Monday, October 29, 2007

DIE 1000 AUGEN DES DR. MABUSE (The 1,000 Eyes Of Dr Mabuse) - Gerhard Becker/Bert Grund - "Main Theme" (1960)

Fritz Lang, who's directorial debut went all the way back to 1919 with "Halbblut" or "Half-Caste, went on to do a "Dr. Mabuse" film in 1922, long before he did "Metropolis" in 1927, and so, so much more. "The 1000 Eyes Of Dr. Mabuse" in 1960 was his final film! Can we have a standing ovation, please?? You can actually watch this movie for free at, along with a bunch of other cool junk! For all you "Dr. Mabuse" novices, it's a great place to start!

1000 Eyes

1 comment:

  1. This is a great, classy film -- if a rather minor way to end Fritz Lang's momentous directoral career.
