Friday, May 27, 2016

The Origin of DWRAYGER DUNGEON / 2 Monster Dudes - 1964

Back in 1964 Eegah!! and I were both sophomores in high school, Famous Monsters was our moniker and so we decided to create our own little Monster Magazine. DWRAYGER is a combination of our last names, we printed out the pages on a freaking lo-tech ditto machine, making a limited run of about 20 copies of each page. There are 3 known copies still in existence, making them pretty rare collectibles...

I did a 2-color cover of CURSE OF THE DEMON, one of our favorite flicks. One note, we never got around to doing the Marvel Spider-Man feature, we dudded out there.

Here's our Monster Quiz, simple questions if you knew anything about monster movies. You will need to click on all the pages with text to easily be able to read them.

This is a generic Werewolf I created for page 3, there were tons of werewolves by 1964.

This is page one of our movie reviews, yeah, they're not real professional, but, we were comedians, not historians. You'll notice that both EEGAH! and FROM HELL IT CAME ended up on the list, pretty funny when you think about it.

More crappy movies, goofy reviews abound!

The last page of reviews ends with our little 2 minute 8mm movie we made one night, our review was spot on. Unfortunately, the movie is lost somewhere in Delano, CA.

My drawing of creepy old NOSFERATU as he creeps around somewhere in your house!

Here are our 'original' stories, stupid as Hell, but, fun to read...

My drawing of a generic Ghoul, love the word, ghoul.

Last page is a drawing of a Movie I saw at the Theater in 1957 with my neighbors, a great way to end the show. Check in again tomorrow when Eegah!! makes his splash.


  1. At least we had the cajones to admit our own movie was the worst of the bunch!

  2. I N S T A N T C L A S S I C ! ! !
    Thank you so much for this post guys!!! (I have some skeletons in the closet too but ain't got the guts to show'em ;D)

  3. Wow! What a wonderful post guys! This is just tremendous and it really shows how much you guys love this stuff. I am so thrilled that you shared this with us. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  4. Thanks guys, I cannot tell you how much fun we had back then, one time we dressed up as monsters and went into a liquor store and played the pinball machine while the drunks watched in wonder (there was a bar in the back room), Eegah!! was on the left flipper, me on the right. I'm telling you, freaking priceless fun!

  5. It wasn't a bar in the back room, it was a card room where they were playing poker! Putting myself in their place, I still can't imagine what those guys must have thought! We were extremely annoying, but harmless, and it sure was fun!

  6. One word... Superb! You guys are amazing and I really appreciate your making this available (even though you did bag two of my favourite movies in the list of worst ones).

    And that quiz... damn hard... you must have been a couple of right little freaks.

    Best regards,

    Paul from Oz

  7. Funny thing is, Paul, in retrospect, those 25 movies are now like our 25 favorites!

  8. Your "Curse of the Demon" picture looks like it was also inspired by that notorious "Six Foot Monster!" ad in most of the color comics (and I guess some of the magazines).

  9. Thanx Randy! A few years ago somebody left a comment that they thought we were just a couple of per-pubisic teens goofing on the internet! Obviously, just the opposite is true, and this post proves we're really just a couple of olde farts!

  10. This is great! The pictures remind me of those bike decals by Monte Monteverde.

  11. A very good read! Sounds like a great "Start" to things for your Dungeon. Have a Pleasant week.

  12. Thanks Doc - we will, although, it's going to be 108 degrees on Saturday, phew!

  13. unpleasant temps... stay cool... all we have is a fan...
