Monday, September 26, 2022

LOST IN SPACE / "The Hungry Sea" - 1965

The clock on the Dungeon wall sez it's time for an adventure in space with our good friends, the Robinsons, Major West, Dr. Smith and their robot pal.

The Robinsons and Major West are out exploring the planet they're on and things are getting crazy. The temperature is dropping like a stone, and it's like -150 degrees. Dr. Smith is arguing with the robot on its analysis of the drop in temperature, and is bad mouthing the Robinsons to boot. He's very aloof in this one with little regards for his crew mates.

It's freezing cold, and their rover must cross a frozen sea to get to their destination...

They get across the ice okay. but the temperature is now on the rise and they have to remove their winter gear, it's getting hot now.

After Dr. Smith is unable to get a message to the Robinsons about the weird orbit of the planet they're on, he sends the robot out to locate the family and give them the unsettling info.

The Robinsons and Major West are having dinner when...

The robot shows up, and not trusting anything Dr. Smith has to say, or what info the robot has brought them, Don fries the robot's circuits with his ray gun! Bad move. Smith and West are real dicks in this episode, and John is at odds with the major, big time.

Even though the robot is out of commission, John is able to get a read out about the orbit of the planet, an elongated orbit like a comet, which explains the extreme changes in temperature.

It's getting hotter, and John says they have no choice but to put up heat shields to protect themselves from the scorching heat when they pass by the planet's sun!

They all cover up with more heat shields as the sun passes by...

I mean, it's HOT AS HELL!

After the worst is over, the crew barely survive the ordeal. The top shields are burned to a crisp but luckily they took the brunt of the extreme heat.

They have to get back to the ship but the ice is now water and they have to battle a storm and a giant whirlpool to get through to the other side.

The radar device has malfunctioned so Don goes out to fix it in the storm. He fixes it but falls off into the water. John tries to rescue Don but he cannot find him. Luckily, Don was barely able to hang on and he gets back inside the rover to everyone's delight.

The crew heads back to the ship and all is okay after locating a spot on the planet that is safe for them to live.

Back at the ship, the robot plays "There No Place Like Home" as Dr. Smith sadly sings along, an interesting end to the madness.

But wouldn't you know it, there is a missile headed right for them, if you believe the radar screen, looks like music notes to me.

And to find out what happens next, you'll have to wait a whole week to find out what's going on with the Lost In Space gang!


  1. IIRC, this one was made from the movie length pilot (hence Smith and the Robot's absence/incapacitation in the episode). Not sure how terribly science based it is, but it does make for a good episode!

  2. I'm with you on the early LIS episodes, Randall! Bill Mumy said in a recent interview that the show had something like 15 "good" episodes, and I'd have to add that they were all in the first season!

    As an adult, I don't have as much patience with Dr. Smith's antics, but I've grown to appreciate the "fun factor" of his hijinks...most of the time anyway!

    Most of my favorite tv shows in the 1960s were on CBS, because my little town of Steubenville, Ohio had a CBS affiliate as our one and only tv station. (We could pull in a few other stations from surrounding cities, but the signals were weak and barely watchable, even with a fancy roof antenna!

    The two semi-nearby stations were in Wheeling, WV and Pittsburgh, PA, but both stations were NBC affiliates, so that I occasionally got to watch the original Star Trek episodes (through the "snowy" reception) but ABC had one station in Pittsburgh, PA that I tried (usually in vain) to watch, in order to catch a snowy/blurry episode of Outer Limits Time Tunnel, Batman, or Green Hornet. But most of our family's tv watching was limited to that local CBS affiliate.

    Enough of my nostalgic nonsense! ;)

