Friday, October 23, 2015

EEGAH!! & TABONGA! AT THE MOVIES 3 / The Early Sixties

Here's my last 'At The Movies' post for Halloween Countdown... I'll be doing a Super Special Sci-Fi Spectacular next Friday for Halloween Eve, so, I recommend you show up for that one. But, for now...

Oh, man, did we love this one, an exceptional movie in every way, great monsters (from outer space) and plenty of terrifying moments!

We enjoyed the Corman horror comedies, and, even though this one is a fairy panned flick nowadays, we loved the crap out of it. Naturally, we saw the full version with all the scenes deleted from most versions on DVD today.

We always enjoyed a journey into space, even if it was a Euro trip. The thing about the Euro movies was the odd looking people and locations.

This one was another Euro production with John Agar as part of the crew. Again, we saw the uncut version that included the crazy snow creature with spinning eyeballs. It blows my mind that the full version with that thing doesn't seem to exist anymore!!.. WTF!

And, here's one for Eegah!! Yep, we saw this one too, here's our hero trying to open a pickle jar! Be back tomorrow as we close in on Halloween!


  1. So many people disagree (including Roger Corman fans), but to me CREATURE FROM THE HAUNTED SEA is one of the most entertaining horror comedies ever.

  2. What DVD version of Creature from the Haunted Sea has the deleted scenes?

  3. Hi Robert - The original version we saw is 75 minutes long, the edited down version is 63 minutes - look for that difference when buying.. The internet probably has both versions to watch somewhere, U-TUBE etc.

  4. I'm pretty sure that it was the uncut 7th Planet on Netflix until fairly recently (I watched it about six months ago; couldn't help reliving the time when I first saw it in the 1960s in a ramshackle fleapit theatre at Cliftonville, an English seaside resort town.)

  5. I'm pretty sure I have CREATURE FROM THE HAUNTED SEA uncut, but I'd like to find a copy of it with clearer sound (the same with BUCKET OF BLOOD). Do some have better sound than others?

  6. Grant, there are lots of versions, I recommend checking out the IMAGE or Wade Williams versions. Whether they are the uncut versions or not I do not know, also, there is an inexpensive Corman comp that may have a clean version too, but, good luck..
