Friday, October 2, 2009

LES YEUX SANS VISAGE (Eyes Without A Face) - Maurice Jarre - "Christiane" (1960)

Prefect for all howls night and arguably one of the creepier movies ever made about a character in a mask, including all the versions of "Phantom Of The Opera" and "The Mask" itself, is "Eyes Without A Face!" No, we're not talking anything even closely associated to "Rebel Yell" here, but what we are talking about is a film you should see, and see before the final millennium, if you get the chance.

The cockamamie, trifling, cloying and annoying theme music composed by Maurice Jarre, the father of 'Oxygene Man' Jean-Michel Jarre, gives the listener no clue to the horror lying within!!

For what we have here is Alida Valli, as Louise disposing of a body! It's hard to tell in this film, but Alida was quite stunning when she let her hair down!

It's another interpretation of the age old fairy tale about the good Docteur Génessier, portrayed by Pierre Brasseur, gone bad because he caused his own daughter's horrible disfigurement in an automobile accident!

The demure Edith Scob as Christiane Génessier is forced to wear this mask while the bugs are worked out of the plan being used to find her a new face, I.E. killing young women and peeling off their faces and grafting them onto what's left of hers, and then disposing of the useless bodies!!

Once in a while you just have to peek, too bad this gal worke up too early!! Most of them never knew what happened, and never had to see the hidden horror known as Christiane!!

Time to go to work! Docteur Génessier is such a two-faced bastard, why didn't he just give Christiane one of his!!

Sacrebleu!! Another failure, and another body hits the mausoleum floor!!

Christiane breaks down at the dinner table, the graft is not taking!!

Sure Doc!! You can count on that!

I wasn't really looking for a wave this permanent!! I think I'll just leave my eyes open if that's okay with you!!

Christiane finally has enough, and just can't take it no more!!

Time to go trick or treating!!

Sorry if you don't speak French of don't like reading sub-titles, cut loose, go crazy and take a chance, you just might find out that it will be worth your time, and trust me, all those sound effects will make sense to you after you've watched the film!


  1. hey, a long time ago i wrote lyrics for the title song!-

    "i will steal your face and never, ever, ever give it baaaaack,

    put it on my daughter's skull and now it's kinda turnin' blaaaaack!"

    try it, it's not bad!

  2. Great site, love all you have here. Spent my entire Saturday morning going through this gold.
    Yours in the here after,
    Ormon Grimsby

  3. Thank you Ormon, we appreciate your comment, glad you enjoyed the content!!

  4. lawdy!..I'ze without a face Miss Scarlet!
