Monday, September 12, 2022

SNAKE BAIT / 13 O'Clock Tales - 2002

In 2002, after we produced our movie THE CREEP, we did this short just for the Hell of it. It's a fun little movie all about what can happen when you play around with venomous snakes...

Well, here's an ad running in the classified section of the local newspaper, the bait used in the story, it's pretty straight forward, you can make BIG money!

Our pal Matt is answering the ad, he parks his van and walks toward the house with that address.

Matt goes to the door but a small sign says to go around back. to the garage.

Matt knocks on the garage door only to have a creepy hillbilly answer the door. He asks Matt what he's doing there...

Matt tells him that he's answering the ad in the paper, and he gets invited in.

After Matt has to swear up and down that he loves snakes, the creepy guy, Timmie, forces Matt to have a drink of his homemade liquor, you know, to celebrate him getting the job.

Timmie is delighted with his little plan to get Matt drunk on his ass...

Then, Timmie has his brother Kiwi come in and meet Matt, who's very drunk at this point.

Matt's vision is blurred but he can make out that something's very weird with Kiwi's left hand! What is that thing?!

And, Timmie's right hand looks really weird too!!

Timmie's right hand is a freaking snake head, and it starts biting Matt all over, even in the face!

Kiwi follows suit, with glee!

Biting snake heads are flying everywhere...

Matt is in a state of paralysis and has to just take the bites.

Finally, Matt receives his last bite...

The stage is now set, it's time for Matt's marriage to Timmie and Kiwi's sister Hissie, let the ceremony begin, start the wedding music!

Hissie comes out of the shadows to meet her new husband, Matt... You see, Hissis has a snake head instead of a hand, she's a special gal indeed!

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