Monday, October 29, 2007

IM STAHLNETZ DES DR. MABUSE (The Return Of Dr. Mabuse) - Peter Sandloff - "2 or 3 Scenes" (1961)

These German "Dr. Mabuse" films have been going on since 1922, & it took 39 years to get around to the "Return Of." Here's some swingin' background music from a couple of scenes that I swear to you, sound so much like "The Firesign Theatre" that it's incredible! "What kind of joke is this, Ross" etc...., you'll see, or hear, if you know what I'm talking about, you'll get it! Dr. Mabuse, 100% great stuff, find it when & where you can!! 
What kind of a joke is this? Here's a short bit with the player piano that was playing in the background of a telephone conversation leading to the discovery of the suspect's whereabouts. 

1 comment:

  1. Again, a class act that you can show to anybody without fear of "camp" accusations.
