Monday, October 12, 2015

RE-ANIMATOR / Empire Pictures, Re-Animator Productions - 1985

Here's a super weirdie I saw when it came out, it's a H. P. Lovecraft story all about a medical student that becomes involved in a bizarre experiment in the science of reanimating the dead. What happens next is a rollie coaster ride of laffs blended with lots of splattered blood. BEYOND RE-ANIMATOR, BRIDE OF RE-ANIMATOR and FROM BEYOND are to follow...

I have a sound clip for your approval, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button located there by our dead head on a tray, NOW, Ralphie The Tarantula!.. Here's a little sample from... RE-ANIMATOR!

Jeffrey Combs plays medical student Herbert West, he has a fascination with the idea of bringing the dead back to life. Here is the serum he believes is the secret to re-animated life.

This is his little workshop of horrors, welcome to the eighties!!

Well, there are some pretty bad side affects but what the Hell, who doesn't like to watch people's heads explode!!

Herbert's nemesis is Dr. Hill, played by David Gale. Welp, Herbert whacks him in the head with a shovel, then goes on to decapitate him and put his head in a tray. Then, the horny old dude decides he needs a cute chick to slobber on!

Jeez, all I did was take a pill to quit smoking!!

I love this shot, wow!.. What really makes it cool is the position of his feets.

Herbert tries to fight this guy off but the damn thing just doesn't play fair!



  1. Just stumbled on this site. Amazing stuff. Then I searched for my favorite exotica artist and—despite spending ridiculous amounts on money on original-release LPs of his more well-known albums—I had no idea LES BAXTER scored so many horror movies!

    So, if you're there, please tell me more. I'm begging you to guide me through his work for William Castle, Mario Bava, and everyone in between. Let me know how to get in touch. Thanks!

  2. Hey Don! Yeah, Les has an awesome catalogue all right! Throw his name into our little search engine, and I think somewhere around 20 movie titles will come up. Unfortunately all the music has been removed, but we might be able to help out a big fan like yourself in some way!

  3. That'd be AMAZING. I spent several hours on the site last night combing through the archives for something, anything. Unfortunately, they've all been taken down.

    Like I said, I consider myself a Les superfan. I own ALMOST all of his released Capitol LPs and 10"s. (The 3x10" "The Savages" is a favorite, but I'm not sure anything can beat "Tamboo.") Then again, I own both mono and stereo first pressings of "Space Escapades" and "Jewels of the Sea" so choosing a number-one favorite is pretty much impossible.

    Anyway, I'm also a huge fan of mid-century horror movies by people like William Castle and Mario Bava, and I love Ennio Morricone and Stelvio Cipriani.

    So you can imagine how I felt digging through your site last night—I had no idea all of these superheroes of mine were in the same circle.

    Unfortunately, everything seems to be either out of print, crazy expensive, or never released. Where should I begin? (I should say that I do own Baxter's "Dunwich" OST—I thought it was the only horror soundtrack he made.) I'd love to hear his Bava "collaborations" or his… really, anything. Any help/guidance would be HUGELY appreciated. Thank you so much!

  4. Hey Johnny, Leave a comment with your email address and we won't publish it, so I'll be able to get back to you with some stuff.

  5. An all-time fave! You guys are getting gorier all the time!

  6. Well, if we want to continue, then we ain't got much choice!
