Friday, September 29, 2017

THE SAVAGE GIRL / Commonwealth Pictures - 1932

It's Friday once again, and, time to check out this story about African explorer Jim Franklin, he's hired by perpetual drunkard and eccentric millionaire Amos P. Stitch on a whim, to capture animals to stock a private zoo on his estate. On the way to Africa they pick up a London cabbie and his cab to drive Stitch on the safari, and in Africa they hire Alex Bernouth, a German jungle guide, and Oscar, a Harlemite who wants to get back to New York. Their expedition is observed by a white jungle girl who warns the animals against being captured and releases any animal they capture.

The movie stars Rochelle (voice of Bosko's girlfriend 'Honey' in a ton of cartoons) Hudson as the Savage Girl, Walter (THE MUMMY'S TOMB) Byron as Jim Franklin, Harry (334 acting credits!!) Myers as Amos P. Stitch, Adolph (REVOLT OF THE ZOMBIES) Milar as Erich Vernuth and Floyd (THE VAMPIRES'S GHOST) Shackelford as Oscar.

Amos B. Stitch is drunk on his ass and comes up with the idea of an African safari for him and his pal, Jim Franklin. He has the telephone operator do all the work of booking the voyage, since he's so out of it!

Great shot of the action as they're getting ready to start the voyage! Amos also hires a British cabbie to drive him around in Africa!

Once in Africa, Amos hires Oscar, from Harlem, to be his personal servant. Oscar is amazed at how Amos can get anything done since he's always drinking!

Then, Savage Girl becomes aware of an expedition which has located in her jungle domain, where she helps protect her animal friends that roam the area.

She notices that the intruders have built a cage to capture large animals. She ends up releasing a lion after is was caught in the cage. Love the shot of her blending in with the tree branches!

Jim and Erich decide to build a trap for the Savage Girl, and, it works perfectly!

They bring her back to their shack, then get in a fight because Erich wants the girl for himself!! Jim fires Erich as a result of his obsession.

Thing is, Savage Girl has a crush on Jim for defending her against Erich...

But, Erich goes out and hires some natives to capture Jim with the idea of killing him, paving the way for Erich to make Savage Girl his own!! But, there's a problem, Oscar runs to Amos and tells him what's about to happen. Amos and Oscar arrive in the taxi with guns blazing, the natives run like scared children, and, Jim is saved!

In the meantime, Erich is making his intentions clear to Savage Girl. Jim goes to the hut and confronts Erich yet again, this time though, it's a battle to the death!!

At one point, a gorilla (for Eegah!!) arrives to help out, Erich grabs his revolver and is ready to shoot Jim, when, the ape grabs Erich and deep sixes him and brings our jungle tale to an end!

Tune in tomorrow when we'll have more cool junk, just for y'all...


  1. Rochelle Hudson was a cutie! Sadly, it looks like her last film was David L. Hewitt's 1967 anthology film, GALLRY OF HORROR aka RETURN FROM THE PAST. ;(


  2. Thanks Pal, more cool junk!!

  3. Gorillas to the rescue one more time! We need to send some to the United Nations!!

  4. Heck, let's send Steve Bannon to the UN...he thinks, looks, and acts just like an ape!!
