Wednesday, July 13, 2022

THE NEW ADVENTURES OF GUMBY - "The Abominable Dough Man" (1988)

This week's Weird Wednesday feature is an episode of "The New Adventures Of Gumby," and was titled "The Abominable Dough Man."

In the 80's, Gumby is just chillin' while reading a book!

He's got a Sister now named Minga, and she's busy baking a loaf of bread!

While the bread rises, Minga sits down to watch some television.

The bread has to rise for thirty minutes.

Uh, Oh! Minga has fallen asleep.

While being ignored, the bread starts rising too much. It might seem farcical, but I had a similar thing happen to my sourdough starter one night!

Now this is getting out of control!

Gumby's Mom flips her lid when she sees the action and her eyes pop out!

Gumby's Dad is a fireman, and is called for help immediately!

The dough has now risen to monstrous size and is quickly turning into a giant dough boy!

Just the sight of the dough man makes "words get stuck in my throat!" Where's Kipp Hamilton when we need her?

Poor Minga, she's really scared as she looks up in horror!

Dough Man channels his inner King Kong, and Minga has the role of Fay Wray.

The firetruck shoots a tankful of water at the Dough Man, but the truck ran out of water before much damage could be done. It did melt off one of his hands, but he regenerated it immediately!

The call goes out to Gumby and his pals who come to the rescue.

Dough Man really scares this family!

Is there no way to stop this destructive lumbering lummox?
Ashes to ashes, dough to dough, make a rue, add enough liquid, and the big bad monster is nothing more than pancake batter!
Oh, Heck! It was just a bad dream!!

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