beginning, they make you hate her, then when they stick her in this dungeon, you feel sorry for her, and by the time it's all over, you're in love with her, at least I am!

 Elizabeth Montgomery as Samantha Stevens has been my favourite witch for years, but Adilind casts a very strong spell!!

You've gotta admit that they both still look great even under the most extreme circumstances!

 Other hot witches of note are Michelle Pfeiffer as Sukie Ridgemont in the 1987 "Witches Of Eastwick!"

 Sarah Jessica Parker as Sarah Sanders in the 1993 film "Hocus Pocus!"

 Melissa Joan Hart as "Sabrina, The Teenage Witch."

Angelina Jolie as Maleficent in a 2014 movie I've yet to see!

And let's not forget the 2016 feature with Samantha Robinson as Elaine in "The Love Witch!"
 Hubba, Hubba!

Other notable witches we've discussed in these pages before are:

Luscious Libby Hall in The Larry Buchanan film, "The Naked Witch!"

 The always alluring Allison Hayes as Livia and The Witch in "The Undead!

The adorable Maria Perschy as Mariana in the 1967 Sid Pink romp "A Witch Without A Broom!"

Creepy but pretty Yvette Rees as Vanessa Whitlock in "Witchcraft!"

 And......Margaret Johnston as Flora Carr in "Burn Witch Burn!" 
Some people feel blessed, but I just feel bewitched!!


  1. Thanks for your sharing, your information is very interesting.

  2. THE LOVE WITCH is a fantastic-looking film of recent years that I'll get someday...when the price comes down. It looks amazing, a bit like a '60s beach movie.

  3. I just watched The Love Witch and thought it was great. Best "new" movie I've seen for a couple years.

    Also, I'd add Allison Hayes as Livia in The Undead.

  4. Here's a good story about Elizabeth Montgomery (my perfect woman!) from around 1990 when I lived in LA - Forry Ackerman's helper at the time, Lincoln Bond (not his real name) would come to the art store I worked at in Reseda, he would always be wearing a Famous Monsters t-shirt. Anyway, we got to talking and he ended coming over to my place a number of times and we'd talk about Forry, monsters, movie posters, etc. Lincoln was a very good looking professional magician also, and, he told me that he had actually dated Elizabeth a few years earlier... I was totally blown away, wow, how awesome was that!

    He told me that one time he hid in the hall and when Forry came around the corner, he jumped out and growled like the Frankenstein monster and scared the crap out of him!! Now, that's a really funny story!

  5. You know MDG, I just had to stop somewhere, but Allison should have been on the short list too. I think I'll add her now!

  6. Thinking about checking out the current DVD prices on THE LOVE WITCH, on eBay it starts at $22.29 and goes up to $39.00! She's hot, but I'll have to wait for it to dip under $10.

  7. Re: the hot and witchy Libby Hall in Larry Buchanan's THE NAKED WITCH, there's another film she starred in (under the name Libby Booth) that seems to be lost, titled BEAUTY IN THE CAVE. It stars two other Larry B. semi-regular actors, Max W. Anderson and Dale Berry.

  8. PPS: the BEAUTY IN THE CAVE trailer is an "easter egg" on the NAKED WITCH DVD, as I recall.

  9. Do you think Adalind and Samantha looks like bit same too .
