Monday, February 22, 2010

SINS OF THE FLESHAPOIDS - Bob Cowan - "Nuclear Nuckleheads" (1965)

Okay, you asked for it, so, in an effort to be fair and balanced, I won't tell you that "Sins Of The FLeshapoids" is really, in my final opinion, probably the worst sci-fi film ever made, but what I will tell you, is that "Sins OF The Fleshapoids" makes "Invasion Of The Star Creatures" look like "Forbidden Planet" on steroids x 13!!

Yeah, Yeah, I know, I'm sure this is somebody's favorite movie, but I'm not sure it's available in the hospital gift shop!

Somewhere there is a 16mm film screaming out in pain because of the loss of it's once worthy life, just like a live lobster about to be boiled!! Nice flower arrangement!!

The two 'robots' posed by the wall are The Fleshapoids! Now you know everything you need to know, cause that's the whole story!! Bob Cowan as Xar, is also credited as the music assembler, the weird tempo changes are his, not mine!!

Puffy The Fleshapoid has a moment! I ask you, should this even really be considered a movie??

Finally there is some action!! "This is not my beautiful house, this is not my beautiful wife!!!"

The end is the best part if there ever was a best part, a baby robot is born, oh, how freakin' cute, and the extra best part, the agonizing torture, the excruciating pain that is this movie, is over!!! Where was Andy when we need him??


  1. there's another film on this dvd that's more entertaining, it's B/W and has a blonde MILF getting attacked by a flying saucer, can't remember the name of it...

  2. Yes, that would be "The Craven Sluck" but enough is too much!!

  3. I first discovered this years ago after hearing John Waters wax eloquent on it. I tracked down a copy on VHS from eBay and loved the lurid melodrama of it all.

    Great stuff!

  4. Hey J,
    It's refreshing to read a comment with a different opinion without berating mine! Thanx!

  5. My opinion is the same as yours. Does that mean I can't berate it??

    This looks incredible! Man, the hits just keep on comin'...

  6. Will Zillagord come back before we vaporize completely? Only The Shadow knows!

  7. This is a great movie and it's available on YouTube!

    Here's the link to Part 1:

  8. BTW, did you know the entire film was shot in a single apartment over a period of several months?

  9. I love the Kuchar Brothers! Type in their name at YouTube if you want a good time!
