Wednesday, October 14, 2015

THE BOOGIE WOOGIEMAN - The Brian Sisters (1942)

Well, we're just about half way through the Countdown, and it just doesn't get much better than this!
This is actually the perfect Halloween song!
The funny thing is that when they sing it, they say "Boogie Woogie Boogie Man!"

There were actually five Brian Sisters, but only these three performed! I think that is Gwen in the middle, Betty on the left, and Doris on the right! Gwen passed away in 1990, Betty just left us this year, and Doris is still kicking!
For all things Brian, head on over to the Brian Sisters website! It's packed with information!

I found this video right here on YouTube! It's a little less than two minutes long!

The sisters sing the song and look generally scared!

It gets a little bit scarier when the jack-o-lanterns start flying around!

And the song ends with these cool witch silhouettes!

That's it kids, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! Come back on Saturday when I promise I've got something even scarier, if you can believe that!


  1. It's interesting that there were five but only three performed. That's a little like the Marx Brothers, where there were five but two of them dropped out along the way (one never got into the movies and the other one left the movies).

    Another very entertaining sister act from about the same time is the Ross Sisters. Believe it or not, they were both a musical act and a contortionist act.
