Friday, September 9, 2022

MILL OF STONE WOMEN / The Trailer - 1960

U know, movie trailers have a tale to tell, this time it's a particularly mean and nasty British film that Eegah!! and I saw in 1960 when we were a measly 12 years old. Eegah!! has told me that this movie really got to him. And kids should not have been allowed to see it!

Wow, windmills always look fantastic at night. Cool, love those windmills!

Mills always look chiller with those moody dark shadows everywhere.

Whoa! that's a creepy scene with a hanged woman floating along on a hook.

Yes, it's Mill Of The Stone Women with a skull in the background.

The story is also about a mad sculptor and his deranged sculptures.

Oh yeah, and there's the mad doctor who collects beautiful women who end up dead!

Seems like the sculptor just may be the guilty party...

Hey, 4 P's in a row! Shame on you Parade Pictures!!

Dead floating people coming towards you is always a shocker, like the witch in HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL

Yeah, blood always looks better in Technicolor!

This poor victim says it all...

MILL OF THE STONE WOMEN! There you go, a trailer's tale in Exciting Technicolor. See you tomorrow for more from The Dungeon Dudes!!

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